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Everything posted by thegaltieribrothers

  1. Hi Phil, Nice tune + great guitar playing - did you hear about the dyslexic devil worshipper? He sold his soul to Santa! Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  2. Hi Matt, Nice tune and cool video. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  3. Hi David, Really like ' Rain in Florence', great piano playing + nice sax solos. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  4. Hi Batsbrew, Nice track which I found uplifting + enjoyed the guitar solos. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  5. Hi Ian, Nice tune + cool video, Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  6. Hi Harry, Sock it to the man my friend. Nice song + great video, loved the guitar solo. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  7. Hi David, Nice song + great vocals. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  8. Hi Tim, Nice classically-themed piece. Liked the way it ebbed and flowed. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  9. Hi Bjorn, Nice relaxing tune well played + mixed. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  10. Hi Rob, Nice orchestration + melodies. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  11. Hi Kevin, Good song + great mix. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards pau7
  12. Hi, Great mix and video for 'broken in silence'. Good Job! regards paul
  13. Hi Noel, Sounds great here. It's nice to see someone in a software music company actually playing with the toys. Good Job! regards pau7
  14. I use it to produce my own tracks which I then save as albums on Wix where they can be listened to in full and may be purchased via PayPal if so inclined. Either way I now write, produce and distribute my own music premiering it on Bandlab of course. regards paul
  15. Phew! Folks - made it over O.K. Nice to see some of the usual suspects here (you know who you are). Brought this strange bloke in a red coat with me - not one of mine but what do you think; Santa Don't Give Up regards paul
  16. Cool gothy vocal to my ears. Great song + production. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! paul
  17. Thanks for the new forum @Jesse Jost @laurent @Morten Saether and @Meng. Good Job! regards paul
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