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Ron Stranghoener

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Everything posted by Ron Stranghoener

  1. Well I never got the download link to work on the free essentials page but after digging around I downloaded their installer for all their products. By using that i was able to download all the freebies AND snap heap. I didn't pay for anything!
  2. Yeah, for whatever reason the download link simply doesn't work for me....it is kind of greyed out and nothing happens when i click it. Maybe it's firefox.
  3. How do i download this?....clicking the download button does nothing!
  4. Very confused how you do this....no matter what i do it is in my cart for $4.44. Where and how do you change this to zero? When you say close out do you mean remove from my cart and try again?
  5. Ok I'm confused....where do I download this???
  6. Bought this last night...after signing in to newegg the coupon worked fine for me!
  7. The neewer nw-700 bundle at Amazon (I left out the link) https://www.amazon.com/Neewer-Condenser-Microphone-Suspension-Recording-dp-B078XZ4KKN/dp/B078XZ4KKN/ref=dp_ob_title_ce
  8. slightly less on Amazon. Also, the neewer nw-800 with shockmount and power supply (no mic arm) for $27.99 on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Neewer®-NW-800-Microphone-Phantom-Power/dp/B01JRU34R4/ref=sr_1_31?crid=3PWL2YULDZGOQ&dchild=1&keywords=neewer+microphone&qid=1623956143&sprefix=neewer%2Caps%2C273&sr=8-31
  9. There are great deals on prime day but they are scattered among many so-so deals. Plus the deals come and go so quickly that you really need to be checking constantly (and resist the temptation to get stuff you don't really need or truly want).
  10. Yes i see that now....however i can't find anywhere on JRR a simple base update to Komplete 13 (NOT ultimate which seems to be the only update they have on their site).
  11. So i can update to 13 for $99 directly from NI or for $98 on Time and Space but on JRR it is $399? Very confused. Apparently JRR doesn't sell the base update.
  12. I own sampletron 1 and received the email about the bonus 30 jam points but they still haven't shown up in my account.
  13. I always find the best deal on these portable hard drives are from Amazon warehouse. I bought a WD 4 tb for $50.41 and a 5 tb for $69. Also a Seagate 5tb for $78. The funny thing is no matter what the description said about these drives they arrived in seemingly new condition and they work fine.
  14. It is amazing how often I don't think of googling anything. I think it really shows my age. Frequently I'll ask i a friend for help with something and he/she will reply "why don't you just google it?" As to the email, upon rereading it a saw the serial number.
  15. Ok i am confused as usual! I received the email with numerous links but none of them seem to be for the actual software. I don't read Japanese so maybe someone can help me.
  16. I'm a little confused....the heading sounding like this were selling for $35. Currently it is on sale at B&H for $59.99
  17. yes i was reading through the issue wondering why they were reviewing products that have been out for quite awhile!
  18. Received this today: Thank you for contacting Native Instruments! Our apologies for this, there was a mistake on our side and we rolled the update back. It will be announce again soon and available in you Native Access as soon as it is out. For now 5.3.1 is the latest up to date version of Absynth. We kindly ask for your patience on its upcoming upgrade.
  19. I am at version 5.3.1 and native access shows no updates available!
  20. I also was very surprised to find that I wasn't subscribed.....unsure how this happened because i was subscribed in the past.
  21. I have Version 7 and it showed no updates and no analog V. After reading Matthew Sorrel's comment I uninstalled my Software Center and reinstalled the latest download and not only did analog V show up but virtually ALL my version 7 products had updates that never showed in the previous installation of the software center!
  22. it asks me for the second word on page 82 which is waveform, Keeps telling me i am wrong!!!!Help!!!
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