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Everything posted by Marshall

  1. Equally excellent, as are the violin and the flute. Clarinet and Oboe not too shabby either ?
  2. It really is very good. I’ve owned it since the day it came out, and use a “Y” cable to get stereo audio from my iPad into my desktop DAW.
  3. Thanks for your thoughts on Intensity. Unfortunately I cannot demo it again - how effective have you found it on individual instrument tracks, if indeed you’ve used it in that way?
  4. That’s still a decent discount. Like many others here, I swapped from Sonar Platinum to Studio One Pro at this time of year three years ago - I’ll never forget! Kept up to date until V5 came out, but I’m really struggling to justify the upgrade from 4 to 5 as I don’t think there is a single feature which will help my workflow, let alone help me make better music. Aside from the fact I like my DAW to be bang up to date I can’t justify it.
  5. Yes, I guess all software developers have their own marketing approach. Informed potential buyers such as us lot on the forum won’t ever go near a Nembrini product at full price - wait five minutes and there will be a sale. But the uninitiated will buy at full price sometimes. I’m not sure what the right strategy is.
  6. Two years ago I downloaded the trial and didn’t buy. I thought “I can do all this and more with Ozone 8 Advanced”. A lot of the online review demonstrations seem to be EDM oriented which is no interest to me, so I wonder about its effectiveness on traditional instruments and mixes/ masters thereof. So, I’m thinking I won’t buy, but I’d be interested in views from any established Intensity users, especially if you have tried it compared to more traditional mastering approaches.
  7. Absolute must have for anyone working with harmonies IMHO.
  8. This does sound fun. The demos are sufficiently different to what I already own...yeah, think I’ll jump on this one!
  9. Marshall

    Free Flight

    Understated but oozes class. Video works really well too!
  10. I emailed Nembrini with a couple of questions and got this back: “...we will do a pro version with more features and no advert on it, and inport/export presets for use with our Plugin Rig” Just in case others are interested! With the existing version, I love the “show all plugins” option and the ability to resize them all to fit your screen.
  11. Very useful for anyone with Nembrini products! And zero money... Nembrini Standalone
  12. Just one for me - The Neural DSP Plini guitar amp sim at 50% off. Just completed this song for my next album, with the Plini used for the delay laden cleans throughout, and for the solo at 3:02
  13. Sure is annoying. I’m really, ahem, “rather cross” with the way Studio customers have been treated by Celemony. However, I am NOT going to upgrade until they bring the price down, I can live without it!
  14. Tempting, but honestly don’t need it!
  15. Celemony have confirmed on FB there is no BF deal for Editor or Studio (no reason given) and it’s gone down badly...
  16. Hmph.. Where's the deal on Studio 4 to 5 upgrade? Oh well, I don't "need" it ?
  17. Neural DSP Plini at 50% off. It’s all over my new song too, delay laden spacey cleans and all out soaring lead tones. Very happy.
  18. I “need” absolutely no software. Zilch! I wonder how many others on here feel the same? There is only a “want” category for most of us I’m willing to bet...have fun everyone!
  19. Yeah, that’s no incentive for me. I’d planned Studio 4 to 5 as a BF purchase, but not at that price.
  20. I have jumped on the Plini. Funny, tried it out when it first came out and let the 14 day trial lapse, no idea why. Like others have said, it’s very versatile but also it gives me inspiration with new sounds I don’t get with S Gear. It’s a great plugin and I’d like to record a song around it now. That’s me set for the weekend!
  21. +1 - both the Marshall sim and SoundMaster are great for a quick iOS tone.
  22. Since the SWAM addition to GeoShred, I’ve been practicing my alto sax and flute daily - play them more than my guitars at the moment. My aim is 100% to get these my sounds into my recordings and fool 99% of listeners that they are listening to real instruments. I’m more than aware that the same result is possible by a skilled practitioner with a midi keyboard and the multitude of brilliant VST instruments out there, but for me it is not, and GeoShred/ SWAM is opening up this world to me. I cannot recommend the SWAM stuff highly enough.
  23. I am putting serious effort into practicing the SWAM Alto Sax on my iPad and recording the audio into my desktop daw. It’s a game changer for me. btw, Shoegazer is beautiful! Wow!
  24. I hear @bitflipper ‘s reservations and respect that, but I personally have not had issues with usability. But I just dial in presets mainly, a tweak here and there and I am good to go. Also, my four year old i7 has never had problems with running Omnisphere and Trillian alongside each other in terms of CPU. Dave, you actually introduced me to Omnisphere a few years back and I have to say I’ve become a bit of Spectrasonics fanboy ?, can’t wait to dive in with this update!
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