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Everything posted by S.L.I.P.

  1. I just contacted my lawyer. You're all set!
  2. Hey Steve, Sorry to hear about that. Three years ago I lost low frequency hearing in my right ear. For a while I was hearing a weird harmony on certain notes, as well as weird robotic sounds. After about 6 months or so, the robotic sounds and weird harmonies thankfully disappeared, but I'm still left with the low frequency hearing loss. Thank God for spectrum analyzers! Low frequency hearing loss is rare, and doesn't usually have anything to do with listening to loud music, or so I was told. The ENT I went to when it first happened gave me a series of of steroid injections into the ear, but sadly did not work. The ENT said it was probably caused by a weird virus.
  3. If you are just using Melodyne Essentials 4, it is a free upgrade to Essentials 5.
  4. Beat Magazine motto: "You'll feel "BEAT," after trying to access our content!"
  5. If they ask for second word on page 30, it is: MPC
  6. Vapor, and Percussive Adventures 2 will no longer load into Kontakt. I know that Native Instruments said that you would no longer be able to do a fresh install, but I thought that it would not affect the libraries on my current computer. I was using Vapor in a current project, but now I'm not able to. Does anyone know the support email address for Native Instruments. I'm not finding it. Thanks in advance. Boy this sucks! I started Native Access, and I was able add the libraries as third party install. All is working, thankfully!
  7. "Albert Asham has a wagon and bob - sleighs . E - cha - was - com - e - qua - poo." Page 161, Annual report of the Department of Indian Affairs. https://books.google.com/books?id=ItU6AQAAIAAJ&pg=RA1-PA161&lpg=RA1-PA161&dq=asham+poo&source=bl&ots=n-0-iQkBmv&sig=ACfU3U0GmSA1z9nTaJky-evXBpkoyvgO0Q&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwibnrOz9ujpAhXmQ98KHU4LAx4Q6AEwAHoECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q&f=false
  8. I was possessed by Kenny. When I came out of the trance, this is what appeared on my screen. Now if only he can posses me with a little bit of his guitar playing skills...
  9. It looks like his album is dropping...
  10. It looks like $49 dollars to upgrade from Assistant to Assistant 5, At AudioDeluxe. They also have a 15% discount code that you can use: SPRING2020. https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/audio-plugins/celemony-melodyne-5-assistant-upgrade-assistant
  11. Not quite "Kenny," quality, but still funny!
  12. Michael Myers family choir free: https://samplefocus.com/tag/horror
  13. If I posted a picture of a scantily-clad woman, it might have been more help...
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