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Ron Stranghoener

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Everything posted by Ron Stranghoener

  1. If you are referring to the sonar eucon plug I followed the link directly from the avid eucon application set up page.
  2. Nevermind! It's through wifi and it is working well in sonar!
  3. Ok total ignorance here: you use your tablet via bluetooth? If so how do you get the bluetooth to communicate with sonar?
  4. yes it is still no go for me...no apps under apps setting and still getting the already registered message when i enter the reg. code provided by Novation. Very frustrating!
  5. Perhaps all the novation codes are identical?
  6. I hope you are right....however it seems odd that the very first time i entered the reg. code it said it was already registered.
  7. When i enter my reg code from novation the app says that it has already been registered!!!!
  8. Thanks for the help...I wish i could afford to get all 3.
  9. right now you can get an annual subcription to Musitech, Future Music or Computer Music magazine for $18. If you could only afford one of these 3 which would you choose?
  10. I am confused... I click the link and it says free but every single magazine show a price when I click on it! Is this for only new zinio customers?
  11. I have sent numerous emails over the last several days without a reply. They have sent me 3 different emails about this promo BUT NONE OF THEM HAD ANY CODES!!
  12. Very naive question....can you only use rmx files with Stylus?. I guess I don't really know what rmx files are.
  13. More and more of these ripoff sites popup selling clothes and linens and then some crazy low priced piece of audio equipment....this site will be gone in a few months and then a new site will pop up selling clothes linens and some crazy low priced piece of audio equipment....STAY AWAY!!! They always are so new that at first there is no bad feedback and then when everyone starts to complain the site will vanish.
  14. Surprised there haven't been any comments about this. Has anyone seen any of these videos? A lot of them look really good.
  15. The price for the USA is $105! Surely this isn't 55% off?!!
  16. Doesn't work for me; I receive the following message after applying the code "The promotion couldn't be found. Please call Customer Services on 01371 851882 for further assistance or continue shopping below."
  17. Just to relay that it appeared in my account without issue and I have Sampletank 4 SE.
  18. Thanks for the tips. I think I will wait till BF. The special upgrade pricing ($100) is good on the presonus website until Dec 31st.
  19. You can currently upgrade to studio one 4.5 pro from any previous pro version for $99.99. Can purchase from either JRR or Audiodeluxe for $84.99. Anybody know of any cheaper price?
  20. I give up....i'm sending this back for a refund. It is absolutely useless without serial numbers.
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