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Everything posted by thegaltieribrothers

  1. Hi Gary, Thanks for listening and for your advice on the drum track. Hi AMiller, Thanks for listening and your note on the drums. Hi Tom, Thanks for listening and your comments + your note on the guitar arpeggios. Thank you all for listening and commenting its is greatly appreciated. regards paul
  2. a song about wishing someone all the luck in the world. fiona any comments or critiques are most welcome. thanks for listening. regards paul
  3. Hi Gary, Nice country toon - you have this genre nailed. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  4. Hi Allan, Nice song and good arrangement. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  5. Hi Myriad Rocker, Solid rocking metal tune here - almost rock operatic. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  6. Hi Bjorn, Love the ironic hook and breathy vocal. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  7. Hi Gary, Greatly satisfying country-plucking tune with an excellent vocal. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  8. Hi Kaustub, Really lovely mellow ethereal quality to this one. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  9. Hi John, Nice heartfelt instrumental which I enjoyed very much. Thank for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  10. Hi Sailor55, Great bluesy tune. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  11. Hi Kakku, Nice tune, thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  12. Great relaxing tune. Well performed and arranged. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! Regards paul
  13. Hi Mark, Nice cover, well performed. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  14. Hi kakku, Great tune + love the rocking roomy drums pushing things along. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  15. Hi Steve, Great song + great mix to my ears. Love the lyrics and excellent vocal performance. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  16. Hi Kenny, Nice guitar playing, a pleasure to behold. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  17. Hi Wookie, Furry alien electronica, very nice indeed. Love the wandering Jupiter 8 panning thang. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  18. Hi Tom, This is a cool, jazzy, funky little tune with some great lyrics. You've got a great flow in this song and I can't wait to see the video. Always a pleasure listening to your songs and watching your videos. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  19. Hi John, Songs should always come from the heart so being a patriot and writing about something you feel strongly is a good thing. I can hear this being done by Billy Joel in my head so you have some good lyrics here which I both understand and respect. If it's any consolation across the pond we enjoy American sit-coms, music artists and like the confident American view of life and the world. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  20. Hi Douglas, Thank you for listening and commenting, it is really appreciated. regards paul
  21. Hi Douglas, A great country-rocking tune to my ears + your voice in the hook reminds me of 'The Only Ones'. Great guitar playing and nice arrangement. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  22. Hi Wookie, Dark, intense, eclectic. As if the moomins had got hold of some acid and decided sing a sonic nightmare. I wouldn't like to nod off listening to this in case I didn't make it back. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  23. Hi daryl, Thanks for your comments, glad you enjoyed the backing vocals. Hi freddy, angst and emotion seem to be my middle name at the moment ? Thank you both for listening and commenting, it is really appreciated. regards paul
  24. Hi LadyFuzztail, Love the way this gently builds. Thanks for sharing. Good Job! regards paul
  25. Hi RobertWS, Thanks for your comments on Brian Wilson. Hi amiller, Thanks for your kind comments, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you both for listening and commenting, it is really appreciated. regards paul
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