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Everything posted by jerrydf

  1. I've installed and registered, etc. But the start up hangs on "Initializing Video Player." Safe mode doesn't help either.
  2. Oh yes - I remember that now. Thanks Brian. ps - sorry for double posting the image - I couldn't work out how to delete one of them
  3. Whilst we're dicsussing the vagiaries of the IK processes, in my product manager I have a days eft indiation for all of the sounds (actually counting from when I registered them in the group buy last October). Since I've bought and registered these (with the serial number from my products page), why do I have "days left"?
  4. If they had a brush kit for Modo, I'd probably buy that. Assuming the new kits stay locked, can we demo them?
  5. So, that was strange. I monitored the notes, and sure enough, I had the fault. So, just playing around I checked other midi instructions, and tried out the octave up/down pad. That fixed the problem - all notes now work! I don't know how/what happened, but there you go. Anyway, thanks again Acaab - I'll keep Midi-Ox handy just in case.
  6. Thanks abacab, I've downloaded that. I'll play around with it and see what happens jdf
  7. I've had the i-rig 49 Keys for a couple of months now and I haven't ventured too far into it apart from just using it as a simple keyboard driving Kontakt and Sampletank both standalone and in Cubase and Cakewalk (on Windows 10). Today I noticed a key wasn't sounding (either in Cubase, Cakewalk, or on those standalone hosts) and so I checked other keys and it seems every eight semitones keys don't produce a note in those apps, and doesn't appear to be sending midi messages. The keys not producing sound (going up the keyboard) are: G#, E, C, G#, etc. I've reset the i-rig (i.e. through Edit Mode), and that didn't do anything to help. I suspect there may be some sort of mapping issue somewhere, but I'm rather lost for what to try next. Has anyone seen this before, or can anyone offer any remedy?
  8. I have Ozone 9adv, and I'm happy with it for mastering. I never really got on with Neutron Elements for the mixing stage, but they're offering a reasonable price for Standard. The offer for Neutron Advanced is a bit steep at the moment, but I'm tempted by the Standard offer. Does anyone recommend Neutron Standard? I'm otherwise quite comfortable mixing with conventional vsts, track by track.
  9. For the banjo, play around with the level, but I'd say it's probably OK as it is. I'm intrigued with instruments which are almost inaudible but do actually make a subtle difference, and you can tell the difference when they're taken away. For the izotope stuff, I'm really keen on Ozone for the final stages, but I just can't get into Neutron.
  10. Hi Fleer, That's a really nice acoustic sound you have there. It seems we both have a liking for the acoustic folky stuff! I've played this tune in our band a few times. Also thanks for the details of the instruments. The banjo is mixed really low, over on the right hand side I think, but just enough to add that texture. I have the Indiginus Fiddle and I'm still exploring the settings on there, so I have a few guides to try now - thanks again! The guitar and mandolin are nicely done - beautiful tones and nicely balanced and produced. Lovely sound! For my own stuff I normally try to do the mandolins, guitars and banjo. I'm still learning the fiddle, and I don't think I'll be troubling the sesion boys in that department! Cheers
  11. Er, yes. That as well. Thanks Larry I'll get me coat
  12. This is a new sax library with soprano, alto, tenor and baritone in two styles of performance - "workhorse" and "emotional" in true legato. The intro price is $99 / £75.50 until Feb 7th. The demos sound very good and the folks over at VI-Control seem impressed with them. My only misgiving is they don't have growl or flutter. Still, worth a check. See https://musicalsampling.com/austin-saxes/
  13. Here in Warwickshire UK, coming up to midday Wednesday, we're on a very unseasonal 385 Kelvin (OK ... 12C), which is about 8 degrees above normanl, and rising. It's nice not to be uncomfortably freezing, but also alarming in the context of global warming. jdf
  14. As Sir Noddy says .... Merry Christmas everybody, and stay safe
  15. Steinberg have issued an update on their licensing news page December 15, 2021: Updated licensing terms on “Online Activation”: Based on the feedback we received from our customers, we have decided to make changes to our initial concept. First, instead of reconnecting to the internet within 30 days, once your software has been activated on your computer, it won’t need to contact our Steinberg Licensing server again for the purposes of activation. Second, we have decided to increase the maximum number of activations from two to three computers per single-user license.
  16. The two items are closely connected. The great Neil Innes was the main musical arranger and keyboard (+ guitar) player for the Bonzos. He also toured with the Pythons as their on stage musician, and so became the seventh Python.
  17. I went straight through PayPal
  18. Bought it now, installed and playing - great vst! jdf
  19. Thanks fret_man. It was the i9nstaller app that gave the problem. I'll get the Uilleann Pipes itself and hope that is ok with McAfee. Jerry
  20. I was contemplating the Uilleann pipes, but haven't yet committed to them. However I did download the installer and McAfee burst into life with a dire warning of a dangerous file. I presume this is a spectacular false alarm, but I haven't progressed with it. Does anyone else have this?
  21. "A New and Exciting Era Begins at Steinberg" ... Steinberg's update on Licensing at - https://www.steinberg.net/licensing/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_content=tweet&utm_campaign=licensing-nov-2021
  22. Right, who else has an anniversary coming up?
  23. OK, that's an iRig keys i/o 49 registered. Now for some s/w. I got the keyboard from Music Matter, Preston, UK, with a very good one-day delivery.
  24. Thanks ms - that's bad news. So I've located a UK dealer using the map on the IK website (so I assume they're authorized). How does it work then? If I order and receive the keyboard, how does the system recognise the purchase so I can qualify for the software? Thanks also Simon - Yes I saw Thomann, I didn't know they'e billing, etc. So on the Thomann site, what you see is what you get/pay for? I may go or them, but are they "authorized" to qualify for the group-buy? The popup on IK (I had to re-sign in on another browser without the cookies so I could read it) - it basically says that VAT is charged at standard rate up goods value limit of £135. Beyond that - anything goes, apparently. Thanks Jerry
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