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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. I'm rather new here, and I immediately found a home. Helpful people with a sense of humor and a sense of community. Notes
  2. Dvořák - Symphony n°7 - Cleveland Orchestra, George Szell
  3. How does one follow that???? I Want Your $EX - George Michael
  4. I hope you have your laptop camera covered up. I use a band-aid
  5. The Arabian Nights, complete Ballet in two Acts - Fikret Amirov Actually I'm listening to this on my CD player, while I do some bookkeeping for my Norton Music Band-in-a-Box business. it's and incredible piece of music.
  6. "Three O’Clock in the Morning" - Paul Whiteman
  7. Sorry, I didn't read your post two days earlier. But if we both agree, than the government is definitely wrong and we are absolutely right.
  8. Looks interesting, I'll watch/listen to that later when I get two interrupted hours.
  9. Huh? Do I really need to? Those have been my 4 food groups for decades. Although sometimes I switch Becan for Pizza. Whatever
  10. "Have You Met Miss Jones?" - jazz standard written by Rodgers and Hart. I prefer the Stan Getz recording, probably because I'm a sax player and he was one of the greatest sax players of the 20th century
  11. Chuck Berry - Maybellene lyric association: Nothin' will outrun my V8 Ford
  12. I appreciate all the different styles. Much of it I never even knew existed. How about my favorite Dr. John album. He got together with other New Orleans (NOLA) expats living in L.A. and recorded an entire album of New Orleans music in NOLA style and honoring previous NOLA artists. It's a fine example of a style of music that suffered greatly when Katrina leveled NOLA. It's well recorded and you can hear the fun these people had playing their roots music. Dr John - Gumbo (full album - I hope the full album thing works, I'm still on the first cut.)
  13. The 4 basic food groups that the government taught to the children long ago are wrong. Here is the correction: The four basic food groups Coffee (or tea) because life does not really exist before this beverage Chocolate Becan All other foods fall into this category. There you have it. Try to eat from all 4 basic food groups every day to live a happy life.
  14. Here is another very different take on a classic song by my favorite jazz vocalist: Eleanor Rigby - Mark Murphy
  15. Leilani and I have self-imposed dietary restrictions. It's an anti-inflammatory diet and it's very low in sugars, carbohydrates and foods with high arachidonic acid. Before the diet my inherited bursitis was so bad I couldn't walk 2 blocks without sitting and resting and I couldn't drive for more than 15 minutes or so without an ice pack on my hip. Now I walk 4 miles a day with zero pain and driving for hours doesn't bother me at all. It's worked just as well for a sports injury in my hand where arthritis set in. It's not an easy diet to follow, but it's better than being in pain or taking drugs which for these conditions have unfortunate side-effects. I got the diet from a doctor who told me to try it before resorting to anything else and it works. Notes PS as a side effect, I never get sick. This year I went off diet when I was in Vienna for a week, ate a bunch of desserts. I must have caught a cold on the plane. A few days later I got a cold that consisted of; one day runny nose, one day mild cough. That was it. I think the last time I caught anything was 15-20 years ago. I read something in Scientific American a few years ago explaining why, but I really don't remember exactly what it was. It's about some immune system cells that reside in your mucus membranes that inflammatory foods, especially sugars and starches suppress.
  16. But not the pork barrel as long as it's full of becan
  17. True, and if you are a happy sort, it'll buy you a lot of fun!
  18. A company called Clarion offers instrument insurance - of course it's late for that - but for next time perhaps. https://www.clarionins.com/
  19. As they say, money doesn't buy happiness, but then it doesn't buy unhappiness either. The two are neither mutually inclusive nor mutually exclusive. There are happy rich and unhappy rich, happy poor and unhappy poor. I suppose if I didn't make enough money to scratch out a living, the lack of it would make life unhappy, but I've always managed to get by. Back when I was in a group that was the warm up band for headliners in concert and they were negotiating us for a record deal I had a lot of money, and I was happy. When the deal fell through, the band broke up, and I went back to working night clubs I was still happy. When I was a field engineer working for a manufacturer of Cable TV equipment, the money was excellent, I had a company car, and only worked 3 days a week, but I wasn't happy. I could do the job but didn't like the way the company was run and therefore the situations they placed me in to do my job. Fortunately I could still gig on the weekends, and after a few years when the lay-off/downsizing came around, I was in the first group to go. I went back to playing music full time for a living and never looked back. I'm living life on my own terms. Nobody is telling me what to do. I don't punch a clock. In other words, I'm free. I accept the gigs that I want, and turn down ones I don't. When I book a gig, I have to show up, but that's not bad because I want to show up - can't wait to get on stage and play. I live by my good business decisions and hopefully learn from bad decisions. I get to play music and make a decent living at it. I'd make more if I was still with the CATV company, but I wouldn't be as successful in life. You spend the majority of your waking hours at work. If you do at work what you would do for free, you are a lucky person. I'm lucky that way. I'm of retirement age, but I have no plans to retire. Gigging is the most fun I can have with my clothes on. Some people wake up to an alarm and say "I have to go to work today". I wake up when I want and say, "I GET to go to work this evening!!!" and that is a big difference. As far as I'm concerned, life is too short to be in the "I HAVE to go to work today" group. Add to that I'm married to my best friend who is a fantastic singer and my duo mate. We could spend 24/7/365 together and it wouldn't be enough. I'm a very, very lucky man. Some people define success differently, but this works for me. Notes
  20. Well it looks like Christina has a theme going Christina Aguilera - The Beautiful People (from the Burlesque soundtrack)
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