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Everything posted by Notes_Norton

  1. New answer: Q: How many acoustic guitars in the back seat? A: Never enough
  2. Personally I'm sick of the methane propaganda, and so is Cornell University and the Environmental Defense League. As published in the peer-reviewed journal, Elementa: People tend to equate methane with cow farts (though their burps are worse), but we may be pointing our fingers in all the wrong places, according to a new study. The production of ammonia for fertilizer may result in up to 100 times more emissions than has been previously estimated for this sector. And that alone is more than what the Environmental Protection Agency estimates all industries emit across the U.S. https://earther.gizmodo.com/just-one-tiny-industry-may-emit-more-methane-than-epa-h-1835376030 I'm not criticizing vegans. If someone doesn't want eat dead furry animals, it's OK with me. I eat dead furry, scaly and feathery animals plus dead plants, but only those that I like the taste of and seem to agree with my body. I'm a picky eater. Think I'll have a cheeseburger with becan for lunch - and hold the lettuce. Lettuce is the #1 cause of salmonella poisoning. And I'll silently thank the cow and pig for providing me with sustenance. I'm grown up now and nobody can tell me what to eat and what not to eat. Oh I guess they can tell me, but I can ignore it. And to keep it on the TOS, last night on the gig I played "Cheesburger In Paradise" and it went over well. This is what influenced me to have a cheeseburger for lunch today. Of course I'll use 100% grass-fed, organic beef, so I don't pollute the environment with that methane producing fertilized corn that they give cows on the feed lot. I'll choose imported cheddar cheese because the European cows produce A2 milk, not the A1 milk that the majority of the US produces - and they don't use rBGH hormone with makes life miserable for the dairy cows. I guess I'm a lacto-ovo-fisho-beefo-pork-o vegetarian Notes
  3. Black Orpheus - Luiz Bonfa Luiz Bonfa - the great Brazilian guitarist playing his composition
  4. I can't quite agree with you. I'd have to substitute chocolate for the tobacco.
  5. Filthy McNasty - Eddie Jefferson putting words to a Horace Silver song
  6. Bad Romance - Postmodern Jukebox featuring Ariana Savalas & Sarah Reich
  7. Everywhere. And in TVs and Movies, saxophones are played during lust scenes, and violins played when it's true love. That's why I chose saxophone as my second instrument and my primary instrument (drums was first, both get the girls).
  8. Something different from the "Queen Of Latin Soul", La Lupe Oriente - La Lupe & Tito Puente (one of her lest wild numbers)
  9. Down St. Thomas Way - Mark Murphy's vocal take on a Sonny Rollins' St. Thomas with a great sax solo by Richie Cole
  10. The family that bathes together, slays together.
  11. Mechanical World - Spirit Some nice music from the psychedelic era
  12. Happy New Year y'all. How did you bring in 2020? Did you stay up to greet the new year or welcome it in the morning? Do you even care? (Yes I know the date is arbitrary) I did what I have done every year since I was 18, gigged and at the stroke of midnight, played "Auld Lang Syne" in the key of F concert (C on my tenor sax). That is every year but one when an agent double-booked us and we lost the "coin toss". Last night it was for a group of mostly crazy and wonderful French Canadians who are escaping the cold temperatures by spending the winter here in Florida. They hit the dance floor on the first song, and it wasn't empty again until we packed up our gear. When we were done we got hugs, hand-shakes, and those European two cheek kisses. It was so much fun we played 4 hours straight without a break. And at the end of the night the RV park paid us money and asked us to come back next year - bonne année. Today I get to spend the day with my dear wife who is also my best friend, the better singer in our duo, and a fine guitar and synth player. Just living the dream. Notes
  13. On the CD player is Dvorak's Symphony #9 with Neeme Jarvi conducting. It just seems right to start the new year with the New World Symphony.
  14. Tezza, eat what you want, and I'm glad it works for you. I'm at the agree to disagree phase, as the discussion is going nowhere. This will be my last response. Peace to you and I truly wish you good health. Bob
  15. Tezza: As I said, I'm glad you are happy with your diet, and I'm happy with mine. Yours seems best for you and mine seems best for me. I hope we can agree on that. If not, there is no need to discuss it any further. We can just agree to disagree. If vegan cured your problems Tezza, I'm happy for you. Strict Atkins/Keto cured mine so I hope you are happy for me. Before Atkins/Keto I was hugely overweight and frequently sick. Now I'm not. If one diet was best for everybody, there would only need to be one diet book. Dictionary definitions: Omnivore: one that is omnivorous Omnivorous: feeding on both animal and vegetable substances You may not like it, but if you eat animal and vegetable food, you are an omnivore. You can call yourself a vegetarian, but you aren't. Around here we have a huge lagoon that when the Spanish came, they thought was a river. To this day it's called "The Indian River" but that doesn't make it a river. It's still a lagoon. Tomatoes are called vegetables, and you can call it a veggie all you like but it's still a fruit. A person who eats veggies plus dairy or fish and call themselves a vegetarian, but they are still omnivores. *** I can't stand the smell of cooking cabbage or broccoli, so the fact that some can't stand the smell of meat doesn't prove anything. We all have likes and dislikes. You don't go to places that serve big slabs of meat, and I do. I don't go to places that smell bad to me, but that usually involves the aforementioned veggies and strong onion smells. *** Yes I know a good rancher, and this area is full of them. I've grown up in Florida, the second biggest beef state in the USA and I've been on at least a dozen ranches. I've seen the contented cows grazing on pasture more times than I could count. Plus when I eat beef it's 100% grass fed and organic. I'm sure there are bad ranchers too. There are good farmers and bad ones, some over-apply cancerous insecticides and herbicides to their vegetables just to increase crop yield. Some GMO corn has insecticides spliced into their DNA. This is cruel to human animals. The thing is; you can't classify all ranchers as bad and all farmers as good. Binary thinking isn't real. The world is full of shades of grey. *** By trying to get others to quit eating meat you become the perpetrator of vegan bullying, what this thread is all about. Please don't do that anymore. Can't you live your life your way and be happy with your diet, without forcing your "religious" views on others? Live and let live. Let each person pursue his or her happiness. The thing I stress is that you are right for you, but your right is not the gospel truth and is not right for everybody else. I'm not trying to convert any vegan to become an omnivore or a carnivore. I've never heard of a carnivore trying to convert vegans into becoming an omnivore. Why is it then it's always the vegans and omnivores that call themselves vegetarians that are trying to convince others to join their cult? It sounds like "My religion is the only true religion and you must convert or you will face eternal damnation." Steve: You make some good points about cooking food. The human brain started to increase in capacity when we started cooking meat (fossil evidence). There is a theory that is widely accepted but of course not proven that cooking meat whas the cause of that intelligence. *** Humans have been hunter-gatherers every since they evolved into humans. There are 7 nutrients you can't get from veggies. I choose to be an omnivore. That's fine for me. Others choose their own way of eating. That's fine for them. Peace, Bob
  16. Warning: I've posted this before, but although I try to avoid repeats, sometimes you just gotta do it. God Gave Rock And Roll To You - Argent Nice tune, IMO worthy of a repeat
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