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Melodyne "Caution" - anyone know what this means?
noynekker replied to Ludwig Bouwer's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Ludwig . . . obviously, something you edited in a previous session goes against the rules of the programming . . . interesting that they warn you about the knowledge of the problem, that certainly shows a high level of programming integrity, to even put that pop up in there. I've used Melodyne for many years and have never seen this message. Please report back here on any findings from Celemony support, I've always found their support to be very responsive. -
"Tongue Depressor Symphony" (with video) - mix ideas??
noynekker replied to PhonoBrainer's topic in Songs
Well Tom . . . at first, I listened to just the music on my iPhone and found it very introspective, lots of depth, and your piano playing always shines through it all, especially in the last part of this . . . Then, I listened on larger speakers while watching the video, and found the comedy and the humanity very refreshing . . . the aah vocal pads take on a new meaning visually. The fire scene in the middle reminded me that there is always a tragedy occurring somewhere . . . putting it all in perspective . . . then back to the humanity, and you introduce animals more prominently which makes it more global than just human. I think you have a lot to say, and I like the way you say it. For mixing, I think if the bottom end became more prominent at the apex of this piece it would soar even higher (on larger speakers . . . or in the cinema!) . . . as always, WTF will he come up with next ? -
Such a brilliant song and recording, kudos to all involved with this, because it really comes across as a total team effort . . . Aimee's vocals are superb. I like that it is upbeat, yet somewhat dark (lyrically) all at the same time. The casting of the guitar and the violin add such depth to the overall idea, well arranged I think. It's such an emotional journey as presented, most inspiring. Thank you.
Very cool tune . . . reminds me a lot of a band called "The Band" with Levon Helm on vocals. Also, really appreciated the interesting chord progressions. Very professional sound, and mix . . . goin' back around now for another listen . . . thanks for posting this.
Hi, and thanks for the comments @David Sprouse . . . thanks, means a lot to a songwriter @ DeeringAmps . . . thanking you . . . if life were just an illusion, we might all be a bit deluded, right ?
. . . just a simple song to stir the debate, regarding if there's anything really there when we look deep inside ourselves . . . oh, and any mixing tips and comments are always welcome :0
"Boy meets girl. Girl likes to dance! Then Grandpa warns them about dictatorship." . . . absolutely hilarious . . . so well recorded and thought out. If this is "revisited" . . . well, I never heard the original, so it all sounds just new and fresh to me, with that old time analog bass thing of course. Is there a DX7 sound in there, or is that just me showing my age ? Now . . . I'm from Canada, should the subject matter have some significance I don't know about ? Anyways Tom, why aren't you famous with great stuff like this . . . maybe you are and I just don't know about it. The mix is top shelf, in my opinion, as per all your stuff.
Nicely done . . . yes, bittersweet lyrics, and those silent breaks in the 3rd verse are effective. (Now I want to try that, lol) I especially like the mellow lead guitar sound which suits the piece very well. The vocals are well recorded, and I like how they are wide in the mix, you never lose them as a listener. Also, from a songwriting point of view, you could easily have just faded out on a chorus . . . but you changed it up with some unanticipated interest . . . enough, that I knew it was ending, but a touch of unpredictable, nice.
batsbrew . . . it's a beauty, I enjoyed the guitar work and vocals on this very much.
Yes a great listen on a Friday night, amazing , thank you . . . I had to laugh when JohnBee58 and David Sprouse said Boz Scaggs, because it is so reminiscent of that sound, but never thought it until it was mentioned . . . so much talent in the guitar work in all your songs I've heard here.
Great to know , thanks Hidden Symmetry !
Hi everyone . . . you may recall I posted this song earlier this month, and was having trouble with the Hi Hat sitting in the mix right, well, thanks to some great suggestions here I've upload a new mix with a totally redone Hi Hat, different hat, panned closer to center, some open hat additions, no breaks between sections, and a few other mix tweaks. Thanks to all who listened and commented, it is greatly appreciated.
Hidden Symmetry . . . some very beautiful things here, jazzy and worldly, lots of spicy guitar work ! I haven't spent much time looking at BandLab's music posting site, but I like the link you've sent, a little more flexible than some of the other music posting sites ? Albums feature . . . hmmm
Yes ! . . . Allan, really liked this listen . . and I totally relate to the subject content, and I also hear some Beatles in there, many of us here grew up listening to that.
Ok freddy j . . . 2 people "inspired" . . . thanks you so very much, it really helps me to keep doing this.
I'm so glad the positive idea translated.
Paul, thank you for saying that, it means a lot to me.
Thank you Old Joad . . . yes, I'm a tenor, but those high notes are getting harder, if you know what I mean.
Thanks DeeringAmps, good to know, that's what I was hoping . . . on my small speakers it sounds OK, in my "car" listen and studio speakers the Hi Hat seems way too much. I'm tempted to put some more room sound on the Hi Hat, but something tells me that's a good way to wreck a mix. Glad you liked the song.
Hey this is nicely done ! I kind of picture this as a Rock Musical Theater piece with all the different voices swirling about . . . also because the Ken Nilsen lead vocals are so theatric. Love the melodic electric guitar solo, and all the orchestral sounds throughout.
I was thinking about how so much of my stuff is about the struggle, so wanted to write something more positive. On a mixing note . . . I'm struggling to find the right level for the Hi Hat on this one. If I bury it in the mix too much, the overall feel doesn't work as well, If I have it too prominent, it takes over everything, doesn't sound natural . . . maybe it should be shaker or tambourine, something softer ? Anyways, give a listen, the comments here are always helpful.
Hi Rick . . . what sound card / audio interface are you using . . . or, are you using just the mother board default on board audio ? Sounds like windows is finding the audio, but Cakewalk is not. Can you define what " I output to a surround sound system" actually is regarding the sound source ?
I just woke up and opened my project and all audios were gone
noynekker replied to Kian's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Were you using per project Cakewalk project folders ? If so, when you saved it, they would be in a sub-folder called Audio. If you weren't using per project folders, they would be in a root folder (of your install) called Audio. Try searching for "Audio" folders on your drives . . . maybe you'll find them and be able to reload them . . . best of luck ! Definitely more information required to assist further. -
Hey thank you everyone for having a listen, and posting some more such positive comments ! I always treasure comments from fellow musicians. Originally, I threw this out as a question about how the mix sounds ? With all the comments here, I learned to leave it alone . . . maybe even use it as a reference track, since many of my other recordings are questionable. (More of a songwriter than an audio engineer) Also, I have to mention my songwriting partner on this project, my good friend Daniel. Maybe many of you have had that experience playing music with someone where it just flows so easily, and the results don't have to be mangled by technology too much. Just wanted to give Daniel some credit for helping make this even possible.
I like this one Jesse . . . I get a real downtown gritty feeling from it, and a kind of an experimental jazz rock experience. Recording wise there are some interesting effects and allusions. Lyrically . . . well it's interesting to me that it conveys a certain feeling, but never really states what it is really actually about. Leaves it up to the listener's interpretation, just like good jazz should do.