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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. So obvious that you had a plan, sweated the details, and brought it home. Very well done. I felt the electronic fireworks at the ending! I like how it's political but vague enough to not get anyone riled. Your vocal on this is a treat, and for my .02 ducats, could be brought up even half a db louder. Could be just me. I know you raised 'em up already! cheers, -Tom
  2. Well you are casting about for mix thoughts, but first I would say, the "space" sounds really great. For me, it's the acoustic noodlement panned wide that should be dropped a tad in volume, particularly when the center lead guitar is playing. That center lead is a little prounounced in the attack of the initial transient, but honestly I didn't mind it at all. Really cool playing, without a crapton of fret and fingernoise. Nice. Good luck - I'd say you captured it all very cleanly so that's 90% of the battle right there. cheers, -Tom
  3. Cool and yet, not cool, thematically. It's a dark tale orchestrated by Pink Floyd and sung by Peter Gabriel? Pretty awesome neighborhood. The song, that is, not the one in the song. You might bring that snare forward and make it more of a powerful contributor by pulling back a bit on ye olde reverb. Have you tried the snare crackin' right up front? Just a thought - maybe the tune would pick up a little more drive with a more present snare. But the drive is already there, it's a grinder. A couple of compression-y overload crackles? I dunno, :26? 5:00? That's a really cool vocal performance, dude. I didn't mind the length. Good tune, good job! cheers, -Tom
  4. Like many, I have seen them multiple times. They were the first real rock band that I really liked, having cut my teeth exclusively on Beethoven and his pals during my adolescence. The primary reason why a wider fan base never materialized was probably Geddy Lee' voice. I for one couldn't imagine anyone but Geddy fronting that band. Neil RIP. Great lyrics and par excellence drums.
  5. Way fun. Prog in 5. All of your guitars, drums, and keyboard parts are mixed great. I'd bump up the presence of that bass - if anything, you need more foundation to support the brilliance of what is going on upstairs. When it breaks into the 4/4, I really like your instrumentation and guitar features in that section! cheers, -Tom
  6. Don't forget the nighttime projection light show inside the cathedral of Notre Dame. Awesome stuff.
  7. Cool chords there. I liked the echoey roundwound slappy bass with the reverb, I think it cut through nicely. You might take the ssss-y stuff that's panned hard right and left down just a hair in your mix, and the very beginning could use a half second of air time before the tune begins, it starts a little abruptly. cheers, -Tom
  8. Having heard some tunes here recently where the drums were a bit underwhelming, can I start by complimenting your drum kit, and programming if that applies? If those are live drums, as they sound, I'd say very good on those! Super tasteful. Oh, btw the guitar tone was friggin' fantastic. Your choices in the 2:50 area should be studied in an improv class. Wonderful! Love the smooth jazz genre, and thanks for sharing this! cheers, -Tom
  9. PhonoBrainer


    I stopped watching the video so I could concentrate on the song (lovely) the vocal (amazingly clear) and the guitar work (beautiful). The mix of it all ain't too bad, I listened on my studio monitors. When the drums came in, they were just a bit of a letdown in their quality, it didn't quite match the level of your awesome voice and guitar. What did you use for drums? I dunno, that's a subjective thing. You might dig those drums! I really enjoyed your song (via Uriah Heep is it?) and the clarity of that mix was outstanding. For me, however, the video doesn't really authentically sell your song. I guess I would expect visuals, cutaways, scenes in a montage, etc. for this type of song. But to each their own. Those performance vids are a breed unto themselves and one needs to accept the limitations of a static shot, I reckon. You picked a great tune and did a great job of the rendition, and again, you have an amazing voice and guitar style. I look forward to hearing more of your stuff. cheers, -Tom
  10. Songs are great, vocals are great. These two things never seem to vary when I hear your tunes. Awesome! It's an album already so mixing comments are less helpful I reckon. Your voice has a laid-back summer vacation quality to it. Just great! -Tom
  11. I liked the bgv's a ton, and that flangey guitar noodle, and the elec piano has the wonderful warble chorus. Vocals in general were a highlight. I think your effort would shine even harder with more drum programming, for fills and variations. That's about it for crits! good one Paul! -Tom
  12. Any interest in demoing it before announcing it DOA? ?
  13. MYOB! ?seriously I will eat anything. Even the Donners would have told me to go easy.
  14. PhonoBrainer


    This was wonderful. Love the panning. And the touches of higher strings with little fills here and there. Whichever instrument is the bass, I'd bring that up just a hair. so 9.9 out of 10! cheers, -Tom
  15. Super, ya? Of course Walter/Wendy leap to mind. Your version has those super clear vibraphone leads. I bet you had to play with the midi volumes a ton. Well done! cheers, -Tom
  16. PhonoBrainer


    Wavestation lives. Long live Wavestation. It's 1993 again. The Korg Collective. Resistance is futile. No cowbell. Just Tinebell. nice job on a smooth composition. -Tom
  17. Wow! Holy Cheezits, in the vid, that little thang starting around 2:13 was feckin' perfect. Really really cool! Great playing and the vid is legit. thanks for sharing that . . . where did you cut your jazz teeth at? -Tom
  18. I'd cook that one just a little longer.
  19. I'm in the "playyard"
  20. Yes, or many other iterations, and let's not forget the roadie.
  21. From personal experience, this is the one that eventually breaks the band up.
  22. Yes I did, and I haven't installed it yet because of it. Yet!
  23. I was gonna offer up a snarky "oh, first world problems!!!" . . . but actually that does look pretty effed up. My condolences.
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