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Bajan Blue

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Everything posted by Bajan Blue

  1. Hi - thanks for those great comments and I'm really pleased you enjoyed it Appreciated as always Nigel
  2. Hi Tim - excellent stuff really enjoyed this - great playing and the mix is first class - as Mark said, drums sound great - what did you use? Cool Nigel
  3. Hi Ron Excellent cover - first class musicianship and I like your vocals on this - mix sounds great Cool stuff Nigel
  4. Really good track - some nice playing and she does have a great voice Mix sounds good here Cool Nigel
  5. Bajan Blue

    In Your Arms

    Hi Rex Good track - very nicely played and of course great vocals Cool Nigel
  6. Hi Andy - wow and wow again - thanks so much for those fabulous comments - really appreciated as always Cheers Nigel
  7. Hi - good track, very nicely sung and played indeed Cool stuff Nigel
  8. Hi We have just launched our new album, Indelible Stain and the third track, Indelible Stain, is out today. If you’d like to read the lyrics, you can use this link. https://devinelie.com/indelible-stain/indelible-stain/ And the whole album is available on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/43IS1UScScZbhzNrfVaB8a We’ve update our website as well – we’ve got our own store now where you can get music and merchandise!! https://devinelie.com/ Hope you enjoy the video
  9. Hi - great track, love the playing. This sounds really good - great job on the remix Cool Nigel
  10. Bajan Blue


    Hi - really like this, sounds great - I agree with Gary, Soothe could help with that sibilance - apart from that excellent oh and welcome to the forum!! Nigel
  11. Hi - like this, all the virtual instruments sound really good Cool stuff Nigel
  12. Hi Jesse - really like this - punk or what!!! Cool stuff my friend Nigel
  13. Hi Bat Good track and guitars as per usual sound stellar Like it a very enjoyable listen and great playing Cool Nigel
  14. Love the Sax - sounds great - think the new mix sounds a lot better to me cool Nigel
  15. Hi Jerry - love this - really enjoyed it all the way through - great stuff Nigel
  16. Agree with the other comments re the mix - this could be pretty good with a better mix - also if you take it further , i would look at the drums as they sound a bit off to me - what are you using drum wise? Nigel
  17. good track - agree re the horn Cool Nigel
  18. Hi Steve - an excellent cover - very well done indeed Nigel
  19. Never seen the film nor heard its theme music, but your track seems to fit perfectly - excellent Nigel
  20. I really like this - excellent mix just right for the track - very atmospheric and really cool Nigel
  21. Gary - a really good track - i sort of like it just the way it is!! Great stuff Nigel
  22. Classic Jesse - and the mix sounds great Nigel
  23. Really good stuff - agree I would have also thought this was the original score!!! Cool Nigel
  24. Good track and well done - agree with comments re the kick drum otherwise all good Nigel
  25. Hi Justin - really like the track - as far as promotions go, we still do some FB stuff, but it seems to have lost a lot of traction of late - we have our own website and try and promote via that - lots of Spotify and YouTube stuff - but It's VERY hard and unrewarding work!! As Wookie said, what are label doing?? I thought promotion should be their job!!! Best of luck Nigel
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