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Everything posted by S.L.I.P.

  1. Pages (14): 1 2 3 4 5 ... 14 Next » Search Results PostAuthorForumRepliesViewsPosted [asc] Thread: Well, lets see how this works out. Post: RE: Well, lets see how this works out. [Image: http://www.nwdreamer.com/gif/becan-award_600x.jpg] Craig BThe Coffee House4650902-15-2019, 07:04 AM Thread: Well, lets see how this works out. Post: RE: Well, lets see how this works out. It never surprises me at how many posts get generated when the word becan is used. The power of this one word is really astonishing!! GremThe Coffee House4650902-15-2019, 06:20 AM Thread: Well, lets see how this works out. Post: RE: Well, lets see how this works out. (02-14-2019, 07:48 PM)Craig B Wrote: (02-14-2019, 07:31 PM)synkrotron Wrote: (02-14-2019, 07:02 PM)Craig B Wrote: *BUSTED!!!* Doh! Okay, where do we ship the becan to. And you've not said how ... WibblesThe Coffee House4650902-15-2019, 12:46 AM Thread: Well, lets see how this works out. Post: RE: Well, lets see how this works out. (02-14-2019, 04:59 AM)Grem Wrote: Sorry for the off topic in you thread Glyn. We should watch for the mods too. I hear the are a fierce bunch over here!! : ) Hope no one reports us!! No worries, it... GlynBarnesThe Coffee House4650902-14-2019, 08:45 PM Thread: Well, lets see how this works out. Post: RE: Well, lets see how this works out. (02-14-2019, 07:31 PM)synkrotron Wrote: (02-14-2019, 07:02 PM)Craig B Wrote: *BUSTED!!!* Doh! Okay, where do we ship the becan to. And you've not said how much... All of it naturally. (Duh. :D ) Craig BThe Coffee House4650902-14-2019, 07:48 PM Thread: Well, lets see how this works out. Post: RE: Well, lets see how this works out. (02-14-2019, 07:02 PM)Craig B Wrote: *BUSTED!!!* Doh! Okay, where do we ship the becan to. And you've not said how much... synkrotronThe Coffee House4650902-14-2019, 07:31 PM Thread: Well, lets see how this works out. Post: RE: Well, lets see how this works out. *BUSTED!!!* As per the user agreements, you guys now have to pay the fine (payable to me in becan). Craig BThe Coffee House4650902-14-2019, 07:02 PM Thread: The new FSF nonsense Post: RE: The new FSF nonsense (02-12-2019, 12:28 AM)Grem Wrote: And the sky can't fall when you got crispy Becan! Uncured!! Linear PhaseThe Coffee House3,970100,23102-12-2019, 02:38 PM Thread: The new FSF nonsense Post: RE: The new FSF nonsense And the sky can't fall when you got crispy Becan! GremThe Coffee House3,970100,23102-12-2019, 12:28 AM Thread: The new FSF nonsense Post: RE: The new FSF nonsense No yolk....Becan is no chicken little MeshThe Coffee House3,970100,23102-11-2019, 03:25 PM Thread: The new FSF nonsense Post: RE: The new FSF nonsense I like crispy Becan....(no joke!) MeshThe Coffee House3,970100,23102-11-2019, 02:30 PM Thread: The new FSF nonsense Post: RE: The new FSF nonsense (02-09-2019, 09:27 PM)Linear Phase Wrote: (02-09-2019, 05:58 PM)Craig B Wrote: Hey! Great idea Pedro! We should start a Top-10 Inside Jokes thread! :76: I demand to hear an inside joke on ... Craig BThe Coffee House3,970100,23102-09-2019, 10:32 PM Thread: The new FSF nonsense Post: RE: The new FSF nonsense (02-09-2019, 05:58 PM)Craig B Wrote: Hey! Great idea Pedro! We should start a Top-10 Inside Jokes thread! :76: I demand to hear an inside joke on this forum that doesn't start with the word,... Linear PhaseThe Coffee House3,970100,23102-09-2019, 09:27 PM Thread: The BMD Top-10 Inside Jokes Thread! Post: The BMD Top-10 Inside Jokes Thread! Ok, everyone congratulate Pedro for coming up with the idea! Here's my nine to start with (I left one off on purpose because I know I've forgotten some!): The FSF Becan It's all crash in the ... Craig BThe Coffee House2928402-09-2019, 06:22 PM Thread: The new FSF nonsense Post: RE: The new FSF nonsense Mmmmm Becan.....and cake!! MeshThe Coffee House3,970100,23102-07-2019, 04:36 PM Thread: The new FSF nonsense Post: RE: The new FSF nonsense (02-07-2019, 11:13 AM)Wibbles Wrote: I heard a rumour that there's going to be cakes for everyone today. And becan. * *It's Bapu's Birthday. [Image: http://www.nwdreamer.com/gif/baco... Craig BThe Coffee House3,970100,23102-07-2019, 04:09 PM Thread: The new FSF nonsense Post: RE: The new FSF nonsense I heard a rumour that there's going to be cakes for everyone today. And becan. * *It's Bapu's Birthday. WibblesThe Coffee House3,970100,23102-07-2019, 11:13 AM Thread: Now Playing ... Post: RE: Now Playing ... (01-26-2019, 03:42 AM)Craig B Wrote: Dang Pedro! Now I'm missing Edgar again... Hi, I do not "miss" him ... because all of that music is a part of my DNA. And has been since 1972! So sorry t... MoshkitoThe Coffee House1,00829,68201-26-2019, 02:15 PM Thread: The new FSF nonsense Post: RE: The new FSF nonsense (01-25-2019, 11:16 PM)Wibbles Wrote: (01-25-2019, 10:20 PM)bapu Wrote: (01-25-2019, 10:18 PM)Wibbles Wrote: We're narrowing the demographic of this website down to men in their fifties who drink... MoshkitoThe Coffee House3,970100,23101-26-2019, 02:06 PM Thread: The new FSF nonsense Post: RE: The new FSF nonsense (01-25-2019, 10:20 PM)bapu Wrote: (01-25-2019, 10:18 PM)Wibbles Wrote: We're narrowing the demographic of this website down to men in their fifties who drink their coffee black without sugar. Oh,... WibblesThe Coffee House3,970100,23101-25-2019, 11:16 PM Pages (14): 1 2 3 4 5 ... 14 Next » Beyond My DAW › Search Results Mark all posts read Subscribe to this forum Default Mobile MyBB 1.8 Focus - Premium MyBB Theme Andreas09-Black Lunorian FunkyOne Contact Us Beyond My DAW Return to Top Lite (Archive) Mode Mark All Forums Read RSS Syndication Current time: 03-03-2019, 11:58 PMPowered By MyBB, © 2002-2019 MyBB Group.
  2. Why not download latest version of Cakewalk to see if that might help.
  3. If I was to buy a new PC, this looks very tempting... https://studiocat.com/opencart2/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=76
  4. Buy a copy of Computer Music Magazine (digital download, $3.99 to $4.99), and get the Frontier CM. Not as good as Adaptive limiter, but still excellent!
  5. ...If they would have left it in the instruments forum, it would have 1 reply and 4 views. Ha, ha, ha.....
  6. Bought my studio cat in Oct. of 2013. Still purring.....
  7. A man goes into a pet shop to buy a bapu. The shop owner points to three identical looking bapus on a perch and says, "The bapu on the left costs $500." "Why does that bupu cost so much?" asks the customer. The owner says, "Well, that bapu knows how to play in Am."
  8. At two minutes and twenty seconds, we see a nano second of our fearless leader. I deem this to be political, and in violation of the TOS. Please moderators do you due diligence.
  9. I don't know, but it looks like they offer financing at 0% interest.
  10. Rest easy. In case the old forum goes down for good, this establishment has all of Bapu's Cakewalk forum posts for sale:
  11. No, I'm Bapu! | Cakewalk Forums forum.cakewalk.com/No-Im-Bapu-m3140910.aspx Jan 3, 2015 - 21 posts - ‎10 authors Your no Bapu! Should auld ... My name is Ed. I Am still bapu though. My Studio ... I Am back expecting a ,well, I Am not at liberty to say. I am Bapu'd 13 posts May 3, 2017 The poster Bapu has been Am'd 19 posts Dec 14, 2015 I AM BAPU 11 posts Sep 20, 2012 An Active Bapu Am a Tired Bapu 7 posts Jan 8, 2012 More results from forum.cakewalk.com
  12. Bapu's Test Results - Proof that he is Stupid! | Cakewalk Forums forum.cakewalk.com/Bapu39s-Test-Results-Proof-that-he-is-Stupid-m2132013.aspx Nov 14, 2010 - 9 posts - ‎6 authors Turns out he failed this test miserably Bapu funny or unfunny has yet to be determined in ... as one can see - Bapu = Not too Brilliant / Stupid. Bapu B40 - aka The Attack Bapu (if you must) Thread 7 posts Jul 15, 2015 Does this Bapu smell (un)funny to you? 10 posts Feb 6, 2012 Whom is more funny, Monty Python or Bapu? 17 posts Oct 19, 2010 new bapu, same as the old... 5 posts Jul 15, 2009 More results from forum.cakewalk.com
  13. Bapu's Post Count was a hoax!!! | Cakewalk Forums forum.cakewalk.com/Bapus-Post-Count-was-a-hoax-m2889118.aspx Sep 18, 2013 - 13 posts - ‎9 authors Well.... since post count matter not anymore my next "goal" in life (besides releasing another song that I and my mates can shamelessly plug) is ... What's the shelf life of one of Bapu's posts? 12 posts Apr 8, 2012 Did anyone notice if Bapu's post count increased while ... 4 posts Jan 21, 2012 Songs with Bapu's post count in the title 16 posts Oct 3, 2011 All of these birthdays add to Bapu's post count... 10 posts Apr 17, 2011 More results from forum.cakewalk.com
  14. I love how those guys fix things so quickly!
  15. Lately I've been using Reborn 2. I like it cause it's nice and clean.
  16. He's has a lot of interesting, and informative Kontakt videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCoAJ5JYKYTMubpTIsWi70w
  17. GySgt. Emil Foley: Mayo, I want your D.O.R. Zack Mayo: No, sir. You can kick me outta here, but I ain't quitting. GySgt. Emil Foley: Get into your fatigues, Mayo. By the end of this weekend, you'll quit.
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