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jack c.

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Everything posted by jack c.

  1. jack c.

    New Dawn

    wonderful sounds/job.boy what a voice!!!!!!!!jack c.
  2. jack c.

    I'm Going Away

    ok so what can i do to make it better?what did i do wrong.jack c.
  3. jack c.

    Isla de Vieques

    down in brasil love it.great job.i adore this type of music one of me huge influences!!!!!!11jack c.
  4. jack c.

    Bad To Be YOURS!

    i likes it.jack c.
  5. some real nice tones and song.jack c.try taking a small amount of highs off strings to make warmer.
  6. jack c.


    nice sounds orchestration.oh my way to short.jack c.
  7. this is radio/cd ready.nothing needs change.jack c.tell all your tracking/mixing/mastering process.
  8. do ya write this music down on paper or just wing it?jack c.totally original stuff.
  9. boy are ya rockin on this here song.bass is a tad out of a440.i like this song.jack c.
  10. could of---would of---should of.we all can see/hear/know everything.jack c.i'm blessed to give ya me insights ya can win the world that your voice and songs
  11. get another vst plugin baritone sax record midi again and blend both together.cool song.nice big band chords.jack c..
  12. simply marvelous!!!!!!!!your stuff is so complicated and complete.jack c.
  13. one of me favorite songs and ole hank!!!!!!!!nice all around superb job.jack .bring down guitar/pedal on their rides only a tad.
  14. arranging/chords/times are me forte and i have relative pitch(a real pain in me ears).i hear stuff most people don't have a clue about.now when it comes to mixing /mastering i'm only just learning how to see/hear that stuff!!!!!!! as i perceive this forum it's a safe place for all us to learn/hear/share and grow.i appreciate your comments rexred!!1jack c.
  15. jack c.

    Piano Four-Two

    beautiful.tad more hi's on arpeggios'.jack c.melody needs to be a tad higher.
  16. lovely nice job.jack c.a few less bass notes and bring up it's volume.1st verse or so try less instruments then bring in other instruments.
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