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Everything posted by azslow3

  1. Bold parts can't work at the same time. Once MIDIIN3 is assigned to Mackie, all messages from it are blocked. And device is not sending keys there in any case (till in custom setup). In general, you mention 3 different methods to use MIDI controller in Cakewalk: throw Control Surface plug-in (AKA ACT, even so only one of such plug-in has "ACT MIDI" in the name). That you activate with Cubase mode on device and Mackie plug-in in Cubase mode in Cakewalk. You doesn't mention/use that in "Testing" part. "Remote Control" of particular Cakewalk elements. In "Testing" you recommend move controls "all the way" during learning. From my knowledge Cakewalk is not sufficiently "smart" to learn control type/range. It just take the first message and use corresponding default value range. MIDI learn inside VSTi. For 2 and 3 important is "simple" type of the message the control sends. In general on devices without touch function nor encoders that is default (till in Mackie/HUI imitating mode and the mode is activated), so I guess any "not DAW" preset for Mini can be used for both. For 3 important is enabled echo on the track. So keys should work ("produce sound"). In Cakewalk that is default for focused track, but some users "manage" to switch that off. Note that "ACT MIDI" supports an alternative way to control plug-ins, "Plug-in dynamic mapping" (also at many places/texts called just "ACT"...). Mackie does not support that way (it uses yet another way, "Plug-in direct control", which is not supported by "ACT MIDI"...). There are several differences between MIDI learn inside plug-in and plug-in controlling throw surface plug-ins: MIDI learn only works for plug-ins with MIDI input and only when that input is active ("echo on"). That means most FXes are not controllable that way (the have no MIDI input). Surface plug-ins can control any plug-in which expose automation parameters, independent from MIDI inputs. MIDI learned changes are recorded into MIDI clip, as "CCs" (assuming control sends CC). Surface plug-ins modify automations, so changes are recorded as automations. MIDI learned assignment are remembered by plug-in, this particular plug-in way. So can be preset dependent. Surface plug-ins mappings are saved separately by Cakewalk, they are activated any time corresponding plug-in is loaded, even with other preset or in other project. Note really a difference... But worse to mention: for Mackie, plug-ins mappings has to be manually written by user (also I doubt Mini in Cubase mode can select FX to control control). For "Plug-in dynamic mapping" all assignments are saved into 2 system-wide XML files, and sometimes Cakewalk can corrupt them, effectively loosing all created mappings (till good versions are backuped by user). Finally, the only "perfect" way to integrate Mini into Cakewalk is AZ Controller. Mini has more controls then "ACT MIDI" support and its hardware controls don't match Mackie and so ineffective in that mode. But no-one has created corresponding preset so far. People normally just stop at "working acceptably", with any controller ?
  2. For (1). MIDI can't get "out of tune", even on tempo changes. But most Synth react on "PitchWheel" events. Note that Cakewalk by default has "automatic echo" on MIDI tracks, so the track should not be armed to process external events, it just does not record them. Also note that some synth have "MIDI output" and Cakewalks "All MIDI Inputs" setting for MIDI track include also all software MIDI outputs. So, my guess you get some PitchWheel (or other events which produce pitch shift in particular synth), can be from (a) MPK (you touch the wheel or it is "self generating", not so unusual problem with MIDI controllers), (b) you cat if from MIDI output of some synth (c) in recording you somehow have "relative pitch shifting" CC and you don't reset it on looping, so it accumulates with time. For (2). I guess almost no-one these days use synced arpeggiators in MIDI keyboard. They are good for hardware synth, but DAWs allow advanced arpeggiation in software. So it can happened related functionality is not well debugged in CbB.
  3. If there is ANY benefits in see/use/compare/correct multiple tracks, that is a good reason for Studio. Also some operations are simpler in Standalone, so not in a DAW. But update price is in fact higher, independent which functionality was "updated". That is why I have not updated 4 to 5 till now (it is finally reasonable priced, for the first time since introduction...).
  4. If NI S61 is too expensive, NI A61 can be a good option for you. With NI keyboards you get pre-made auto-mapping for NI (and some other) synths, when used inside Komplete Kontrol. There is no official DAW integration into Cakewalk, but with my integration (A61 and M32 have the same DAW/synth controls) you will have good (I even claim better than in officially supported DAWs) functionality (targeting the time you play, so quickly want change the track/synth, jog, open synth interface, start recording, turn metronome, etc. especially since A61 is not "near notebook" device and so using mouse/computer keyboard in parallel is not convenient). NI keyboards (all of them) have fine-grained encoders without raster. They are great for continuous parameters (volume, frequency, etc.) and "effortless" switching pages/modes, but far from the best option for live controlling a single synth, where finite knobs are more intuitive. Also note there are no faders and no pads. Better visit a store where you can test several keyboard. All of them have completely different feel when you press keys, unlike "digital pianos" there is no "reference" they need to imitate. Even when disconnected, you can sort out variants you definitively don't like (too "soft", too "hard", too "clicky", etc.). Note that S61 has Fatar keys with after-touch, A61 has "cheap" keys without after-touch. So the difference is way more then just build-in displays.
  5. That is one (from not so many) obvious possibilities which I periodically "discover" and then (completely...) forget ?
  6. You can use MIDI FXes, f.e. "CC Map" from https://www.tencrazy.com/gadgets/mfx/ Note that Cakewalk has no "pre-FX", so recorded value will be original. You can Process/Apply Effect/MIDI effects to render the change permanently. Also note you need MIDI track to insert these FXes, Instrument tracks show audio part FX bin, so you need to split it first.
  7. Well... a mixer was my second "audio interface", the third was VoiceLive Play (really that time I couldn't put all music equipment together into one place, so I had to use 3 computers as well, lol). Sure, I was also experimenting with ASIO4ALL at that time, more as an attempt to put VoiceLive Play and build-in Realtek together. Later was more interfaces and more software. What I mean, I took rather long way to RME. With many "aha!" and "omg..." moments. And I can't say it was not interesting. My current desktop setup is still a "workaround". I wish at least 8 inputs interface with low latency, which can work standalone. Some day I probably get UFX (or switch to Motu...). But the primary reason I don't have it already, is an attempt to come to the goal "cheap". I mean I have 8x8 + 2x4 interfaces permanently connected which do almost everything I need (8x8 can mix standalone). Just not perfect (latency and quality are not top). So I just try to recommend everyone to find something which perfectly serve wishes from the beginning. I mean I recommend the short way instead of workarounds ?
  8. "FL Studio/ASIO4ALL/other generic" ASIO is visible from applications as ASIO. But they have to access hardware driver, which is not ASIO. Back in time, proxies sitting in the "kernel" could reduce latency a bit. MS has done relatively good job with WASAPI, on some hardware it even beats dedicated ASIO driver in latency. So for normal use, extra proxies are pointless. I agree that for using multiple interfaces in parallel (tricky in any case since that needs hardware sync between them) or using several applications in parallel they still can be used. But if that is "usual" activity, getting an interface which natively allow that is the best way to solve the problem. In my experience, "tricking" with fancy external software till some degree works, but can't be perfect (such software still has to deal with "laggy" hardware and Windows design). Note that is not automatically expensive. Like 8 years ago I have payed around 20€ for M-Audio Audiophile FireWire, it has own ASIO and allows other apps in parallel. And it is still my "default" interface for desktop ?
  9. Well, unlike ASIO4ALL it has never corrupted all ASIO drivers on computer for me. And I was using Realtek ASIO not at "prehistoric" times (ASIO4ALL almost make no sense since introduction of WASAPI).
  10. I think you question is not about latency by itself, but about recorded material shift between tracks coursed by that latency and the fact Cakewalk has not way to calculate it correctly. There is "Record latency adjustment" setting which you can try to set. For that you need to loop-record or just use your "constant delay", if precision is not important. You can really see it in "samples" (as required by the setting) in timeline. I recommend make WASAPI Exclusive to work (if WASAPI Shared works, that should be an option as well). Shared mix other audio from computer (youtube, etc.), so that is "convenient". But it has higher and more unpredictable latency. Dedicated audio interfaces with ASIO driver are nice and allow auto-calculation working (or almost working), but if you don't record mics nor guitar and you don't have studio monitors nor studio headphones, almost all there features and advantages are void for you. Note that modern Realtek (build-in chip in most if not all PCs) has ASIO drivers. Not the best, but it's latency is comparable with what you can get from $100 interface (you will need to invest more and optimize the computer for audio to really go lower). So dedicated interface will be more stable, has better sound quality and pre-amp(s). But you need some way to use these features, and that is not possible in under $100 price range (you will need to spend more that $50 just for headphones). Getting Realtek ASIO working can be tricky, especially on notebooks. They sometimes have "own" drivers which don't include it (or not include its controlling panel). But normally you can Google for solution (like downloading original Realtek drivers, sometimes just copy something from it, sometimes install it and then specialized drivers...). WASAPI Exclusive normally has almost the same performance, so start with that. Most important is matching sample rate in Windows settings and sample rate in Cakewalk. Just use 44.1 or 48 for everything, whatever you prefer. PS. when/if you look for an interface, plan in advance. Manny non-professionals (me inclusive) too the "long road" and have collected several interfaces before getting something they like, just wasting the time and money. I understand that $500+ price tag sounds like "OMG, that I don't need for sure..." at first. But it all depends what you do and will do. Also in some situations second hand middle-high range interfaces can be not so bad choice. In other, Yamaha AG can be the thing (unlike "normal" interfaces in that price range, it can work stand-alone). I repeat, better plan then just follow the idea "something under $50", I have 2 of such (second hand, originally in over $200 price range) laying around and collecting dust...
  11. When preset is generated with "ACT" selected for plug-in mode, knobs can be learned to control parameters of plug-in in focus. The procedure is "Plug-in Dynamic Mapping", unfortunately also known as "ACT" (which means several different things). Alphatrack has display, so you can see what is controlled by encoders. That is not the case for buttons (and device does not have many of them). So only encoders can be assigned. But they can be assigned to "buttons/switches" in plug-ins as well. The same is used f.e. in Komplete Kontrol by NI. They use encoders only for all plug-in parameters. Alphatrack encoders are assigned to the first 5 "Rotaries" for the mapping purpose, 3+2 parameters in 2 pages. Well, not many... but that is what this device has. The 3d encoder is the second page is "Quick dial". It can control whatever parameter is last modified. F.e. you start control some parameter with mouse, and the continue tweaking with this encoder. No "ACT Learn" is required for that. But that does not work if you have automated some parameter(s). Also note that the slider can be "flipped" with any of encoders. PS. To be sure everything you have learned is persistent, you need to use "AZ ACT Fix" from my site. At some moment you can find that all your mappings are gone or what you learn is no longer mapped after Cakewalk restart. That utility check that mapping files are not corrupted, allow quick backup/restore of mappings and can help with mapping for plug-ins which do not react on "ACT Learn" correctly. PSPS. Plug-ins normally have many parameters. And Alphatrack has just 3 encoders. For convenience it is better to have at least 8 physical encoders, f.e. "Behringer X-Touch Mini". For Soft Synths it is way more convenient when everything is pre-mapped. F.e. NI NKS.
  12. I am a programmer and I am not working for BandLab. They have skilled people which understand what CLAP is and how much work is required to support it (as you could see in the answer from Noel, that is unfortunately not easy). I just thought leaving this thread in the state "users don't see a point" was not good. I prefer to support progressive ideas. And when something "is not there" and I can make it on my own, I try to do this (f.e. you can find my post early today what was not possible yesterday, but possible now, even so the number of "users" of the feature is probably close to... ?).
  13. I have seen a question about editing Drum Maps as text (for convenience). And I have realized I have almost everything to create corresponding utility: https://www.azslow.com/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=92 How to use: Create Drum Map in Cakewalk, with desired Instruments/Ports/Channels/patches defined. So, create at least one key mapping for each distinct Port/Channel pair. Name mappings the way you can recognize in text form (which mapping is for which port/channel). Save this drum map as preset (to create .map file) Run the utility with map file as the only parameters, f.e. cakedm MyMap.map. That should create MyMap.txt file. Copy text file, so you know it is edited version (the file name will be new map name). Edit text file. From previously defined key mappings you will notice the format, "Name",InNote,OutNote,Channel(zero based),Port[,Shift,Scale]. Do not insert extra spaces in mapping lines (all lines not started with " are comments). So copy/paste existing line and change name, in and out notes. Run the utility to produce new map: cakedm MyMap.map MyNewMap.txt. Note you need to specify original map and edited text file. Restart Cakewalk so its see new map.
  14. 1. Yup. But that means Cakewalk can be in the short list of pioneers. It was with ARA, even so there was practically one plug-in for it. 2. So what? Is Bitwig evil? The standard is open and not owned by any company (unlike all currently "common" formats). 3. you know that new developers are not allowed to write VST2. And VST3 has many problems (along with the fact the owner can declare it "obsolete" any time, and unlike with VST2 even currently developers will have to abandon it in flavor of whatever creature Steinberg declare as "the new one"). Right? For long time no-one could see "the point" in e-cars. And then.... ups... Also Cakewalk's DX driven MIDI engine has to be replaces. VST2 is obsolete. VST3 doesn't really support MIDI. So, why not target CLAP there?
  15. If you still have Novation, try to find the way to control plug-ins. With Automap software (assuming it is still working, I have not checked for a long time) you will need to use the wrapper plug-in, but the keyboard should work as desired. Alternatively try to get some MIDI from controls (probably hard without Automap server) and use them with "Cakewalk ACT MIDI". For Cakewalk there is nothing new in that area, there are still "dynamic mapping" (which is still buggy, but usable) and "direct mapping" (you will need to write all parameters for each plug-in into text file and your device should be Mackie MCU or one of its full clones). Getting parameter on the display and encoder rings on Novation is rather hard with ACT. From what I know, there is no controllers with display and ring feedback which will work with ACT out of the box. Theoretically NI S keyboard can do the trick using my solution, but practically that was never tested (I have only M, its tiny single display is able to show only single parameter/value). Note that NI keyboard have great own mapping for plug-ins wrapped into Komplete Kontrol , so great for VSTi but tricky for FXes. If you want "play" with ACT using on-screen display, you can try Behringer X-Touch Mini with my solution for it.
  16. Once in a while (decade or so) people "discover" new features of the (same) interfaces ? http://forum.cakewalk.com/Track-Loopback-Focusrite-Saffire-MixControl-m3122377.aspx But under Windows, RME "loopback" is by far more flexible then other solutions I have observed. Any mix (including for digital outputs) can be declared "loopback", after that corresponding "input" get loopback signal . So several separate mixes can be "looped back" even with Babyface. F.e. communication (f.e. ZOOM) + screen recording (f.e. OBS) can get desired separate mixes (from DAW(s) and other programs outputs , hardware inputs), apart from mixes for headphones and monitors. In that example, you probably want record everything, send some mix including your mic to the peer while having some different mix (at least without full own mic) in headphones/monitors. "Simple" looback hit its limit in such cases...
  17. In your post "K"s have a bit misleading meaning. There is no "Kontakt 13" nor "Kontakt Select". There are just "Kontakt Player" (free) and "Kontakt" (payed), current version 7. There was "Komplete 13 Select", which (as free "Komplete Start") 'includes' "Kontakt 6 Player" only. "Komplete Select" full price is around 200 $/€. It's upgrade to "Komplete Standard" full price is around 400 $/€. So my corrections match these numbers. For "Kontakt 7" alone full price (without upgrade/cross-grade) is 300 $/€. But cross-grade is 200 $/€, and I think there are still free libraries for cross-grade. I mean over $400 just for Kontakt is way too much. --- The cheapest routes for Komplete which was possible 2022 - NI M32 during "special sale" with "Komplete Select" included (normally includes "Komplete Collection"), update to "Komplete Standard" during "upgrade sale". Total price ~300. Or just NI M32 -> "Komplete Select" (offer after registration) -> "Komplete Standard" during "upgrade sale". Total price ~350. Sure, that was for Kontakt 6. But includes Komplete Kontrol hardware, well usable for NI products (not so usable as keys, but for some synth sounds can be sufficient...).
  18. Keyboards with Mackie emulation (according to the documentation, Launch Key 25 MKIII has it) always have to exposed themselves as 2 MIDI devices, one for "normal" MIDI (at least keys), other for DAW control. "Standard" setup for this case is what abacab has described, try to follow "Cubase" section in Novation documentation and "Mackie Control" in Cakewalk. In Cakewalk Mackie settings you set "Cubase" and "Disable handshake". Other port can be used for "ACT MIDI" or for direct MIDI learning in VSTi (some FXes also support MIDI input). You switch "modes" on device, using Novation provided method. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Note. This thread is about nanoKontrol 2. It has no second pair of ports no live mapping switch. Arturia / Novation MK3 methods are NOT usable with this Korg. With AZ Controller it is possible switching modes in software, one device with fixed MIDI mapping can be used for ACT (DAW or plug-in control) and for MIDI learn in VSTi. But that is the only ACT Control Surface plug-in which supports that.
  19. Press the button it to top right corner, so right from "X" button. Horizontal at the level of "Import ACT Data...". That is "+" button, drawn a bit unfortunate for noobs (I remember I also was confused... looong time ago ?)
  20. I am almost completely agree with all that. Just with 2 notes: ACT as a whole API is usable (not *almost*), it just has several long existing bugs. Unfortunately, Plug-in Dynamic Mapping learning is a part of ACT with bugs. At the moment VST3 "On/Off" was introduced as the first "parameter", which in turn broke Dynamic Mapping for VST3 completely, Cakewalk has definitively noticed there are problems. But they have preferred just "hot fix" it, instead of looking deeper to understand from where all these bugs come. Plug-in Dynamic Mapping is also usable. It is just of Sonar X2 quality, so "usable if you avoid some particular operations" Plug-in dynamic mappings was indented to be easily definable in GUI. In practice, it is simpler to edit XML then get it work reliably. It was not much fun to edit XML for me, so I have written ACT Fix (there was also "Map editor" for BCR2000 from one of the users, for the same purpose). Note that for Mackie, editing INI file is the only option to define plug-in mappings. Interesting there are no complains about that, even so majority of surface "pro" users are using Mackie. Once the mapping for particular plug-in is created (with some luck using ACT Learn), from my experience it works fine.
  21. For X-Mini, it is simpler to start with https://www.azslow.com/index.php/topic,377.0.html But for learning plug-ins, you should also follow the last link in the post, AZ ACT Fix. Cakewalk still has bugs in the association (ACT Learn), some plug-ins can't be learned, some parameters prevent learning, etc. Forgetting mappings (a part of AZ ACT Fix functionality), getting "default one" (by starting Cakewalk again and bringing plug-in into focus) and then re-assigning in AZ ACT Fix allows control plug-ins with problems. Making backups allows keeping working configuration. "Eventual assignment" in fact needs luck to work.
  22. You are in a music shop... If you are here to buy particular piano, that is simple. But if you want "a guitar"... man, there are 100s of them... What the hell??? Why there is no big shield telling me which one should I buy? OMG, most of them have 6 strings. So, why so many options? Are they different? Tell me why! Seriously... There are 2 different programs (Generic Surface and ACT MIDI). Yes, they both work with controllers. And they both can work with ANY MIDI controller. How you want Cakewalk "tell you" the difference, other then explaining the functionality of each in a separate manual section? CONTROL SURFACES ARE COMPLICATED DEVICES, RELATED SOFTWARE IS ALSO COMPLICATED. Most musicians know that playing snare can be as easy as just hit it by something... but that is not really musical... and playing it good takes time and patience. Yet they see something with 20 buttons, 8 faders and 8 knobs and immediately think "ha! that I can use strait away to control what I want, since it LOOKS LIKE AN ANALOG MIXER". The complexity starts with terms... "ACT" is used for several different things. "ACT API" is programming interface used by all Cakewalk surface plug-ins (a kind of VST for surfaces). "ACT MIDI" is one particular program. "ACT Learn" is Plug-in Dynamic Mapping part of "ACT API" and so related functionality of some (not all!) surface plug-ins. Unfortunately, Cakewalk omit the second word at many places. Lets take screenshots from your post: "ACT" button - "Plug-in Dynamic Mapping" related, really "Plug-in Dynamic Mapping Learn" button, at other places called "ACT Learn" or "AL". "Exclude this bank from ACT" - also about "Plug-in Dynamic Mapping"! That is the place to enable/disabled particular bank of faders/knobs or individual buttons for plug-in control! "ACT follow context" - "ACT MIDI" (surface plug-in) follow Cakewalk context. If you click on console, tracks or VST(i) GUI - that change the context. And "ACT MIDI" change (or not change) what your device control. "Active Controller Technology" - again "Plug-in Dynamic Mapping"! Should be enabled to control plug-ins. When enabled and "ACT follow context" is disabled, "ACT MIDI" will always control plug-in (by controls not marked by "Exclude this... from ACT", and if some plug-in ever was in focus). To learn more, read https://www.azslow.com/index.php/topic,107.0.html I explain how "ACT MIDI" works (using "ACT API") in all details there. Read one (two, three...) more time. "You can edit the cell label...". That is the text which is "R1", "S1", "B1", etc. Than you want something AZ Controller or at least AZ ACT Fix: https://www.azslow.com/index.php/topic,297.0.html But exact procedure you describe does not work great in practice... Remember how long it sometimes takes to find required parameter to automate in drop-down menu, there can be 1000s of them. And in many cases they don't have meaningful names at all (or just "Macro 5", to whatever it is assigned to current preset). So modifying in the GUI is normally way simpler then selecting from menu. AZ Controller is using that approach, but allows "click on cell" to associate with particular "Plug-in Dynamic Mapping Virtual Control". In my previous post I have mentioned: "MIDI learn" associate device control with "virtual" control, "ACT Learn" associate VST(i) plug-in control with "virtual" control. F.e. "Slider bank 2, slider 3" in "ACT MIDI" is "virtual" slider (2-1)*8+3 = 11. "Slider 3" in any bank is physical slider 3 on your device (once you have MIDI learned it). Generic Surface has a bit different approach and configuration. It supports unlimited number of controls, but at most 16 virtual controls for "Plug-in Dynamic Mapping". PS. "Mackie Control" surface plug-in is also "ACT API" based plug-in. But it does NOT support "Plug-in Dynamic Mapping" (so no "ACT Learn" possible). It is using "Direct Plug-in Control" part of "ACT API" for plug-ins, the mapping is (manually) defined in a text file... There are times that has advantages. "ACT MIDI" and "Generic surface" do not support "Direct Plug-in Control" method. PSPS. AZ Controller supports both "Plug-in Dynamic Mapping" and "Direct Plug-in Control".
  23. May be I better repeat in other words... Cakewalk has Control Surface API for that purpose. Since there can be any logical "wishes", just adding more options for "MIDI assign" can't cover them.
  24. For many people that means "my DAW support it" . Once JUCE can officially produce CLAP plug-ins, that will be sufficient to start "global change". AAX is supported just in one DAW... Audio Unit just on one platform. Yet that was never a reason to say "these are not interesting plug-in formats".
  25. If you read (and understand... probably requires read several times) user manual for "Cakewalk ACT MIDI" (and "Cakewalk Generic surface") plug-ins, you can get relatively far away in controlling plug-ins (except problem with persistence, I mean if after restarting Cakewalk your mappings are messed... then you need AZ ACT Fix and related explanation from my site). In short: don't mix "MIDI learn" and "ACT learn". You do "MIDI learn" by clicking in the lower part of cell and using hardware control. You do this once and forever. Then (and only then) you do "ACT learn". By pressing "ACT" button in particular (VST(i)) plug-in top-bar (or in surface module or in surface plug-in GUI). You learn by touching parameters in sequence (with mouse) and using related hardware controls (previously learned with "MIDI learn"). If you use banks, make sure required bank is selected. You do this for each VST(i) separately, hopefully once. banks are software feature. "ACT MIDI" supports 8+8+(8+1) physical controls, and no more. There are 8 buttons + shift button, so you can use up to 16 button commands in parallel. For faders and knobs there is just one current bank (for each type) with 8 controls. Bank has to be somehow selected to be active. selected banks, activating ACT, etc. can be assigned to buttons. Unlike "ACT learn", that has to be done in surface GUI, on the second tab.
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