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Bajan Blue

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Everything posted by Bajan Blue

  1. Hi Mark Didn't hear the first mix, but this sounds really good to me - really enjoyed the listen Nigel
  2. Really like this - cool track, hope it goes well Nigel
  3. read the words before I listened to the track - i knew I would love it straight away!! Really great stuff guys Cool Nigel
  4. Great track and mix is excellent - really like this a lot A s Michael says has that Keith Urban vibe Cool Nigel
  5. Hi Michael thanks for the great comments - no the group is just me (instruments) and Grant vocals - Hope your video goes well Nigel Hi Jesse Glad you liked it and appreciate the great comments Cheers nigel
  6. Hi Tom - always appreciate your time and your comments - thanks so much Nigel
  7. is there a link for the upgrade from Oddity 2 to Oddity 3 - i can't see it (probably me being stupid..) thanks Nigel
  8. If subscribers don't ring the bell, they only get some notifications, which are determined by everyone's favourite YouTube algorithm. If they ring the bell, they will then get ALL notifications....allegedly. Nigel
  9. Good track - some very nice playing, especially the lead guitar. Love that lead break at around 4 mins. What camera do you use for the video, which is very good indeed Nigel
  10. Hi Bjorn Thanks for this - i do appreciate you taking the time to watch and comment Cheers Nigel Yes a lot of similarities between clowns and Mannequins, although most clowns these days are otherwise engaged in Politics? Appreciate the great comments Nigel
  11. Hi Jack Some powerful words - thought the vocal was too low in the mix, apart from that good Cheers Nigel
  12. Played a fair bit of this sort of music myself in the past, so really enjoyed this, especially Rights of Man. nicely done Cool Nigel
  13. Hi - yes 4000 subscribers on YouTube - hard work!! but it doe s mean now that when we release a new video it gets to go to most of those subscribers pretty quickly, which helps. took us a while before asking everyone to "Ring the Bell" as we didn't fully understand the significance ........sad really Cheers Nigel
  14. Hi - not my genre of music but sounds OK - thought when the heavily distorted voice was present, made the mix sound a bit muddy and didn't add much as it was far back in the mix. Apart from that, there are some arrangement things if it were me I would look at, but it's your mix so your choice! Good stuff Nigel
  15. Hi - this sounds really good and I enjoyed this a lot - some very nice guitar playing going on here. At the break at around 1.30, is that some congas I can hear? Cool Nigel
  16. Hi Larry Really like this - a cool and moody piece - like the change up at 2.24 As I said, cool!! Nigel
  17. Hi A nice track - thought the mix worked well Great work Nigel
  18. Sounded a bit Hawkwindish to me as well, no bad thing!! The mix is a bit muddy - if you can clear it up this will be a really good track. Cheers Nigel
  19. Hi Freddy Thanks those great comments - really appreciated Album going well so far -fingers crossed Cheers Nigel
  20. Andy All good now - an excellent cover and a really good guitar solo Cool Nigel
  21. Hi - really pleased you liked this - thanks for those very kind comments Cheers Nigel Hi David Thanks for that!!!! Keep well Nigel Hi Pete Many thanks, really appreciate the comments Cheers Nigel
  22. yes I like the mirror video - mix sounds good but agree vocals need to come up a little bit Nigel
  23. Really cool track -enjoyed it a lot. Reminded me for some reason of Moby's Title track for the Bourne films. fully CLASSED on Youtube - Commented, Liked and subscribed!!! Cool stuff Nigel
  24. Bajan Blue

    TD 1

    Hi Wookie As Jesse said, totally Dope? Definitely very TD in my book really enjoyed this Cool stuff Nigel
  25. Hi Andy i tried to listen, but the link kept saying "This site can’t be reached - Check if there is a typo in https." now this might very well be where I am at the moment , but I thought I should let you know Cheers Nigel
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