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Everything posted by MisterGreen

  1. Ah, I didn't realize it doesn't work unless at least one of them is checked. Thanks scook!
  2. I just noticed that the Duplicate Track functionality is not working. When I select a track and click the Duplicate Track button in the track view, nothing happens. Also, when I right-click on a track and select Duplicate Track from the menu, nothing happens. Is this a bug?
  3. Looks like this gremlin decided to return this morning. Completely out of the blue.
  4. So, in the Saffire Mix Control, the channel in muted. I only hear my guitar when I turn on input echo.
  5. Is there a project setting that would introduce slapback delay on an audio input? I have this one project that is giving me a delay when I monitor my input on a new track. This doesn't happen anywhere else. It's isolated to this one project. I feel like this has happened before, but for the life of me I cannot figure out what is causing it. The new track has no plugins and PDC is not on.
  6. Thanks Mark. No, it's not USB. It's MIDI straight into my Saffire Pro 40.
  7. No, I don't have any control surfaces listed. So, I submitted a ticked to support so the issue gets logged. In the meantime, the issue seems to have resolved itself. How? I have no idea. I'm going to changed this back to 'solved' for now.
  8. Okay, that didn't last long. It's gone again. ?‍♂️
  9. Yup, that was it. You responded before I could type it. Thanks for your help, man. Greatly appreciated.
  10. Is there a way to roll back to 2019.12 to rule out the possibility that the update caused it? I haven't had to roll back since SPLAT, so I don't know if CbB still allows it.
  11. That didn't work. It doesn't look like it created a new version of that file.
  12. Ah, there it is. Okay, let me see what happens.
  13. Hmmm, I just did a search for that ini file and it didn't find it.
  14. Yeah, that was the first thing I did. No luck.
  15. I don't know what I did, but my MIDI controller is no longer recognized in CbB. I opened standalone apps like Addictive Drums and Battery and the controller worked. So, it seems to be isolated to Cakewalk. My Saffire is checked under MIDI Devices settings. Is there a setting somewhere that I inadvertently switched off?
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