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Everything posted by azslow3

  1. All these parameters are internal tweaks for Cakewalk engine. Changing these settings can help with unexpected behavior under specific conditions. Googling particular problem sometimes show recommendation to change one or more such parameters. In other words, till you have particular problem there is no reason to touch these parameters. Defaults are working well in most cases. "Large buffering plug-ins" introduce corresponding latency. Cakewalk engine is "real-time" only, it is not able to cancel latency, it can only ignore it when required. As written in the documentation and suggested in the user guide, ExtraPluginBufs can only reduce/avoid audio drops when using some of these plug-ins. The "value" should not be interpreted as meaningful by user (even so it has some internal technical meaning for sure).
  2. When new audio device is connected, Windows set is as default. I guess that is expected behavior for most users. Once another device is selected as default, that decision is remembered. Reconnecting an interface from which default flag was removed explicitly no longer change default. That is consistent at least for all interfaces I have. Note that from Windows perspective the same device connected to different USB port (to different port of a hub connected to the same computer port, etc.) is "new".
  3. Then I just recommend to carefully check RTL under realistic settings for the interface you consider. Profire 610 was not bad in that domain, in the lower price segment you can easily experience "downgrade" in case you are not careful. It is easy to find posts about RTL of any interface, but check the results are really from "RTL Utility" and for the settings you have. On the same computer your buffer size will be the same as you use for 610, so do not think that "64 samples at 192kHz" is going to magically work since such setting is allowed in case you could get stable sound on 128/44.1kHz only. Not sure 610 has that, my M-Audio allows ASIO in parallel with windows sounds. Many (most) other interfaces do not, check if that feature is important for you (not so easy to find for concrete interface).
  4. If you care about latency (and in case you play guitar with software processing you probably do), you do not use specially audio optimized computer (and from your post you do not) , you do not need many channels and have the money, take RME. It is less problematic and more forgiving in mentioned conditions. As a bonus, you get full flexibility in routing (use in parallel with Windows audio, Skype, other DAWs, routing/mixing one into another when required). Note that Babyface Pro is just a pre-amp when stand-alone, only top models can work as mixers in that mode. I still have M-Audio Audiophile as my "windows sound" interface and Phonic + small usb mixer to keep all peaces of my small home audio room permanently connected (works with and without computer) in addition to M-Audio 410 and Roland VS-20 which just collect dust. But if I could go back in time, there had to be RME UFX instead. Unfortunately, I have understood that after I have bought Babyface Pro only. Nothing wrong with all other interface I have, they all work. And build-in Realtek also works (except for inputs). But with all other interfaces I hit some limits/inconvenience. With RME I do not.
  5. With relatively small RAM and no paging, the system can use only small amount for disk caching. The performance suffer significantly, especially with conventional HDD. With increased RAM and SSD the difference is getting smaller. Paging on (fast) SSD is absolutely no problem for anything except for audio applications, nothing else needs 1-2ms "warranty for execution". Note that far from every SSD is fast, there are PCI-e M2 SSDs with real speed 80-100 MB/Sec. Applications are different, one sample based instrument can consume 8+ GB. And if someone wants complete orchestra, 32GB can be filled rather quick.
  6. IMHO. If you have sufficient RAM, disable it. Note that Windows can crash in case it hits RAM limit in this case, also overall disk performance can be reduced. If you need it, put it on fastest disk may be after checking this disk access does not introduce extra system latency. The explanation. When Windows "think" it does not need something in RAM (and that something is not marked "keep it in RAM please..."), it can dump it to the disk. That happens not only when RAM is really full, but almost always. That free RAM for something Windows "think" is more important, including disk cache. Real-time aware apps, drivers, etc. should mark related RAM properly. But "should" does not mean "do". When a part of dumped data are required again, they have to be loaded from the disk. That always take "infinite" time from CPU perspective. And if that is required to continue with real-time (audio) activity, you get audio click/pop/drop. How bad/ok/fine it is you can check in Latency Monitor, it shows "missed pages" and (indirectly) related activity. Some disks/controllers can be worse then other in terms of "response time", unrelated to how fast they can transfer data. So the fastest can be not the best choice. I have i7 XPS (already a bit "old"), it is worse computer for audio which I have used. DELL has messed something in ACPI (hardware), and that trigger huge (several ms) "pauses" in the system. That does not affect anyone except audio applications with low latency, so there are no known universal fixes for that. Some people claim disabling some ACPI drivers helps, I personally only have luck by disabling any networking and background tasks when I need low audio latency (also RME drivers are more forgiving, Roland was freezing the whole system while keeping irritating cry sound on the interface output).
  7. And in case you want change "response curve", there is http://www.azslow.com/index.php/topic,275.0.html
  8. All "proper ASIO" solutions for low end Behringer interfaces are using the driver mentioned by msmcleod directly (without redirection links) on the first page. My post from the time when Behringer has switched ASIO drives on there download page: http://forum.cakewalk.com/FindPost/3294586 The "driver" is still the same, from year 2009... It works with many audio interfaces and Xenyx mixers and it still works with Windows 10 (as most drivers for Windows versions before 8). It provides ASIO and WDM, but not WASAPI (which was introduced later). What this driver really is (and how "true ASIO" it is) can be speculated, some people guess it is tuned generic WDM/ASIO (ASIO4ALL is not the only one, but widely known since "free"). At the time of Windows XP... the latency around 10ms was "good". This driver can go down to ~8ms, with some "ultra" settings (since hardware overhead is high) and so the computer has to be audio optimized to work on such settings (modern interfaces/drivers at the same latency are more "forgiving"). So, it is possible to buy an audio interfaces (as new or used) with 10+ years old technologies and related software and still use that on modern system and get original results. That results depends from the original quality (back it time) and so the price (back in time). But all companies was not sitting doing nothing last 10 years, related hardware and software are not the same. Everyone decide for himself, but in many cases "who try to save pay many times". I took the long route, started with Behringer Xenyx. Once (after 4 other "cheap" solutions) I have got "real" interface, I have understood my mistake ?
  9. Have you tried to send: F0 00 00 66 17 21 01 F7 F0 00 00 66 17 20 00 06 F7 D0 05 in one sequence? If it works, is should display "some" signal for channel 1 for short period of time. But we are seriously off topic with all that... This is Bandlab forum about special plug-in.
  10. General channel message is: F0 00 00 66 <dev id> 20 <chan> <mode> F7 <dev id> "17" for C4 <chan> is (if I read the source right) 0...31 for C4 <mode> can be 0, 2, 4 or 6. (4/6 - display peak hold, 2/6 - LCD bar graph, whatever that means...). "01" you see for MCU will not work. After mode is set, you use: [D<row>] [<chan><level>] (2 bytes) So "D0 05" means "row 0, chan 0, level 5". For C4 there will be more, like "D1 52" for "row 1, channel 5, level 2)
  11. Unlike for original Logic Control (almost MCU Pro), I have not seen C4 documentation. So the source code is good source... Check MackieControlLCDDisplay.cpp, especially SetMeterMode (and called from it SendMeterModeSelect). What you mention (0x21) is "Global meter mode" (which declare "vertical" or not). I guess you need channel meter mode (0x20) with proper parameters.
  12. Can you believe such common format as VST no longer allows you to process all MIDI "as is"? You still can process some MIDI messages, but far from all (and everything except Notes is transferred rather tricky way). That is VST3... Note that no new developers are allowed to created VST2 (not possible to sign the license). Cakewalk still support DX MFX only, but curiously that can be an advantage in not so distinct future. At least everyone can write DXes without rather "fancy" VST3 license. F.e. everyone who has signed it agree to switch to ANY next format, so VST3.10, VST4, VST5 within fixed time period... Steinberg has learned that declaring VST2 "obsolete" many years ago does not prevent this format is still in use. So they have decided to solve the problem in advance...
  13. Strictly speaking not everything. Audio and MIDI output created by using Cakewalk is yours, as long as used audio and MIDI material allows that (f.e. mentioned in the license terms to use provided by BandLab content). With that output types user is free to do anything he/she wants. Which rights user has for other "outputs" is unclear. At the end of Sonar I have opened a question about user rights over Sonar Projects. User is allowed to use these projects with Sonar (and now Cakewalk, since BandLab has bought rights for Sonar). And user has all rights for the "output" of own projects (mentioned audio and MIDI). What else is allowed to do with these files is not well defined. For myself I came to the conclusion I can use all the information I put into project myself the way I want (f.e. automations, tracks layout, tempo map, etc.). Legal background and related precedents exist in EU. But that is probably not the case f.e. in US. Here the evil is in formats: common audio and MIDI formats are open, plug-ins presets standard file formats are property of plug-in format creator (so not particular DAW), text based project formats are also open in general (at least the text related to the user activity can be legally extracted). Cakewalk projects have binary proprietary format (fortunately not encrypted, breaking any encryption is prohibited even in EU).
  14. Please note that: I do not think there are any presets for MMcL (nor original Cakewalk) Mackie control surface plug-in. 'Configure layout' is to set relative physical position for several Mackie devices (f.e. left-to-right MCU+XT+XT vs XT+MCU+XT and so on). Related information is displayed on devices, not on computer monitor.
  15. Yup... and Studio €150. While all changes are on Assistant "level". Version 4 had good cross-grate sales, while quite some features for Studio. Version 5 has no new editor/studio features and no sales. Better voice processing is a good thing, but too expensive for noobs like me (just because I like multi-track, so upgraded to Studio before).
  16. I remember up to Melodyne 4 there was clear table with versions comparison. I can not find it for 5. I mean they want more for Studio -> Studio then for Editor -> Editor, while I have not found "Studio only" marks in changes. Sure, I can just demo and check myself... EDIT: the table is still there, in "What can Melodyne do?" So all "New" features are in Assistant
  17. You know that Roland has sold Cakewalk, right? And shortly after that Roland has "discontinued" related hardware, including $5k VS-700 (no official Windows 10 drivers). You can try to ask for "DAW CTRL" MIDI protocol documentation. Some companies just make that open (Novation, Ableton, etc.), some give it to developers only (NI), but other keep it "secret" (for no apparent reason). That is most realistic way to make transport (and other controls) working with Cakewalk (and most other DAWs). FA-x keyboards could be set to Mackie mode, so at least basic transport works. For Fantom Roland mention nothing in that direction in the documentation.
  18. Integrating Fantom as control surface is more challenging then Novation. Novation provides the documentation, Roland does not. From the guide about Logic, Fantom waits for some "handshake" from the DAW and probably will refuse to provide DAW CTRL till it receive it.
  19. Sorry of off-topic... I have high-pitch noise from my Z390. Not from fan (I have not found any), but still annoying (from googling that is common). And I wish my TDP 95W CPU consumed that 95W by default. My (middle size) air cooler was unable to keep CPU any cool when I was running my fist PRIME95 test... I was disappointed (by the cooler), till I have found that CPU power consumption is over 200W (with all BIOS "defaults"). I mean it seems like "TDP" has no meaning these days (my 9900K consumes from 10W to 250W at its own will, till limited explicitly).
  20. MPK261 is a flexible device. You can configure what and how each control sends. There are predefined presets for different DAWs, controls are set to send different messages in each of these presets. For ACT MIDI configure (or find existing configuration) all controls for sending CC messages. For buttons use "momentary" mode. You can use "relative" mode for knobs, but you need to set parameters properly in ACT MIDI then (in addition to control learning), also they can appear "too slow" for you in that mode. ACT MIDI and Generic Surface do not show messages they receive. You can "record" controllers as normal MIDI clip and then check the recording in Events List mode. You can also use MIDI-OX (with Cakewalk stopped) or AZ Controller (inside Cakewalk) to monitor incoming messages "real time".
  21. I have mentioned the whole known set of "supported" keyboard controllers: Roland A and Nektar Impact. Both are limited as hardware (f.e. no encoders) but the integration was provided by the companies. I write "was", Roland is no longer affiliated with Cakewalk and all Nektar's powerful controllers do not support Cakewalk. But MPK261 is not a bad choice for controlling Cakewalk. It has capable hardware. The only problem the solution is DIY. So you will need to invest a bit of time to make it work. Depending from what you are ready to sacrifice: you want transport buttons and 24 tracks (with ABC keyboard banks) Volume+Pan+One switch per strip (Mute OR Solo OR Arm, etc): setup Generic surface plug-in. you want overlay the right part section (8 encoders + 8 faders + 8 buttons, NO transport, NO ABC banks) for mixing, controlling plug-ins and executing commands: setup ACT MIDI plug-in. you want all controls, overlay functionality, LED feedback: you will need AZ Controller. First two options you can get up and running within an hour. Set MPK261 to Bitwig mode and follow Cakewalk PDF I have mentioned. For the third option you start with mentioned preset, that should work out of the box. To extend it or change the functionality you will need to spend significant time (days or even weeks) and without background in programming I would not recommend diving into complex modifications.
  22. Original documentation describes both plug-ins (pages 1215-1228): https://bandlab.github.io/cakewalk/docs/Cakewalk Reference Guide.pdf If in addition you want to know how all that works: http://www.azslow.com/index.php/topic,107.0.html Well... MPK261 does not "fit" into standard plug-ins functionality. M-Audio support some DAWs, but Cakewalk is not in the list (not a surprise, only Roland and some Naktar keyboards are Cakewalk aware). You can start with: http://www.azslow.com/index.php/topic,393.0.html as stated in that post, I do not remember which MPK261 mode should be used. If not Bitwig, that should be some other standard preset. And I do not remember what this preset does nor which MIDI IO should be set. But it definitively recognize ABC banks and most controls do something useful ? General installation you can find in "Manuals" section / Videos linked on top. (the preset was created long time ago and remotely... I have never touched real MPK261)
  23. Great work! Special thanks for detailed information concerning fader calibration. I have made my preset strictly "remotely" (not seeing/touching the device), so I was not aware such problem exists The only general suggesting about functionality: original Mackie was using "direct" API for controlling plug-ins, there was no ProChannel but (fixed positioned) "effects". Cakewalk has switched to ACT mapping approach at VS-700 (and other Roland surfaces) time. There was nasty bug in maps saving for several years, but last Platinum and CbB do not have it. I mean uniform way to control Synth/FX/ProChannel and standard control learning procedure is better (AutoMap, NKS and VIP use the same idea for controlling).
  24. It sounds more an more you simply have a problem with cooling. To rule out audio interfaces, Cakewalk, etc., you can try to run PRIME95 (I guess your system will shutdown within several seconds...). But better follow the advise from Slartabartfast, before doing any future tests. "Low multicore load" normally consumes less power then one core doing the whole job. That is why you could observe some difference after "balancing" the load using Cakewalk settings. But that is not a solution for your problem.
  25. "Open CbB" is too complex operation for computer, to get reasonable advise you need to localize the source: Open CbB with EMPTY project. Turn off audio engine. Minimize it to the tray. Any CPU use from it? Step by step, checking significant CPU load increase: Maximize CbB Add several audio tracks without plug-ins, up to your usual number of tracks in the project Start audio engine (if not started by tracks) Add some audio clips Start playback Add plug-ins Load your usual project Once you notice CPU load, independent on which step, try minimize CbB and then change audio device to build-in. That should point which part of the system/CbB triggers high temperature: plug-in(s), graphics, audio interface. Sorry for repeat, but from all your previous observations it seems like your system is "fine tuned" for low multi-core load only. I mean if full powered single core overheat, full powered all cores will switch your system off instantly. Can you run PRIME95 for a half an hour? I guess not, and that is looking for troubles. FX-8350 is an "old world" AMD CPU. Every surface micrometer has to carry the heat out from TDP 125W to keep "max temp" under 61C. May be it is time to re-mount the cooling head. For comparison: modern AMD CPUs have TDP 105W (real ~150W) and "max temp" 95C. That is obviously way simpler to keep under control. My own system is Intel based, ~40C idle. It runs ~70C when "test loaded" under TDP (95W), I can keep it under 85C with power limit 170W. Without limits it can consume up to 250W and my "small" air cooler is unable to deal with that (I have only one case fan). All that without any "manual overclocking", modern CPUs overclock themselves by default...
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