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Everything posted by S.L.I.P.

  1. whizzes toxemic fuzzily
  2. For all the grate guitar players...
  3. https://beyondmydaw.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2
  4. You are amazing! Thank you for this, and everything that you contribute on a daily basis!
  5. Lord O' Lord! Where's that from?
  6. It's like this... ...only louder...
  7. llama, llama please talk to your daughter 'bout me llama, llama please talk to your daughter 'bout me She made me love her and I ain't gonna leave her be
  8. HOBBLING A LLAMA It was Dr.Charmian Wright, a Vet and camel-trainer from Utah, USA, who first described to me the calming effect of putting a hobble on a camelid. Frankly, I did not believe her, at least, I did not think it could work for llamas, but I was persuaded to have a go. The design I came up with, involved a webbing cuff around each fetlock incorporating a D-ring sitting in the hollow at the back. A belt was then passed from ring to corresponding ring, across the withers. The llama was asked to kush and the slack taken up so that he could only "stand" on his knees. At this point another belt was threaded through the bent knees and passed over the withers. When tightened, the llama was completely immobile.
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