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Sander Verstraten

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Everything posted by Sander Verstraten

  1. I'm still waiting for a Syntronik Jordan Rudess expansion pack. It probably will be released together with the AmpliTube John Petrucci
  2. Do you have any rough time lines? Something which will drop next year?
  3. Too bad you can't buy the iOS collections as part of the GB...
  4. With about 20 day for the final 2k, what will happen if we reach 27k? Will everyone get the free MIDI keyboard?
  5. Any advice which of, the Custom Shop amps is worth getting?
  6. Seems they also added the rest of the Amplitube Custom Shop Models that aren't in any other bundle except Amplitube MAX
  7. Yeah routing seems pretty painless in Cubase, Studio One and Bitwig too. Just stupid that it doesn't just start without the midi event
  8. Fun to use. But I really miss a way to go back and forth between generated patterns. Unless I'm missing something...
  9. Wasn't that the Tiny Terror, which they have a way not too long ago?
  10. You can get a demo from the WAProduction website https://www.waproduction.com/plugins/view/instacomposer With these limitations:
  11. It's Friday, could be they won't change the freebie until Monday.
  12. And part of the Slate Everything Bundle.
  13. Fot Bitwig Owners with a current update plan: 25% off Coupon in the U-HE Webstore
  14. I think according to Peter they use EST. So it would be 00:00 EST on October 1st so still about 37 hours?
  15. For me 'restore my purchases' in the Custom Shop did the trick for all at once
  16. Be sure to use it quickly, I foresee 2 refreshes coming up before the mega-sale is over...
  17. too bad AudioPluginDeals' freebie doesn't count againt the GB... hehe
  18. Not unless Peter quotes lyrics of the full Beatles Catalogue
  19. Anyone can recommend any between RapidComposer, Hexachords Orb and MixedInKey Captain Plugins?
  20. All the people receiving their Arc 3 with mic set today?
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