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Everything posted by geeare1

  1. geeare1

    Empty Rooms

    Well written song. Your vocal and guitar playing/tone are excellent as is the mix imho. Great job, Paul! gary
  2. Nice track. I like the build-ups and key changes. Are there plans for a book(s) or video?
  3. Best wishes for a quick and complete recovery, sir!
  4. Sounds great, man! Best of luck with the album.
  5. I like the song and the video. Both are totally pro on every level. Thank you!
  6. Very nice! Lots of different moods & textures to keep people with short attention spans, like me, engaged. The piano at the end isn't too soft to me, in fact the overall mix is great.
  7. geeare1

    High Road

    Hi Dan, High Road is fantastic! The song, playing, arrangement and mix/production are all stellar to my ears. I've also being away for awhile but I remember being super impressed by your song Airshow. Not sure how long ago that was, though. At any rate, welcome back and great to hear your music again. gary
  8. Max Arwood: Thank you, Max! Much appreciated.
  9. bjornpdx: Bjorn, thanks very much! I appreciate the kind comments, especially about the guitar tone. For what it's worth, I think the tone has more to do with flat-wound strings than the guitar or how it was recorded. Really liked "Red Light Blues" and "Beanie Weenies" btw! Paul Bush: Hi Paul. Thank you for listening/commenting. Glad you like the song and I appreciate your description of the B&W private detectives, etc. Full disclosure-I had to google "Trilby hat" ?. I also liked your songs "Snowflake" and "Take it on the Chin" as well!
  10. You're clearly way more knowledgeable about recording/mixing than I am but the guitars sound great to me. Kudos on the string gauges. I think the heavier strings sound better but there's always the trade-off between tone and playability. Anyway, in my opinion, your exercise was a success.
  11. Cool tune, Freddy. I like the lyrics and overall vibe. I think Tom (DeeringAmps) has some good suggestions regarding "traffic" in the middle.
  12. Hi Paul, I really like the song and production. Your voice kinda reminds me of Colin Hay (Men At Work). Hope you take that as a compliment ?. Cool guitar tone and solo and I also like the pizzicato strings (if that's what I'm hearing) in the 1st verse. Very nice!
  13. geeare1

    Red Light Blues

    Cool song and guitar tone. A lot of reverb but I'm a 'verb fan so I like it. The guitar playing sounds like it is coming along just fine. Just my opinion but, if you're having trouble with a pick, try playing with your fingers. Lot's of great guitar players don't use a pick. Just my 2 cents.
  14. Ha! Very funny tune and video. Well done ?
  15. Wookie: Thank you, sir! Much appreciated David Sprouse: Hi David. Thanks for listening and commenting. Glad you like the tune. Grem: Hi Michael. Thanks very much for listening and for the positive comments.
  16. geeare1


    Hi Anders, I'm listening on the cheapest of laptops and the mix, your guitar and voice all sound great to me. I may have to go listen to this again on real speakers. Excellent vocal and guitar. Long ago I used to play some Uriah Heap songs in a cover band but I don't remember them doing anything as beautiful as this tune. Extra points for the bowler, too!
  17. freddy j: Hi Freddy, thanks for the listen and the Mancini reference! Don't get many of those. I'm glad you liked the tune. It was great to hear your "After Christmas Bill Paying Blues" again. All the best. emeraldsoul: Hi Tom, thank you for listening and for the kind comments. Regarding the drums, I recently started using Superior Drummer and I'm real happy with it. I appreciate the comments on the guitar tone, too. I struggled with using an actual amp for awhile because I didn't think software amps would sound "real", but I was obviously wrong. Lesson learned ?. Thanks again!
  18. Hi Freddy, I think I may have listened to / commented on this tune when you originally posted it. Man, time flies on by doesn't it? It still sounds as rockin' now as it did then, though. Sorry to hear about the hard drive but IMHO the song sounds fine as is.
  19. mark skinner: Thanks very much, Mark. I really enjoyed your instrumental "brahma" kennywtelejazz: Hi Kenny, thank you for listening / commenting. I appreciate the comments from a musician of your caliber. BTW, great playing on "G Minor Swing Blues". ZincT: Thank you! I appreciate the comment on the horns because I'm embarrassed by the amount of time I spent on them ?. Let me say again, your version of "I Believe in Father Christmas" sounds amazing!
  20. Yikes, this sounds amazing! Congratulations.
  21. Great tone and great playing! Loved both versions.
  22. geeare1


    Hi Mark, this is really nice. Great relaxed groove. I love the cello, in general, but it's refreshing to hear one in this context. Overall, great!
  23. geeare1

    Take it All

    Hi Nigel, great tune / performance / production / video! A previous post mentioned an 80's vibe and I completely agree. The mix sounds really good on my laptop speakers which are pretty unforgiving.
  24. Wow, great job! The vibes sound great on this, excellent choice.
  25. kloon: Thank you for listening and commenting! I especially appreciate the comment on the trumpet & guitar ? Jesse Screed: Hi Jesse, thanks very much for the positive feedback. Much appreciated. I've recently started using Superior Drummer. I'm real happy with the program but there's a pretty steep (to me) learning curve and I've barely scratched the surface of what it can do.
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