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Everything posted by noynekker

  1. @Bajan Blue That's a very helpful mix comment Nigel, so I'm still working the mix idea . . . I wrote it, then mixed it too many different ways, probably got lost along the way, hope to fix it soon, thanks for your valuable input !
  2. Steve, your musicality always wins me over, some interesting chord change ups, super mix, amazing solo . . . enjoyed the listen ! "My heart is locked you hold the key", nice . . .
  3. noynekker


    Hey Jerry . . . very effective mix of synth and symphonic, well done ! (Not a fan of the opera vocals, but it kind of works in this format for me, with the video in back)
  4. Yes, big sounding mix . . . well done, enjoyed this, and the street busker in the video . . . some excellent vocal tracks here !
  5. Oh I love the way this sounds ! Just sings out to eardrums in a very pleasant way. I heard this before, and glad to see you're still refining the mix, great stuff Gary.
  6. noynekker


    Another well done Nigel ! You've really got the vocal clarity in this mix, overall sounds excellent on my monitors, and I'm liking the song idea very much !
  7. Hi folks . . . Here's another new one I've been mixing for the last while . . . some more on my familiar theme about my ugly long commute, who knew it would be such inspiration for songwriting ? Let me know how it translates, on your systems, and your brains . . . Bruce
  8. @Noel Borthwick . . . Thanks so much for taking the time to look into it deeper Noel ! Always appreciate your hands on input here on the forum, and glad I could report it here. I never noticed it until I started working on a new project, as you mention. I tried your workaround, and yes . . . if I drag out a midi note and play the transport, the groove editor in BFD3 does indeed work as expected. Looking forward to the fix😁
  9. Appreciate the suggestion, it was unchecked, just gave it a try checked, but no affect . . .
  10. 44.1k . . . 24 bit depth . . . buffer size 2048 . . . Steinberg USB ASIO UR22mkII . . . it's pure ASIO . . . if I turn the buffer size down to 128, it just makes more like a feedback frequency, instead of the motorboating This can be easily reproduced starting a blank project, adding only the BFD3 plugin As mentioned, same steps in a blank CbB project . . . works as expected
  11. @Promidi . . . thanks for your reply sir . . . I've tried assigning to specific midi channels, midi controllers, I've tried turning off BFD send midi out, investigated splitting the instrument track, bypassing my keyboard controller, and I've spent many hours comparing the preferences settings, trying to find out why it works in CbB, but not in Sonar, same VSTi, scans in the same location, I'm just stumped,
  12. I've tried toggling everything on and off in Sonar, inputs and outputs. BFD has a "send midi out" button, but toggling that makes no difference. You can drag a groove into Sonar, and it does playback . . . but the groove audition no longer works inside BFD. If this were a real synth, what would be the "local off" button ? So, maybe this is audio feedback instead of midi feedback ?
  13. Thanks Noel . . . yes BFD works fine as far as playback . . . the groove editor is built into the plugin, as you mention. I'll look into "plug-in load balancing" Sounds like a kind of midi feedback on itself, the way it machine guns, and you have to hit the panic button to stop it. It's just curious that the groove editor still works OK in CbB . . . so, I assume something changed along the way that would affect this. I just now tried turning off "plugin load balancing", but it makes no difference to the issue.
  14. I'm getting serious midi motorboating issue when using BFD3 Groove Editor. I've been using this for a long time, and have never had this problem, until this latest Sonar update. I know in these latest iterations of Sonar there have been some adjustments to the audio engine and some midi settings . . . wonder what change could be causing this ? Does not occur when running BFD2 standalone version Does not occur when I run BFD3 in Cakewalk by BandLab Does not occur in my other DAW Existing BFD3 drum midi tracks playback correctly, but you can't audition grooves to add anymore. I've tried many different settings in Preferences, (BFD3 and Sonar) played with Midi buffers . . . but just can't get rid of the motorboating . . . any help would be appreciated.
  15. noynekker

    Simple man

    Hi Paul . . . you still got that rock'n'roll attitude in your lyrics, and the vocals and guitars totally deliver. Very much enjoyed !, reminder of my youth. This one also has a good feel overall, some nice rock drums complete with hard hitting tom fills, nicely done.
  16. What about the XSampler ? or, does no one use that ? Have any decades old issues been sorted? . . . the list is very extensive, maybe yours are in there.
  17. @mark skinner . . . those fingers speak a language beyond compare, and your recording is always impeccable, you meticulously get rid of the frequencies that don't belong, leaving a masterpiece in the end . . . always inspiring to listen to, and hear it develop.
  18. noynekker

    SoundCloud ??

    Hi Mark . . . yes, earlier today (on my iPhone) I noticed nobody's tracks were showing, for most of the mid day . . . but they're back now. I actually did an app update, and they reappeared, but not sure if that's what fixed it ?
  19. You can use Cakewalk by BandLab for free still, if you're referring to the new Cakewalk Sonar, yes, it is now a paid version . . . you should be able to finish your projects with the free version, as the files will be backwards compatible . . . do you have Cakewalk by BandLab installed at all ?
  20. Perhaps you could clarify the optimizations for MIDI playback . . . I've had my MIDI buffer size set to 500 msec for many years, which seems to work for my small size projects, though, I usually do audio exports in "real time" because there used to be missed notes when set too low . . . is this a kind of fix for that ? Is it now advisable or possible to run at a lower MIDI buffer size because of the changes you've made, or should I leave it the same ? (Seems you've just improved it for larger projects for playback, not necessarily for export ?)
  21. I don't have a contract beyond the end of the month, so when I see these discounts being offered that I cannot access, I just don't like the idea of it. I don't have endless funds, and I can't stay on monthly payments long term. I really want to stay on, there are some great new features, Cakewalk has always been my favourite DAW, by far, just not sustainable for me in the current model, especially at Canadian dollar pricing.
  22. I wasn't looking to debate economic principles, or marketing techniques . . . just a simple question and opinion, they are a company, there are clients, most companies would want to know how the clients feel, its good business practice.
  23. So, for a second time that I have noticed recently . . . there is a discounted price advertised for folks who who do not have a BandLab membership. I'd simply like to voice my displeasure about this, as one who is an existing BandLab member. Sure, we want to get more users onboard, I'm all for that . . . just want some pricing discount support thrown the way of existing, or even long term users of the software. At the very minimum, some communication about what's in store regarding that ? There's also some talk about simply cancelling your monthly membership, to be able to apply for the yearly discount . . . really ? . . . is this what Cakewalk intends for smart shoppers to take advantage of ? . . . because, when I click on the offer, it wants me to create a BandLab account . . . so, are we supposed to delete our existing BandLab account, in order to be eligible for the yearly discount . . . myself, and other smart shoppers may like to know . . .
  24. Lol, you make it sound like a contest, a drag race . . . let's see if we can blow it up ! In my humble comparisons between CbB and NuSonar, the new audio engine optimizations are just marginally better . . . I'll take it . . . especially for my well aged I7-3770 CPU, and wonder if many here just want their iZotope Ozone plugins to keep up with the times, without $$ upgrading CPU's and Cores. When I first read about this new feature of optimization, I kind of thought it was geared towards the newer computer systems, a few tweaks here and there to the startup INI file . . . poof ! I really like the improvement, but for me only a minimal improvement, until I do an upgrade I'm thinking . . .
  25. My understanding is for any new features, you'll need to buy the BandLab membership, which is new Sonar . . . ($$)
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