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Patrick Wichrowski

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Everything posted by Patrick Wichrowski

  1. For some bizarre motive my Rematrix Solo prochannel module disapeared. And I only noticed because of this topic. Luckly I did a clean full install and removed "read only" option from the Cakewalk folder. Problem solved.
  2. This one (Dreamstation DXi2) need to be forced because of dxishell.
  3. Just paste the youtube link and wait 2 seconds.
  4. Have you tried the UMC204 driver? https://mediadl.musictribe.com/media/sys_master/h72/hee/8849673846814.pdf
  5. Try Oolong first. Its no so realistic, but it can sound like something from the 90's.
  6. Worked here. I'll finish that Hammond book https://www.groove3.com/books/101-Hammond-B3-Tips-Stuff-All-the-Pros-Know-and-Use
  7. I always avoid installing everything in drive C: if possible. If the program insists, I "MKLINK" the folder to another location. I use Cakewalk as admin too, but I don't have this issue because my Steinberg folder with 32 and 64 bits VST2 are in D:, E: or F:
  8. https://downloads.focusrite.com/focusrite/focusrite-plug-ins
  9. ---- edit: i had to go to the support page and tried downloading from there. Worked. https://polyversemusic.com/support/
  10. It's automatic for owners of the bx_masterdesk. I got masterdesk from previous giveaway.
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