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Nigel Mackay

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Everything posted by Nigel Mackay

  1. Input Gain is the knob at the top of each track. That ONLY sets level. It only affects the sound if you turn it up too high and get clipping. ? Inside TH3 you adjust all the knobs on the amp to get the sound you want all the way to Gain or Volume (depends on the actual amp.) The last knob, level, has nothing to do with the amp sound, and is not on real amplifiers. That is just there to bring the level back down again, because amplifiers are famous for making things louder. At all stages along the chain, you turn the output level down or up so that it is the same as the level at the input. That way you keep the level of everything constant up until the final mix. (With something like a compressor, it is very often labelled Makeup Gain, because a compressor brings the LEVEL down while increasing the VOLUME.) Once you have recorded your guitar track, with no clipping and with the amp sounding the way you want, go to the Tutorials section and watch some YouTube videos. Most of them are excellent. Use the search words "beginners" or "start." Also have a look at the Creative Sauce one about Gain Staging. There you will see what I mean about maintaining a constant level throughout the entire chain.
  2. In the track view, above all the tracks, select Options -> Meter Options and select Horizontal meters. Widen that column. You get meters that are more useful. When recording the guitar keep it below the red. Record a little riff. On all tracks, set the fader to the "0" position. Then loop play that riff, and adjust the level control on the amp you are using in TH3 to keep that track below red. Then go to the bus that is fed from the track with the TH3 and adjust its Input Gain to keep the level below the red. Then go to the master and adjust its Input Gain to keep it below the red. Now set the volume of your listening system to get a good volume. Now you can record.
  3. Nigel Mackay

    Guitar EQ tips

    Don't EQ unless it needs it. ? As dir compression, if you have any sort of overdrive or distortion it is already compressed. Search YouTube for guitar editing guides. There is just no straight answer. Everything depends ... on the type of recording, type of music, other instruments, effect you are trying to achieve.. The Tutorials section of this forum and YouTube are your friends.
  4. Can you do a screen shot of your export dialog.
  5. Not saying this is your problem, but look at this. Download and run Latency mon If there is a problem it tells you in no uncertain terms. ? I had to uninstall KB4551672 to solve the problem. Unfortunately, it also has important fixes, but I haven't noticed anything untoward.
  6. Having something in the ProChannel won't cause the problem. Me, I'd uninstall and reinstall Cakewalk. (Backup all your projects first.) It is a painless, albeit time consuming process.
  7. You have to look for it in the manual for that VST. They all have their own method of doing it. If they can do it.
  8. The effect is called portamento. Or a slide with a guitar. That is a function of the individual instruments rather than Cakewalk. There is no PRV setting/function/method of doing it. VST instruments that can do it (not all can), will have a setting for permanently on/off, or a keyswitch that when triggered says "these notes must slide from one to the next." The setting/keyswitch varies from VST to VST.
  9. Cakewalk does not have that facility. Might even be that only FL Studio does. You will have to do it the hard way. (Program two notes close together.) If it is any consolation, some drum instruments have a flam articulation, but of course, that doesn't help for other instruments.
  10. @JoeGBradford I was going to say more or less what @David Baay said. Run the installer again, select both VST2 and VST3. In Preferences -> VST Settings -> VST3 Migration there is a checkbox Hide Related VST2 Plug-Ins. This takes care of having both. In Utilities -> Cakewalk Plug-in Manager in Plug-in Categories click on VST3 Instruments. In Registered Plug-Ins click on SampleTank 4. At the bottom left there is Manage Exclusion List. Click on Exclude Plug-In. Now the VST3 version won't be used. in Plug-in Categories click on VST Instruments. Have a look in Registered Plug-Ins. If SampleTank4 is there then it will be used. (The VST2.) If not, in Manage Exclusion List click on Show Excluded. Now it should appear in Registered Plug-Ins. (Not sure if Preferences -> VST Settings -> VST3 Migration -> Hide Related VST2 Plug-Ins matters.) Click on SampleTank4 and you should be able to click on Enable Plug-in in Manage Exclusion List. Do the reverse when swapping back. Not sure if Preferences -> VST Settings -> VST3 Migration -> Hide Related VST2 Plug-Ins matters.
  11. 1) You need a drum VST that has separate outputs for each piece of kit. When you add the VST you must select All Synth Audio Outputs: Stereo. Then, in the synth, you must route the kit pieces to the separate outputs. (There are YouTube videos.) 2) If using something like SI Drums which only has one output, you must add multiple copies of SI Drums, each with its own MIDI track, only playing one piece of kit. (Or as many as you want to separate from the others.)
  12. Why don't you look in C:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core and see if the Style Dial FX folder is there, as @msmcleod suggested. My Style Dials are there.
  13. Also, make sure you installed the VST as well as the Standalone.
  14. The straight answer is no, you can't.
  15. Nigel Mackay

    Sample packs

    The audio files at Bandlab Assistant are samples. You drop them in an audio track they play. But not easy to edit or modify. The MIDI files are loops. A series of notes. You can drop them into a MIDI track. But they don't make any sound. They are instructions. You must insert an instrument (a drum set in your case) and route the MIDI track to the instrument. Then the loops will play. Most drum VSTs come with loops which you can drag to a MIDI track. But you are never going to get the same type of arpeggiator track in Cakewalk - FL Studio started off as Fruity Loops, a loop player, and still has that functionality.
  16. Nigel Mackay

    Sample packs

    Cakewalk doesn't come with sample packs. You only mention kick drum. Cakewalk has SI Drums, which is a full drum set. See this YouTube video about making sure you have all 3 SI instruments downloaded. If you want more than this, Google free vst sample packs and have a look. This will give you sites with lists of sites with free samples. You can then look for stuff that takes your fancy. Be aware that to play samples you seed a sampler. Try sforzando for a start.
  17. Does Windows say not recognised/not supported or is that what you surmise. I presume the track plays in Cakewalk? In the export dialog, at the bottom under Bounce settings, check that you have this: Source category: Entire mix Channel format: Stereo Sample rate: 44100 Bit depth: 16 Dithering: None Check all the check boxes. 64-bit Engine doesn't matter for the moment.
  18. SI Strings switches automatically depending on the notes being played. Bass notes play on the Bass, middle range on the Cello, and high notes on the Violin. With SI Drums, each piece of the drum kit has notes assigned to it. You use the correct note for the specific kit piece. B2 is kick drum, D3 is snare, F#3 is closed hihat, etc.
  19. Screensets are only applicable to that project. Open a different project and they are gone. Screensets are meant to be a quick-fix. You find you are swapping back and forth between 2 views while doing a particular task? And in 30 minutes when you are finished with that task the views become redundant? Use screensets. To save a screenset switch to another one. So, select Screenset 1. Set up your view. Click Screenset 2. Screenset 1 gets saved. Set up Screenset 2. Select Screenset 1. Screenset 2 gets saved. Now you can switch back and forth between the 2 views to your heart's content. And when you have finished that task you will never use those screensets again. Like strangers you bump into at the pub. While chatting you remember their names and which one has just taken his fog to the vet. The moment you walk out the door on your way home you forget them. You will never see them again. Screensets. But... While tracking do you ALWAYS want the Track Inspector closed, the Browser open? Define a Workspace called Tracking that is set up that way. Workspaces apply to all projects. Define Workspaces for Recording, Tracking, Mixing, Automating, Mastering. Set them up the way you like things to look. Then they are always there for you, with every project that you work on. Like old Fred and John that you join up with every Thursday night at the pub. Every Thursday you go through the same greeting rituals, the same taking turns in paying for rounds, play the same 3 games of darts. Workspaces. While with Fred and john you might start chatting to some guy who is in town for 3 days on a business trip. The 3 of you chat to him, he plays a game of darts with you. But after that you never see him again. He is a Screenshot. But next Thursday Fred and John will be there, same as usual, because they are Workspaces. And some other guy in town for the night joins you for the evening. But gone tomorrow. He was just a Screenshot.
  20. BTW I don't get email notifications either.
  21. As regards Kontakt libraries, you can put them anywhere. When you get a new library you tell Kontakt "Add Library" and point to it.
  22. If you are saying you have 2 instances of Drum Pro loaded, one in each track, then make sure that they are using different MIDI channels. Maybe Logic does that for you automatically. Cakewalk won't.
  23. In Sonar, importing a midi file doesn't import tempo and key signatures and the like. The project has all that information. ? You must use File -> Open. This imports all the tempo, time signature info, etc. with the midi data Then you can either save as a project or, if you already have a project where you need it, you need to copy special all the midi data and paste special all into your project.
  24. If you mean in the Controller Pane below the PRV, it does work. If Velocity is not listed as an option, click the + sign and add it. (Next to Transform.) And Velocity has never been a Controller, it is a property of the note event. ?
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