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Everything posted by MisterGreen

  1. The weird part is that everything sounds fine and looks to be working correctly. However, if I look at the track where instrument #8's audio is coming out, its input is "aux 2/aux 3: Stereo" rather than as it's shown in the Kontakt mixer (Trombone 15/16).
  2. Okay, so I just tried it and I'm getting the same results as before. I inserted Kontakt using the settings you shared above, then created 8 instruments in Kontakt, ran the batch function in the output section so each instrument has its own output channel in Kontakt. In Sonar, if I pick one of the newly created tracks and view the input drop down, I see Left, Right and Stereo choices for only the first 5 instruments.
  3. Excellent! Thanks for this. I'm going to give it a try.
  4. Thanks for the template, Matthew! I just finished tweaking it for Core.
  5. I agree. That's why I was stumped as to why it was there. 20+ years using this DAW and I still find things I never knew. Thank you again!!
  6. Thank you, scook! Interesting that when I hovered over the envelope, it said "orphaned".
  7. I have a track that appears to have an automation envelope on it, but when I select Automation from the Edit Filter drop-down, nothing appears in bold. Also, the Automation Lanes button is not highlighted. Everything appears as if there is no envelope on the track but it can clearly be seen in the track lane. Is there a way to delete this?
  8. I just checked in my current project and all of the Waves plugins are VST3. Then I went to an old project that had no plugins at all, and tried to insert a VST3 version of Scheps on a track and it hung. Closed the app, re-launched it, opened that same old project and this time tried the VST2 version. No hang.
  9. I just tried the reset. This fixed the issue with the VST versions showing incorrectly. Unfortunately, the app hang still occurs.
  10. Yes, in the Plugin Manager, the bottom 2 are the VST2 versions. However, when you go to insert the plugin, both instances are showing as VST3. I have tried to add both versions and they both cause the application to hang. I'm still trying to narrow down why it works in one project and not another. So far, I'm not seeing any obvious similarities.
  11. I have V10. Weird thing I just noticed is: the VST2 version doesn't show up in my list. Plugin Manager has both VST2 and VST3 listed, but when I go to insert, both versions have the VST3 icon...
  12. I have been having a problem when inserting Scheps Omni Channel on an audio track. When I try to insert it, Cakewalk hangs with the faded white screen and I get the Cakewalk Application is not responding error and the problem is listed as AppHangB1. It is not isolated to a single project as I can get it to load on some projects but not others. There doesn't seem to be any obvious culprits which would make it work on one but not another.
  13. I just started a new project using the 16 track template and it opened in 1.3 seconds.
  14. I can't tell if this is a Sonar or Kontakt issue. I have 8 instruments in Kontakt. Each one has its own stereo output. But when I go to an audio track and select the input, I see the Left, Right, and Stereo outputs for only the first 5 instruments. After that, it makes the instrument outputs mono. Am I doing something wrong?
  15. Hey Bill. I have updates turned off on my machine so it's definitely not that. I reached out to Nektar and they sent me a different version of their utility for Sonar and I haven't had a problem since.
  16. So, I uninstalled the two devices and Windows was unable to reinstall them. As for the original error, it happened again. So much for trying a different USB port. Were you able to resolve the issue with yours?
  17. While I wait for the power adapter to arrive, I unplugged the Nektar from the USB port on the mobo and connected it to the port on the front of the case to see if it would give the same error. So far, it's working. I checked the ASUS site for driver updates and it looks like I have the latest. I'll try your suggestion, Reginald, regarding deleting the devices. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks!
  18. The LX88 doesn't require drivers (according to Nektar anyway). That's why I went straight to the USB since the two errors referenced two different USB devices. And reading up on the motherboard, it looks like there are 2 pair of USB ports controlled separately; one by Intel and the other by ASMedia.
  19. In the meantime, I'm going to switch my LX88 from USB power to AC. I'll see if the issue continues.
  20. Yes, I did try that. Windows could not find a suitable driver.
  21. I recently received a fatal error while adding Miroslav Philharmonik 2 to a new project (image 1). So, after the program closed, I reopened it, started a another new project, and this time, tried to add an instance of Kontakt. The instrument opened successfully. I added a library and as soon as I touched a key on my controller (Nektar LX88) I received another fatal error (image 2). So, out of curiosity, I opened device manager to look at my USB drivers and noticed two USB controllers listed under Other Devices that had the yellow alert icons next to them (image 3). I opened each one and took screenshots of their properties (images 4 and 5). Not sure if they are related to the crash but it seemed it might be a USB driver issue.
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