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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. "You Can't Lose What You Never Had" - Muddy Waters One of my favorite Muddy songs.
  2. Someday My Prince Will Come - Snow White (voiced by Adriana Caselotti)
  3. First of all, I'm glad your diet is working for you. If there were one best diet for everyone, there would only need to be one diet book. I'll take the selected points above in order: 1) It's not propaganda. I have done serious scientific inquiry on this, mostly from peer reviewed scientific studies published in reputable medical journals. In addition my brother-in-law is a surgeon, my sister-in-law is an operating room nurse and they help me know where to look plus offer their own opinions. The 7 nutrients vegans can't get on a veggie diet are facts. The enzymes that are in human bodies are facts, and some are for digesting meat. You say you can take B12 supplements? Doesn't that prove to yourself that eating meat is normal? If if weren't for supplements, which haven't been around that long, they would all have a B12 deficiency, which is serious and could be fatal. So when you take your B12 to stay alive, you are taking something that only naturally occurs in meat and dairy. I might add that there are only two studies that prolong the life of apes, monkeys and rats in the lab that can be reproduced by others (that's what peer review is about). The first is a very low carbohydrate and low calorie diet. You can't be low carb eating most fruits and root veggies. The idea behind this diet is for your pancreas to excrete minimal amounts of insulin (which is necessary but bad for you). The second is using Alpha Lipoic Acid along with Acetys L-Carnitine, both meat products. It adds up to 14% to the life span of apes, monkey,s and lab rats. If you substitute the plant version, Alpha Linoleic Acid, it doesn't extend anything and there is no substitute for Carnitine.. 2) if you eat dairy, fish or chicken you are not really a vegetarian but an omnivore. Which plant does the milk, cheese, fish, or chicken grow on? 3) I totally agree with you on not torturing animals. I do not eat chicken as they are penned in tiny cages with beak and nails removed, nor do I eat lobster in those tanks with their claws taped shut. I eat 100% grass fed beef, so they live a peaceful life without out wild predators, and then killed in a humane way. I know ranchers here in Florida. One does 100% grass fed beef, and he is both a good steward and an ecologist. His cows graze on the range for their entire lives and when sent to a slaughterhouse designed by Temple Grandin. There is no stress, the kill is instant and painless, and the other cows don't see it. Google her. BTW The cows wouldn't have a life at all if nobody wanted to eat them. If there was no profit, there would be no cows. So rather than taking a life, we are giving millions of them lives. Humans have been eating meat since before we were evev human. ***** Erectus and others had tools to hunt and eat animals. The thing I would never do is try to tell a vegetarian that they should change their diet. But plenty of veggie people tell omnivores that they need to become a vegetarian. Why is that? I eat what I think is good for me, and you can do the same. Don't tell me my diet is wrong, please. I'm an omnivore, a picky eater, and I eat a balanced diet for my needs. I'm 73 years old, on zero prescription medications, and a heart doctor says I have the circulatory system of a 50 year old. I caught a cold this year on an airplane. It resulted in one day of runny nose and one day of coughing. On the third day I was back to normal. The last time I got sick at all was another mild cold about 15-20 years ago. Low carb, moderate protein, high fat omnivorous diet is obviously working for me. The thread is titled vegan bullying - and I interpret it as veggie people trying to tell me how to eat. My post gives the reasons why I eat an omnivorous diet. It is my defense to veggie people telling me I should stop eating meat. My posts are not intended to tell any vegetarian how to eat. I have 3 vegan friends and one who is married to a vegan but needs to eat meat, we can go out to dinner together and nobody criticizes the others. We all know we are just picky eaters, and if the subject comes up, there is never preaching, just curiosity and good friendly conversation. Notes
  4. Highway 61 Revisited - Johnny Winter breathed life and energy into the old Bob Dylan song
  5. Let Me In - The Sensations A dated, corny, but cute song from a Philadelphia group doing almost pre-Ska music
  6. As long as it's positive, take it as a compliment. If it's negative, try to figure out why. Ask what the listener didn't like. Being an artist and baring your creative soul is a tough thing to do. Be glad she didn't shrug and kindly say, "It's OK" with an expression on her face that said in body language "that sucked but I want to be kind to you." Insights and incites by Notes
  7. It's what you wear when the boss holds a meeting
  8. Monkey See Monkey Do - Michael Franks lyrics: Love has locked us up, peaches Locked inside this zoo <,,,snip...> Love is monkey see and monkey do, (that's all it is, peaches) Love is monkey see and monkey do, (would I lie to you?) Love is monkey see and monkey do, (that's all it is, peaches) Love is monkey see and monkey do I used to sing this song when I was in a jazz band in the 1970s or 80s.
  9. Prokofiev's Symphony #2 in Dm - The Royal Scottish orchestra conducted by Neeme Jarvi The first heavy metal album? Prokofiev characterized this symphony as a work of "iron and steel". It's not my favorite from him, but it's definitely heavy metal.
  10. The staff doesn't wait on me. But the rests do.
  11. My glands secrete enzymes for digesting both plant and animal food - therefore I feel I should eat both My entire digestive system is typical of an omnivore. Plants are difficult to digest, cows and sheep have several stomachs to ferment it first --- horses have an alimentary canal that is very, very, verry long and even so the food is so poorly digested that other animals eat horse feces --- rabbits and deer eat their own feces because one pass isn't enough to digest the plant matter (I for one is not going to do that) ;) If you eat 100% grass fed beef it's actually better than veggies for the environment. The cows can live on grasslands consuming nothing but what mother nature provides. Conversely: To grow crops on grasslands it takes huge amounts of precious water, cancerous herbicides and artificial fertilizer. In addition to that, according to Cornell University and the Environmental Defense Fund the fertilizer industry emits 100 times more methane than all the cow burps and farts combined. --- When you "finish" the beef on feed lots full of corn, it's the corn farming that hurts the planet, not the cows https://earther.gizmodo.com/just-one-tiny-industry-may-emit-more-methane-than-epa-h-1835376030 Seven essential nutrients humans can't get from plants (1) Vitamin B12 (2) Creatine (3) Carnosine (4) Vitamin D3 (5) Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) - the omega 3 fatty acids you get from plants don't convert to this (6) Heme iron - your digestive system doesn't absorb the iron from plants and (7) Taurine --- you can look these up here https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/7-nutrients-you-cant-get-from-plants?slot_pos=article_1&utm_source=Sailthru%20Email&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=authoritynutrition&utm_content=2019-11-07&apid=#11 If it weren't for predators, there would be no animal life left on the planet. We wouldn't be here. The herbivores would have eaten us out of house and home. Take the Marine Iguana in the Galapagos for an example. It once ate terrestrial plants. But there were no predators on their island to keep the numbers in check so they ate 100% of the food on the island that they could digest. And when new seedlings sprouted they were immediately eaten. Rather than starving to death, they started eating seaweed. The water is cold, and the iguanas are cold blooded. They ate and then laid in the sun to dry. Pretty soon all the close to shore seaweed had been eaten so the iguanas have to dive deeper and deeper to get food. Then they have to sit in the sun until their body temperatures rise enough to do it again. Those who can't hold their breath long enough and those who are down long enough for their system to get too cold both die, and this controls their numbers. Luckily there are predators in the ocean or all the seaweed would have been eaten by the herbivore fish, but the carnivorous fish keep their numbers in check. But of course there are those who believe the propaganda about veggie diets being healthier, and I suppose for some that might be. After all if one diet book worked for everybody, there would only need to be one diet book. These people are usually not prozeletyzers. Then there are those who are on a well meaning but misguided mission to save the animals. Some of these are the ones who try to diet shame you. Like all religious zealots, they want the entire world to abide by their set of values. I have some vegan friends who don't preach. I'm on a very meat heavy diet (was Atkins and now called Keto). We can meet in restaurants that server both and there is no preaching going on from either side. We both recognize each other for what we truly are, picky eaters. IMO the media propaganda is being spread by the corporate farming industries. They would love to plow up the grasslands to increase their profits. After all, they know the US Government will buy enough of their product to keep the prices up (price supports). The Everglades in Florida is a very poor place to grow sugar cane. I read in the Palm Beach Post that the US government pays them $4 billion of our tax dollars every year to buy enough "surplus" sugar to keep the retail prices for sugar in the US the highest in the world. We need to fight back against the vegan propaganda or there will eventually be no more meat to keep us healty. Insights and incites by Notes
  12. Guatemala Connection - Hubert Laws Great flute player and a nice cut from a very good album.
  13. I like Beethoven symphonies the best, especially 3, 4 and 7. #5 has a great first movement but the rest doesn't thrill me (it's still genius but not my cup of tea). For me at this stage in my life, symphonic music starts with Beethoven's 3rd, what I consider the very beginning of the romantic era. But what I love best is Dvorak, Suk, Shostakovitch, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Borodin, Smetana, Amirov, Saint-Sans, Vaughan Williams, Granados, Albeniz, Sarasate, de Falla, Rodrigo, and quite a few others. The more emotional they are, the better I tend to like them. The darker and heavier they are also gain listening points for me. I guess it's the Heavy Metal of the Classical world Like this one: Shostakovitch: Symphony #7, "Lenningrad" / USSR Symphony Orchestra, Evgney Svetlanov conductiong
  14. Lucky Man - E.L.P. I'm feeling like a lucky man today. I make my living doing music and nothing but music.
  15. There is only one way. Put it in a pan and turn the heat on. Microwaving, broiling, and all those other methods are for sissies.
  16. I heard they prefer virgin vegans.
  17. That's just creepy. I know some might find this sexy, and that's OK, but it's a turn-off for me.
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