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Everything posted by S.L.I.P.

  1. This is how little you make from streaming. This is from a recent BMI Royalty statement. Spotify premium paid the most. Almost 8,000 streams and royalty amount was $2.03. Over 16,000 streams labeled, "Internet." One penny.
  2. The bitch like curry... The bitch like curry... The bitch like curry... Too much! Startin' to *****in' worry...
  3. Garam Masala Yo, makes me holla' I want it spicy, Hot under the colla'
  4. I've been using Reaper for almost 3 years, and I have not had one single crash. No matter how many plugins I use, I can still run at low latency without a hiccup. The CPU performance can not be matched by any other DAW. Here is a quote by Jim Roseberry from a thread posted recently on the Deals Forum: "Reaper is overall the most CPU efficient PC DAW application"
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