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Peter C

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Everything posted by Peter C

  1. Problem solved! Thanks to Star Tekh. This is what I did:- Flashed bios to 1802 update. Reinstalled original Asus (Intel) chipset drivers. CbB works completely normally as does everything else. So it seems to have been a chipset driver issue. Many thanks everyone for your input.
  2. Well in the interests of trying to get to the bottom of this I'll try it again and this time pay attention to the chipset driver - although I thought I had updated that too. (Did I say I wasn't going to do this ever again?). And if CbB repeats its behaviour I'll try and get a screencapture of the lightning fast popu-ups as Neil suggests. StarTekh, thanks for the input and I'll let everyone know what happens. I'm trying to get a song finished as well.......
  3. Well I've taken the line of least resistance and rolled back the bios to the previous version and - session drummer roll please - CbB is now back to normal. I am never updating the bios ever again.
  4. Okay, this is now getting technical - how do I go about that?
  5. Yep, did all that. I'm watching for other issues but so far everything - soft synths, midi, audio, tracking etc all working fine in Platinum.
  6. Yes, well, possibly you are correct. However as everything else is working normally I'll probably revert to Sonar Platinum.
  7. ......like always keep drivers and os and bios updated to the latest versions? So I updated my bios yesterday (Asus Prime 370A board with i7 8700 cpu, 32gb ram, 4 x pcie nvme hard drives plus assorted sata ssds, using Asus integrated graphics, running Windows 10). And CbB is now unusable. Terribly slow opening, seconds delay responding to input - and throwing up small windows pop-ups which flash on and off so quickly I can't read what they say. Now the really interesting thing is that Sonar Platinum still works fine and another well-known programme beginning with C and ending with e also works normally. All the usual drivers are visible and working normally in these two progs. I thought a reinstall of CbB would do it but, no, still the same issue after doing that. And I can't even get at the Preferences menu to try to find out what may or may not be going on. I guess I could roll back the bios to the previous version.......
  8. Agreed. There is such a thing as over-producing using Melodyne. I hold my hands up - guilty as charged. Melodyne will not make an iffy vocal into a good vocal (will it?). What I think the multitrack version does brilliantly is help tighten up timing. Being able to see the blobs for each track and adjust them is great. But the tuning needs real care and attention and I always tend to overdo it before either going back to the original or re-record the take. Interestingly I am using v. 4.2 and because of the way I work with it haven't come upon any real problems other than the algorithm detection being inconsistent.
  9. Well reading this thread has prompted me to sort out my screensets. Due to time and work pressures I just hadn't used them and always wondered why when I hit, e.g. M for Mixing Console it would always come up in a smallish window which then needs resizing. I now know that screensets remember the sizes of things like the mixer, prv, score (staff) and so on. Thank you forum. Looked at and learned about lenses and I now understand what they are intended for but I for me personally I haven't a use fopr them and will stick with screensets on their own.
  10. Yes, in the spirit of 'If it can go wrong it will go wrong' the only one I would quibble with is S - split clips at now time. It's terribly easy to hit D for MultiDock, finger slips, and when I next look at the screen I wonder what on earth has gone on. I always like single key shortcuts to be non-destructive to avoid destruction.
  11. It would aid workflow if there were keyboard shortcuts for lenses.
  12. Try highlighting the instrument you want to play in Play? And then select that midi track in Cakewalk?
  13. Many thanks, very good of you - again! Will check this out.
  14. Don't know if this will be of any use to anybody.......not even sure how useful it is for me......attached are two .xls files. The first contains the Cakewalk keystroke codes as seen when opening a key bindings file in a text editor (.kbn). The second contains all the Cakewalk command numbers (again as seen after the = sign in .kbn files) and their actions. For me, this allows me to include a number of extra key binding commands that otherwise I wouldn't have known about. I have been able to find 932 commands which are listed in the file. There appear to be 379 Global commands shown in the Cakewalk editor along with an extra 539 under other headings, e.g. Console View, Step Sequencer, etc. However some of these 539 are duplicated under Global. I've just not had enough time to find out all those which are duplicated, so the structure in the commands file may be a bit haphazard, I tried to code which commands belonged only in which views. It is possible that there are more which I haven't found. Certainly there appear more on the various lists which forum members were good enough to send my way. Another point to note is I have listed unused numbers as 'unassigned' whether or not they are actually reserved or not assigned. Errors and ommissions are welcome as are howls of anguish. Cakewalk Key Codes Check-02.xls Cakewalk Keyboard Actions.xls
  15. The more I delve into this the more I learn.....and the longer this little project will take. Yes, I see from one of msm's links that the intention was to deprecate as required and add new commands at the end. I am also interested in the Sonar Default Key Assignments file (and also Vegas & Digital Performer) this appears (usually at the top of Global Bindings):- [Bindings] Version=201 Shift=192 LBType=0 Whereas [Bindings] Version=201 Shift=0 LBType=0 appears in the Samplitude, PT, Nuendo, Logic, and Cubase SXKey Assignments file. Not being much of a tech I don't know what the difference is. And I can see no apparent difference in the way CbB handles the commands in the files.
  16. Ha! Lost in translation ? I completely misunderstood.
  17. That's embarrassing, I haven't done anything yet. Are you sure it's 2004? 1250 seems the highest command number and quite a few numbers are not assigned. Plus there seem to be some duplications.
  18. Yes that's what's taking time but I'm getting there. Thanks for the info. I can check against that list as you suggest.
  19. Oh I didn't know that. Thanks. But it is possible in a text editor if you know the numbers for the actions. Which has taken me ages. I can check against the ACT list. I'm not posting the file yet because it needs checking through.
  20. Okay, at the risk of complicating matters........ Like Astra-los I got frustrated with Cakewalk's default key bindings for various reasons which I won't bore you with now. You may have noticed one or two posts from me about this. And the point about backwards compatability was made which I do accept. However for my own personal use I want to create key bindings which better aid my personal workflow. So I have started to analyse the keystroke codes and all (and I mean all) of Cakewalk's actions which can be assigned to keystrokes. Guess what - there are some hidden actions which can be assigned. Not a huge number, but one example is 'Remove Region FX Clip' which I don't think appears in the list in the key bindings menu. I was going to wait until I had finished all this before posting but my aim is to produce a comprehensive list of all keystroke codes, and a second list of all Cakewalk actions to enable me to modify an existing key binding file and include one or two hidden actions. I can post these when done. To see what I mean just open one of the key binding files in appdata/Cakewalk Core in a text editor and you'll get the idea.
  21. Of course, couldn't see the wood (groups) for the trees (tracks). Pretty bl.....ng obvious really. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Should be able to complete setup tomorrow.
  22. Still working at template setups and I've arrived at Addictive Drums. To quote from an old forum thread - Aaaagh! http://forum.cakewalk.com/AD2-drum-map-ARRGH-m3598948.aspx When I have used AD in the past it's always been to a tight deadline and I made do with whatever was quick. Now I want to set it up 'properly' with correct drum map and create custom templates with my other soft & external synths. Rout each midi track into AD softsynth tracks. I'm kind of three-quarters of the way there but... Still can't get drum map to show except right-clicking on keyboard (which it defaults to automatically) and select rename notes (AD Drums). So that works. But select the same midi clip again and it has defaulted back to keyboard view (that's as in piano roll view). I have tried creating an AD .ins file and importing it into instrument definitions but that doesn't seem to help either. And am I right that AD only allows either master out for individual instruments in the kit or master and and individual out.....or individual out? There seems no way to group, e.g. toms 1, 2, 3, 4, each has its separate output. Apologies if this is hijacking the original thread.
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