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Everything posted by PhonoBrainer

  1. Yes I'd agree it's some of your best singing that I've heard so far. Cool job on the bgv's and I liked that heavy reverb thing on the vocals, just a taste of that in a song is cool for variety. The horns in spots maybe could come down just a hair in volume, I dunno, it's pretty good. Any time the horns cover a vocal you might dip them a tad? Oh yes good sentiment and much needed. cheers, -Tom
  2. Fun one. It has a drunken quality to the rhythm yet I can hear the beat, which of courses seems to change just when you latch on. I liked the clav? patch in this, it added some funky grit to the proceedings! Yes also to the Zappa nod . . . hope it was as fun for you to create, David! cheers, -Tom
  3. Thank you, and I totally just borrowed your word "macabre" for the YouTube vid title. Pretty apt description!
  4. Oh Jeeze. If that vid doesn't trigger you then nothing will. So sorry! It's a bunch of stock clips, and I left out stock clips of actual skinning of rabbits. Which, yes, there actually are stock clips available of rabbits being skinned, which I found surprising.
  5. many thanks! there's now a vid up in the first post . . . @daryl1968 - thanks so much, and hopefully I get to hear more of yours sometime soon! @Andrew Ball - bonkers is right, and the video might help that along. I sure appreciate the compliments! thanks. @Johnbee58 - thanks John, this one is a bit all over the place. thanks for the comments! @Douglas Kirby - thanks, I'll pour you one any day. @Hidden Symmetry - much appreciated, thanks for the listen! glad we got it working! @geeare1thanks so much, glad you liked it! You know what they say about short attention spans . . . @David Sprouse - yes for some reason the gypsy chime things just popped right up, I did no treatment of them. I think they change the scene nicely. thanks for the listen! @noynekker - thanks very much for noticing the little piano changes, I think that livens it up a bit for the poor suffering listener. I appreciate the regards, and by all means post away on your stuff, I'd like to hear it. @thegaltieribrothers- hi Paul and thanks. Sound textures are kind of where it's at. Sometimes anything can be music. cheers! @amiller - very cool, thanks for the listen! cheers, -Tom
  6. That was perfectly wonderful! In those fast passages the violin really shines. I could hear the bow bouncing on the spiccato sections. That's nicely done! The piano player in me wanted the piano volume to come up just a bit, and maybe more volume of the bass notes in the piano might help support that lovely violin flying around up there? Just a thought. At the very end, when that little piano part rejoins, is it louder than the earlier section's piano? I liked that end piano snippet or at least it seemed louder. Nice composition LGA! -Tom
  7. It does call up the institution. Very well sung and it certainly draws you in. The chorus is very inventive. You obviously aren't going for a pop mix! But I'd vote for vocals up, and your only bass element really is that lower tabla or kick drum, ( bum - - bum bum) and I think if you update this, that lower element could be a lot stronger. The heartbeat needs a bit more ooompf methinks. It's creepy and precarious in the vibe, and the vocal treatment fits that perfectly well. good one! -Tom
  8. I agree, the off kilter quality sure fits the subject. If you are looking for mix clarity, I think the drum kit seems to be the least distinct component. What drums are u using, and how might you be processing them? Perhaps less is more on the processing? Fun tune, but not "fun" in a fun way. A good listen! cheers, -Tom
  9. I agree with Dan/Gary/Bjorn and I think we're talking just a hair louder on the vocals. I feel this excel;lent groove song was mixed by the guitar player. Gosh durn those guitars are very well recorded, very tastefully played, artfully panned. They are also a smidge too loud in my opinion. The vocal is chasing the guitars and you might try it vocals>guitars. It's a terrific song. Got B3? cheers, -Tom
  10. It DID inspire me to give you a screenshot, so we can get this thing fixed! Would like to hear more of your stuff.
  11. Paul, I also have dozens of tunes, some 30 years old, in various stages of DAWifcation. Usually about ten "active" during a year, and I begin 7 or 8 new ones each year. It's mental. Need inspiration to get working? Listen closely. Do you hear that grinding metallic sound? The grim reaper sharpens his scythe. All for you. Or its a grim guy using Reaper as his main DAW.
  12. 21. Epstein didn't kill himself
  13. PhonoBrainer


    Hard not to like. I'm a sucker for world stuff. I'd say tablas could come in a biu earlier (they are great) and the sitar has a bit of a piercing resonance up top. Not quite icepick, but close. You might look at the eq curves in realtime on that sitar, do you have a big spike above zero around 5kHz when that Sitar is a wailin' ? You do want a sitar to have a bitey treble component. I'm talking around :58 . . . All of those samples sound really great and you have mixed them with full respect to the hypnotic manthric chantiness they are supposed to have. You've got it from Madras, Oregon to Madras, India. cheers, -Tom
  14. Vocals have a nice grit on them, and you might add in just a bit of some lower mids on them. The rhythm guitar is very well played throughout, for whatever reason I found myself focusing on that, and missing it when it wasn't there. I'd say your background vocals have a cool part and it's a nice add but their sound is a bit muffled, like you used a totally different mic, something more low-fi? I'm not a great mixer of vocals myself, but listen to the clarity of lead voc, organ, rhythm guitars - then listen to the bgv's. Big difference. I'd like to hear what if anything you do to this! BTW what's it about? I thought I heard "eric Clapton" as a lyric? Probably crazy, I am. cheers, -Tom
  15. Well I'd say it has it's own sound, like a sonic signature. Do you have a limiter on the master bus? If so, and if it's cranked a bit, back off on that to get some dynamics back. ? Weirdly though, those high violins sound clear, and the synthbass is there yet controlled. It does sound to me like there is a compressor or limiter somewhere that could be taken down just a hair. Aside from that, it's very inventive in the composition department, and tells of an interesting album to come. Nice work! -Tom
  16. Whaat? Alan Parsons Project has a new album??? Fantastic!!! I remark in approval. I seriously could listen to a playlist of tunes like this for hours. Got any more? I bet you do! Yes the horns scream midi from the '90's but as I remember, they evoke nostalgia in the earbrain and so there you are. It's not a deal breaker for me. I like your vocals, the performance and the tone. Want a crit? Maybe move that creepy little woodblock panned far left in just a bit. I could feel my eyes going over there whenever it hit. Maybe a bit more low end added back to that disco synth bass? Or add in another bass, maybe another deep ***** synth bass, on just the low hit of that disco octave, mixed in subtly. Might beef it up just enough without tweaking the bass patch you have. If that makes sense. Nice tune Keith. -Tom
  17. Royal disdain for Meghan's white trash family must have been a factor. Even if you hate Bill Maher, you'll probably like this . . . or some if it . . . or none.
  18. Stupid dumb cancer. So glad you have clearance, Clarence. These things are unnerving. Thanks for telling us. Many good wishes for a complete recovery, musical and otherwise. -Tom
  19. Like Christopher Cross and Dire Straits got together? Way cool. I really like the space in the mix, and just one crit, check the levels on the vocal and the lead guit, sometimes they jump out really loud, just for a moment. For example, vocals at 1:30, guitar at 2:50. I like a cool story song, and the guitar and vocal performances are quite excellent. Cheers, -Tom, who happens to be currently working up an original tune "Empty Room" !!! Not as good as yours, sadly . . .
  20. That's an awesome response so thank you! You cover and connect cancer to all sorts of topics. I'd like to ask about oxygen therapy. Is that targeted? As I understand it, cancer cells in tumors use more glucose and more oxygen, so I wonder how more oxygen wouldn't just feed all cells, including the cancer? You may not know and this isn't Cancer Corner.com so just wondering. Thanks for your deep thoughts.
  21. @geeare1 - thanks for the mix comment, and yes there are a few mood swings swinging fairly quickly in this one. Appreciate the listen and the time . .. @David Sprouse - yes those bells kind of grab the ear and cleanse the palate. I didn't really fuss with them at all, a happy accident. Many thanks . . .
  22. I sent Gary out for more Oreos. Tom here, and thanks for the comments! I checked on the file on Soundcloud and it's there, so perhaps the cloud coughed up a hairball. cheers H.S. !
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