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Barry Seymour

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Everything posted by Barry Seymour

  1. I basically wrote this by plunking a few keys to get the basic rhythms down; I then transitioned to fleshing the parts out by clicking in the piano roll. Then I quantized it. I think I used my elbows at one point. ?
  2. Thanks, everyone, for the detailed feedback. I re-did the lead guitar as there was a ringing string in there that I didn't hear until I soloed the track. I boosted the bass a touch. https://soundcloud.com/barry-seymour/the-silence-of-snow-drifts-0328 As for the other remarks, I will digest and remix. Good stuff, thanks!
  3. No, this is good. Critical is what I want. So one of the strings is 'pinging' a bit too loudly? As for 'static,' what do you mean? It needs more movement? I'm playing the keyboard with my thumbs here, but I am getting better at editing the notes in the piano roll. Suggestions / clarification welcome. And thanks.
  4. It means a lot to me that the song moved you. That is, after all, the point! ? Thank you for saying that.
  5. I'm asking for real scrutiny on this one. It's quiet and contemplative; if there are any hiccups that distract, I need to know about them. My bassist friend Jack provided upright bass on this, both for the pizzicato bass and the solo. I am indebted to him. I've been working on it for a long time, I need some perspective. Thanks in advance for any / all guidance you can provide.
  6. My ears are rent-free, Lynn. ? Just as long as you don't borrow them for too long.
  7. I upped the bass, re-sung a few vocals and tinkered with the mix.
  8. I usually burn my MP3s at 192kbps - it's an acceptable compromise between size and quality.
  9. We used to DREAM of living in slurry tank!
  10. I suspect this goes to your more recent question about my 'microphone chain.' I always like a big u-shaped curve on my audio, especially my vocals - rich, full bass, crisp treble and then back off on the mids. By 'AM' I mean 'AM radio,' which as you know does not have the fidelity of FM. However, I get that 'lo-fi' is often a desired and appropriate choice - see the Black Keys - so all I can say is it's my personal preference.
  11. Thanks, Lynn! Not sure what you mean by the 'recording chain,' but I'll do my best... Electro-Voice ND 457 mike - a holdover from the Eighties and my all time favorite Mackie ProFX6 v3 mixer TDR Kotelnikov VST for mastering BREVERB 2 VST for, well, reverb I hope that tells you what you want to know.
  12. A totally fair point. After all all we have to offer are our opinions, mine was just that - only an opinion.
  13. www.barryseymour.com

  14. You need a singer who can sound like Forrest Gump, I'm your man! LOL.
  15. Chops up to heaven. Superb playing. Is this drum programming or analog drums? Brilliant stuff. A slightly low-fi sound to it - it might benefit from a slightly thinner sound for some tracks, but that's just me. Stellar!
  16. Dammit, where's the song?!?? I loved that bit. Brilliantly. flawlessly played, counterpoint everywhere, everything was played, mixed and EQ'ed so it was all clear. Brilliant. And then it ENDED. Crap! If this is the reprise, where the heck is the song? I wanna hear THAT! ? The only negative is I thought I heard a bit of lo-fi hiss, but that could've just been the background bayou sounds, I'm not sure. Brilliant piece of work. Give us the rest of it! ?
  17. Great, straightforward tune, but kind of an abrupt start - I heard an echo like a drum had been hit a fraction of a second before recording started. Would prefer a slightly clearer vocal sound; back off a bit from the mic, use EQ to thin it out a bit. The whole thing could use a little more 'air' - everything seems crowded together. EQ and pan the various instruments to get them more out of each others' way. Ditto for the vocals; pan the back ground voices to left and right so it sounds like there are three of you in a row. Make sure you fade to zero at the end of the song, too! I heard click track and room noises after the song ended.
  18. Great, fun, sloppy bar band sound! But the synth trumpet kinda breaks that mood. It was well played, but it sounded like a synth trumpet. The sound of the voice was a little too AM radio for my personal taste. (Although I dunno, maybe that's what you want. ) If it were me, I'd thin it out, sing a little further from the mic, eliminate some of the distortion. You wanna sound like you're singing in a sweaty, messy pub, but not necessarily through a crappy PA. ? Would love if it took longer to fade out; it ended too soon! I wanted more fun playing at the end! Great tune!
  19. Got a new one. This is quite a departure for me, although this is the sort of thing I used to sing a lot when I was younger. Informed by both my time in the Navy in the 80s and by modern technology today. Let me know what you think! Edit: It's released! https://soundcloud.com/barry-seymour/call-across-the-leagues
  20. Schweet! Stellar production, mixing and sound quality. And tighter than a ..... Well done!
  21. Barry Seymour


    Got a new one. Features lyrics by Barry Seymour and C. Aubrey McWatt. Bass by Jack Hill. Everything else by me. Constructive criticism welcome. EDIT: It's released. https://soundcloud.com/barry-seymour/masks
  22. No Joy. The bus tracks are still dry. I may end up having to apply effects to the other three BG vocal tracks...
  23. Hey everyone. Help with exporting? I'm trying to export a subset of audio tracks (Lead vocal and three BG vocal tracks) I recorded for someone else's project. The lead vocal track has effects applied directly; the BG vocal tracks are all routed to a bus where the effects are applied. The resulting lead vocal track has FX, but none of the BG vocals do. I want all tracks to have FX, even if those effects were applied in the bus and not the track I'd hate to have to apply effects to each vocal track separately just so I can export them. Ugh. Does anyone have any pointers? Thanks...
  24. Okay, I have yet ANOTHER 'final mix.' The fretless bass at the end took some finagling, but I think we finally have it where we want it. I also added some minor bits, including more acoustic guitar.; I also remixed a bit. I think this is ready, so let me know if any of you hear any last things to tweak. And thanks! www.barryseymour.com
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