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Everything posted by S.L.I.P.

  1. I thought it was okay until I saw the lava lamp.
  2. Waveform Magazine is a new print magazine for synthesists. It’s quarterly print magazine, supported by advertisers, about ‘synthesizers and those who inhabit that world’. The print subscription is free to all US subscribers, and subscribers outside the US get the magazine in digital format. Issue #1, due out in April 2019, features interviews with: Suzanne Ciani, Dave Smith, Folktek, Noise Reap, and 4ms. It also features a section on synth DIY, DivKid’s “Underrated”, Shop Talk, gear reviews, music reviews, and more. You can subscribe at https://www.waveformmagazine.com
  3. I have room in my house.
  4. Just think how happy you would have been if you ate all of it...
  5. Mexico is a country between the U.S. and Central America that's known for its Pacific and Gulf of Mexico beaches and its diverse landscape of mountains, deserts and jungles. Ancient ruins such as Teotihuacán and the Mayan city of Chichén Itzá are scattered throughout the country, as are Spanish colonial-era towns. In capital Mexico City, upscale shops, renowned museums and gourmet restaurants cater to modern life. They also refuse to pay for the WALL...
  6. I totally understand, but I've long since given up on the idea that one DAW will do it all for me. Maybe the workaround from djtrailmixxx will work, but sometimes I find that workarounds lead to more frustration. I find it simpler to export a rough mix of my tracks into Reaper, and exporting, and importing the recorded vocal back into Cakewalk, because I know that Reaper's varispeed works incredibly well and will give me the results I'm looking for in a very short period of time. Good luck TedPiano. If you find a workaround that is truly efficient, please let us know.
  7. I don't know of a workaround in Cakewalk. I use Reaper for this. You could always download it for free, import a mix of the tracks, and record the vocal using the varispeed control, and export the vocal stem, and import it back into Cakewalk.
  8. Here's a good, free limiter: https://d16.pl/frontier/overview
  9. ...the internet is like a box of chocolates...
  10. Was his first name Donald?
  11. Dr T's was my first...Debbie was my second...
  12. I thought you felt compassion for people that don't speak English as their native language...
  13. That's very...of you to say...
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