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Bajan Blue

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Everything posted by Bajan Blue

  1. Hi Mark Have to agree with KS re the tempo change and the Bass, but apart from that really liked this - excellent guitar and vocals Excellent stuff Nigel
  2. Hi Thanks for those great comments - very humbling and much appreciated! Cheers Nigel
  3. Hi Andy Thanks so much, really appreciated Nigel Hi Lynn Thanks, always appreciated Cheers Nigel
  4. Bajan Blue


    Hi - yes all works YouTube Really reminds me of Everything but the Girl Really cool track I just find the vocals a little "toppy" for me, apart from that excellent Nigel
  5. Hi Freddy - thanks for this and the kind wishes re the album - so far things are going well Keep well Nigel
  6. Hi thanks so much, really appreciated Nigel
  7. Hi Bjorn Thanks for that - always appreciate your time and comments Cheers Nigel Hi Jack Cheers for the kind comments Nigel Hi Ross Thanks for this and the very kind wishes Appreciated as always Cheers Nigel
  8. Hi Paul this is a great track - the playing and mix are spot on Really enjoyed everything about this Very cool Nigel
  9. Bajan Blue


    Hi Great Guitar, sax and Bass - really enjoyed the playing - the groove is great Cool Track Nigel
  10. Hi Ross Really like this, especially the groove. and the Who mash up Cool Stuff Nigel
  11. Hi Barry I like this - a really good track and excellent vocals Cool Nigel
  12. Hi Peter Very nice track and some excellent playing - really enjoyed this Cool Nigel
  13. Bajan Blue


    Hi Great playing - really enjoyed this - just on repeat at the moment!! Cool Stuff Nigel
  14. Hi Really like this - love the feel of the track Really cool Nigel
  15. Hi - I'm getting a message that the videos is not available?? Could be where I am Cheers Nigel
  16. Hi - I think this sounds really good - I don't actually know the original, but this sounds great Cool Nigel
  17. Bajan Blue


    not working for me either
  18. H steve- so glad you enjoyed the album and thanks so much for all the support Cheers Nigel
  19. So today we have launched our Eleventh Album – it’s called Kiss of Storms. And the first track off our new album is the title track, Kiss of Storms. Hope you enjoy it. You can see the lyrics here https://devinelie.com/kiss-of-storms/kiss-of-storms/ And the whole album is available on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/27iKYYjlWOT2Ku0ltzSEKB We’ve updated our website as well – we’ve got our own store now where you can get music and merchandise!! https://devinelie.com
  20. Hi Steve Thanks for the kind comments. well I have to say I wasn't quite sure of Ozone 10 or 11 at first - and I do agree a bit about not understanding fully what is going on under the "hood" I think its new and not in Ozone 10 (if it was I missed it!) In Ozone 11 they have added a facility to hear exactly what the module is doing - its called Delta - now that helps a great deal especially with the new modules like Clarity. After not much experimentation, I have to say I was very happy with the results I got with Ozone 11 Cheers Nigel
  21. Hi Freddy and Ross Thanks so much for the very kind comments - always appreciated! Nigel
  22. I have had real problems with kontakt 7 - my machine is a very current high spec i9 I have never been able to open Kontakt 7 on my desktop, so I still use V6 and am very happy. I can open 7 inside my DAW, but it really is a bit of a dog in my very humble opinion, so again I prefer 6 I am only using 7 in my DAW for libraries I cannot open in 6 I have updated 7 many times since launch, although I have not applied this latest update what a sorry mess Nigel
  23. Hi - thanks for this appreciated - yes my Guitars - my Guilty secret!! These little videos have worked really well - i did them to publicize the launch of our new album - Kiss of Storms is out THIS FRIDAY !!!!! In fact they have worked so well, I am thinking of doing a few more Guitars and a few of my Old synthesizers, like my Korg Delta, EKO P15, Yamaha SK10, Kawai 5000S and my Oberheim OB12 - more difficult to film, but could be fun!! Cheers Nigel Hi Lynn Thanks and always appreciated. Now regarding New Material, our new album, Kiss of Storms is released this Friday. 13 Brand new tracks - have been busy getting all the videos finished. Cheers Nigel
  24. Hi Bjorn Thanks for those very gracious comments - really appreciated Cheers Nigel Hi Thanks KS - appreciate the very kind comments Cheers Nigel Thanks Larry - really appreciated Cheers Nigel
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