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57Gregy last won the day on February 3

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About 57Gregy

  • Birthday 04/22/1957

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  1. My apologies. I mistakenly thought Cakewalk Sonar already had a chord track feature. Thanks for the explanation, though.
  2. A perennial request. Can anyone who has Sonar tell me what the "chord track" is/does and why we need it? I have yet to invest in Sonar.
  3. Some have reported success using ASIO4All, but it's a band-aid. Microsoft's WASAPI driver now included with almost every Windows computer made on this planet has proven to be superior and won't interfere with other drivers, such as a real ASIO driver that came with your audio interface. Plus,
  4. One of the categories on Jeopardy Thurs. night was "Song of Roland Drum Machines".
  5. I think it's doing exactly what you tell it to do. Are ALL the tracks highlighted? Try 'Bounce to Tracks' ALL the highlighted tracks to 1 stereo track in the same project and export that single stereo track. Make sure that only that 1 stereo track is selected. Can you post a screenshot of your Track View as it looks when you export it, and your Export settings? I have never had this problem without it being my fault for not ensuring everything I want in the song is selected. Experience will help you see when something is amiss.
  6. Bub, did you see Jim's response in Computers?
  7. Or, as is the case with my Focusrite Scarlett 4i4, you haven't set the monitor knob to a level that would allow you to hear both.
  8. Jeez, was he planning on staying through the spring?
  9. Welcome to the forum. What audio interface are you using?
  10. Is the plug-in experiencing missing functionality or unpredictable behavior?
  11. That would be my advice to everyone, always, render first. Saves me a lot of frustration. You don't have to save the project that way. Once mixed down and exported, just close the project without saving.
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