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Everything posted by wolfstudios53

  1. Thanks Noel! The redist installer worked well! Up and running again!
  2. Craig, Thankyou a thousand times! My Faderport 16's faders quit sending volume adjustments, but would receive the volume automation. The unit worked in other DAWs, so I knew Sonar was the issue. Key Aftertouch and Channel Aftertouch under MIDI > Playback and Recording needed the boxes checked. This resolved my issue with the Faderport16, after being in limbo for some time. Have a great day!
  3. Just adding to the above information. I have added rtpMidi to the list that performs like Cakewalk/Sonar. All functions work except for the fader control. I tried Cubasis 13 and it works as well as Studio One. Everything works! What possibly can I do to get my faders to control the track volumes in Cakewalk/Sonar? Please advise!
  4. Thanks Jason and msmcleod for the response. My Faderport16 has worked very well for a couple of years. I have had the configuration for Sonar/Cakewalk and MCU/Sonar option set with no problem in the past, but as of 4 months ago, the faders on my unit quit sending information. This is not a hardware problem because it works fine in Studio One. Setting up the configuration for Hui, the faders work , but the rest unit lost all control. Returning to the Sonar/Cakewalk and MCU/Sonar option brought back the control to everything, but the faders lost control again. The pan controls work bidirectionally, as they should, but the faders only receive information. Please advise!
  5. My celebration was short-lived. When I made use of the Hui option, then,my faders worked. But.........when I tried the rest of the Faderport 16, nothing else worked. Switching back to MCU/Sonar option, everything worked again except for the faders. I do not recall when the Hui option was added to an update, but there must be a correlation between the two.
  6. Thanks jesse g, but my issue has not been resolved. When I made use of the Hui option, then,my faders worked. But.........when I tried the rest of the Faderport 16, nothing else worked. Switching back to MCU/Sonar option, everything worked again except for the faders. I do not recall when the Hui option was added to an update, but there must be a correlation between the two.
  7. Well, the Faderport 16 is now operating as it should. The sliders will control the volume now. The "fix" was the Hui (beta) selection in the Mackie driver properties in CbB and the Faderport 16 startup selection. Trial and error seemed to have worked, when all else fails. I hope this helps any other Faderport 16 users' Back to mixing in CbB!
  8. My Faderport 16 still does not control the track levels in any CbB project. The Faderport 16 does respond to the automation of the tracks, though. The Faderport 16 does control and respond to the panning control. I have tried various Mackie dll's from azlo and msmcleod, which has same results. I have tried to use earlier ctrlsurface.dat from Sonar X3 and Sonar Platnum with same response. I have tried the rptMidi remote contol app with same response. The Faderport 16 works, as expected in Studio One, so I know the hardware is fine. This unit has been working fine for the last two years in CbB and Studio One. This happened about 6 months ago. What else can I do to rectify this? I am out of ideas. Thanks!
  9. I have a Presonus Faderport 16, that has been working well for many years until a couple of months ago. The Faderport unit responds to track automation fine, but the unit's slide faders do not control the tracks. I tested the Faderport with Studio-One and no issues, so this is not a hardware issue. Is there anyone having this issue, lately? A corrupt Mackie driver?
  10. I forgot to add that, initial setup changes, when booting the Faderport, according to the DAW I am using.
  11. Thanks for the reply. Yes, I use the Mackie and Mackie XL mode and it works for receiving info from Cakewalk. Sliders all move in response to automation in my tracks, but Cakewalk does not respond to the slider movements I make. It was working fine a few months ago. It still works fine in Studio One, though. Something has changed with Cakewalk, it seems. I would love to get this unit working correctly. Any ideas? Happy Thanksgiving!
  12. Is there someone with a Faderport having issues, recently? Mine still works in Studio One fine, but does not transmit any slider changes to Cakewalk. I use the Mackie and Mackie XL drivers and changed the usb port without success. Not sure what to try next. Any suggestions?
  13. I have had this FaderPort 16 for some years. This unit worked very well in CWBL and brilliant in Studio One. Been using the Mackie and Mackie XL settings all along also. As of a month ago, the sliders will not transmit and change of volume or panning, but will receive the automation change from the DAW. This controller still works fine in Studio One, so something changed in CWBL. I have tried the Azlow settings with no success. Unable to use this controller in Sonar will be frustrating. Has anyone experienced any problems with their units?
  14. Make sure the receptacle has a tight fitting plug. Loose receptacles can cause unexpected problems.
  15. I have been with Cakewalk for many years Thinking I needed another DAW after the ownership change, a new DAW was purchased. After the learning process began, frustration would set in when trying to be creative. Having many years with the prior DAW, I would do things automatically, and the creativity would flow. Cakewalk will be my DAW of choice till the creative well dries up. Thanks to all the Bakers
  16. Thanks for the updated PDF. Cakewalk keeps getting better and better!
  17. I was wondering if anyone had success with Melodya? Seems to work fine in S1, but not in BandLab Cakewalk. Seems like a good tool for melody experiments. Have tried the usual I/O configs, but no output.
  18. These continuous improvements keep this platform current and inspiring. Thanks, Bakers!
  19. SOS is anexcellent magazine! I have every issue from 2002 on a shelf! Also every issue of Electronic Musician from 1987! I get a lot of enjoyment picking a random issue to read for the evening.
  20. NorthCoast of Ohio, USA Between Lake Erie and The Grand River! Great place to compose!
  21. Everything fine here! Windows 10 build 17134.885 Thanks Bakers!
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