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Bajan Blue

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Everything posted by Bajan Blue

  1. Ah a Melodica - I have one of those somewhere, shall have to go and get it out after hearing this. Fantastic track, enjoyed it a lot Cheers Nigel
  2. Bajan Blue


    Great song, with your usual excellent vocals - you really do have a great voice Cool Track Nigel
  3. Hi everyone Here is the thirteenth track off our latest album Regeneration. The track is called A Slender Thread. Also we eventually finished our website update –if you have a bit of time have a look! Hope you enjoy it. Nigel https://devinelie.com https://www.youtube.com/c/DevineLie/videos https://open.spotify.com/album/4wi4STVNSG7Wm6RuRM3DFz
  4. Hi Paul - this sounds great now - really cool my friend love it Nigel
  5. Makke - another great track - the guitar sounds great. Cool stuff Nigel
  6. Mark - your vocals are truly great - such a great voice. Love the track Nigel
  7. David I liked this and the video - and no one / nothing offended me....perhaps I am just beyond being offended these days!!!! Cool Nigel
  8. Great track and some super playing - really enjoyed it Cool Nigel
  9. Hi Douglas - a good track and you nailed the mix - sounds great. Guitars sound very good Cool Nigel
  10. Hi Jack - cool song as always, but the mix and mastering is probably the best I've heard from you - great stuff Nigel
  11. Hi Freddy - I think I would also bring the Bass up a bit - loved the song Cool Nigel
  12. Hi Freddy - super track my friend. Loved it Really Cool Nigel
  13. Mark - Great cover - i thought your vocals were excellent! Mix is good and clear here Cool stuff Nigel
  14. Definitely a bit different, to say the least. And it reminded me a bit of ELP as well!! It does sound a bit over compressed to me, otherwise all good. Cool Stuff Nigel
  15. Great track and great visuals - i thought the horns sounded all good including the solo Nigel
  16. Bajan Blue


    Pretty sure your new album's going to be a winner!!! Love the track Super cool Nigel
  17. Nice track - echo some of the comments re the accompaniment meandering a little at times, but other wise all good and a good mix Nigel
  18. Hi Lynn - Great to hear from you - loved this - great track with some excellent playing. really enjoyed this one cool Nigel
  19. Vocals are great - a very nice voice indeed. Re the mix, quite a few suggestions already - however for me, the Vocal is so excellent that is the most important thing - i would just fit everything else around that! Nigel
  20. Bajan Blue


    Nice playing and very relaxed tune - as others have mentioned, perhaps a little work on the drums etc Otherwise all good Nigel
  21. Great Track and I concur with its main message - I would bring the vocals up a bit personally otherwise all good Nigel
  22. HI Bjorn Really really liked this - love the way you did those voices and of course the synths just backed them up superbly. Cool Nigel
  23. Really like this - very chilled, something you can float away to Cool stuff Nigel
  24. Bajan Blue


    Thank you for posting - made my Sunday!! This is SOOO Good - you've really got to start compiling a list of all the People who want to buy this as soon as the CD comes out - please add me - also what formats do you normally release on - just digital or perhaps CD as well??
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