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Everything posted by ALC

  1. You're welcome. It's actually not WiFi but Bluetooth LE (compatible with most recent computers, phones, and tablets). Here's a search for Bluetooth midi: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=bluetooth+midi CME is probably the most reliable/premium option.
  2. Cheapest way would be to use a wired interface. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=usb+midi It's not cheap but it's also wireless. https://www.cme-pro.com/widi-master/
  3. The Mac UltraSpace package is from 2014 and isn't Apple Silicon Native, so I won't be using this on my M1 Mac. I'll probably eventually install it on my Windows laptop to play around with, but I have no shortage of reverbs to use.
  4. No worries. I've done the same before on my phone, not seeing the thread title.
  5. Are you talking about Genome and not Tonocracy?
  6. The full Mixbox has been on sale for $29.99 (last month). Definitely a good deal when that offer comes around again.
  7. Oh, I should've been more clear. If you have an existing unexpired license, it won't extend the license by a year. I had a license with 9 months left, and after redeeming, I still had a license with 9 months left, and new license with 12 months left. Had I known the behavior, I would've waited until my license expired to redeem.
  8. For those who have an existing 8-Track license, if you redeem a new 8-Track license, it won't extend the existing license but just adds an additional license that runs concurrently with the existing one.
  9. Crossgraded to Pigments for $49. I have Analog Lab 4/Pro, Augmented Strings, and V Collection 8 (+ five freebie effects). It all started with a bundled Analog Lab Lite and I picked up the freebies and upgrades/crossgrades when they went on sale.
  10. Thanks, IK! I appreciate the Tone Models Browser and User Folders. Much easier to find and categorize tone models. Big jump in usability.
  11. ALC

    Realphones Sale

    Thanks. Looking forward to the results. Do you also have any Waves Nx?
  12. ALC

    Realphones Sale

    I stand corrected. I looked it up and that add-on was released October, 2023. Thanks. Didn't know that. In that case, it's worthy of comparison, so I'm looking forward to more users' thoughts as it gets more use.
  13. ALC

    Realphones Sale

    Sonarworks does headphone calibration. The others also do simulation of the mix room (different studios) on top of that. Just comparing like to like. Anyhow, there are a lot of pros who use and trust VSX (and gush about it in the forum). I don't get that same impression with the other products.
  14. ALC

    Realphones Sale

    GearSpace is where I go for that. From my reading, the gold standard is Slate VSX. Realphones is next, and then Sienna.
  15. ALC

    Realphones Sale

    https://www.adsrsounds.com/product/software/dsoniq-realphones-2-standard/ $54. Free Denise Noize 2 with any purchase. https://www.adsrsounds.com/product-search/?q=Dsoniq
  16. Nope. Also, Ardour/Harrison Mixbus, Reaper, and Waveform. There are a number of open source DAWs in addition (LMMS, Rosegarden).
  17. It actually didn't last long. When I first looked, it showed the white one. I went and did some research, and when I came back, it was already out of stock. Should've just put it in my cart. Would've been a great deal.
  18. This is true for Realtek except for their audio drivers which you have to get from the motherboard maker.
  19. Thx. Looks like you can get a 40% off Rewards+ coupon for 1 token. I assume it stacks on the $20 upgrade to Lifeline Console.
  20. For me, I only install VST and VST3 plugins so I delete the AU and AAX plugins. This uninstaller helps keep the internal record keeping consistent. Also, App Cleaner uninstalls apps, but not all plugins install apps in Applications.
  21. ALC

    PlugInGuru 50% off

    From the email newsletter: Price Increase Coming in 2024 Just a quick note that library prices at my site will be going up around 8% on January 7th ($39 libraries will be $42, $49 libraries will be $52.) Every single cost has skyrocketed in the last 10 years and I have kept the same pricing structure thru all of it: I have not raised my prices since 2013, so it’s time for a slight adjustment. My suggestion, take advantage of the sale prices now to save even more!
  22. $9.24 @ Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/en/ezkeys_midi_ballads_2.html
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