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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. Anyone get that scan to actually do anything? VST limitation certainly looks like a cripple hammer to a plugin junkie.
  2. Seems a pretty obvious move to me. Bundles are geared at new customers....they know us old timers are not buying any more at the current tiers.
  3. I always thought Elements 3 was powerful enough to make people 2nd guess if they needed the far more expensive versions. This one makes me 2nd guess if it is useful enough to even install it. Odd considering they give away the EQ module as a separate plugin.
  4. They sound good but very different user experience than other plugins. A whole lot of knobs where you have to read the manual to figure out what it should control. A whole lot ot plugins doing esoteric things. But some are pretty straight forward. Haven't tried this new front end but seems like a good idea, but they should let you hide all the ones you don't want to see given so many of them do similar things or random esoteric stuff. Historically they are also light on the CPU as they have no GUI to speak of taking up resources.
  5. So of that gets chalked up to subtle differences. With a null test you won't hear a lot of differences as eq saturation usually is going to be very small in most plugins on a single track. Id agree that we don't need a large locker of digital EQs but even with the most feature rich eq on the market sometimes I want a different UI or limited options and has less to do with actual sound differences. That said, some EQs do sound different when you really push the settings.
  6. Haven't used it but I'm not sure I really understand the whole compete with other DAWs concept. Many people only need a glorified tape recorder that has the ability to record audio tracks and VSTis and add VST based effects to those tracks and the ability to do the most basic of editing on those tracks (volume automation, MIDI note editing and dynamics). Advanced arrangement and key change tools (ala Studio One) are a more advanced feature set - and certainly the minority need them. Once you enter the "free" class - basic functionality and support for 3rd party addons is all that is needed to be competitive with a good workflow and UI. I've used Cakewalk / Sonar for decades now and don't need 80% of what it is theoretically capable of. I'll be interested if Bandlab comes out with Sonar at a price point that doesn't make sense for me. Otherwise would love to stick with it.
  7. Infinite setting only gets like 80% wet when set to 100% wet with ducking and pre-delay set as low as they can go.....who designed this thing?
  8. That is only for certain plugins, this reverb shouldn't be one of those. That Acoustic Guitar and Royal Comp do fit that category.
  9. Guess I should have demo'd it before putting my $3 down (had $2 in credits).
  10. Had to click the link to see what a $300 reverb UI looks like. underwhelmed. And 10 GIGS for a reverb is madness.
  11. Meldway Grand that also come with it is large but also amazing sounding.
  12. Well the UI has seem some updates over the last few years and adding in the "thumbnails" of the instruments was a pretty big one to make it look a little more appealing.
  13. Played around with it for 10 min this morning. Will certainly see some use from me, and appreciate the reasonable footprint.
  14. I didn't get one and in the last decade I managed to buy about 100 of their plugins....so I'm pretty sure they are only pulling from about a year back in sales to see who applies. (also get the marketing materials daily)
  15. Yes, I work with photography and design at a professional level, so I work with resolution more than the average user. But the DAW itself is going to be full screen almost all the time for most users. Plugins on the other hand do get scaled around a ton, and the problem with them is that many are simply designed to small for 1080 to begin with and then don't even have a scaling option. Yes, there is a hidden beta forum here but you have to be on the beta team to see it...not sure if they are still accepting participants now that the bandlab subscription gets you access to a preview version...not sure if they have access to that sub forum either.
  16. Try this for free and load your same IR files from perfect space https://www.meldaproduction.com/MConvolutionEZ I've found it runs more efficiently than other on the market
  17. Yes, but the UI wasn't a bug (my Theme looks better to me than the new UI) - and we were also lifetimers not needing to pay extra for the updates. Newest version does have some new features, but honestly I'm shocked that something like Chord Track, Composer, Scaler type of functionality hasn't seen the light yet after over a year wait since the last update. The vast majority of users do no have 4K+ monitors, and even some that do run software at 1080P instead. While I agree that long term it makes sense for the future, it is also asking the user base to pay for something they don't need. Hopefully the pricing model makes it no-brainer territory.
  18. https://www.hornetplugins.com/plugins/hornet-chorus60/
  19. That is literally the only one that might make sense. That said, I'm not quite sure what it offers that some of the competition doesn't have. EX. Melda or Metric AB that some of us would already have.
  20. Interesting - same circuit as the better known counterpart the Supro Thunderbolt. But I guess that wouldn't make it sound as esoteric. I get my Supro in the box tones from this on TONEX, but hope they also get a ThunderBolt specifically eventually: https://www.amalgamcaptures.com/product-page/spro-dual-txe
  21. Well we know they have re-used processing codes on some other plugins based on some tests that youtubers have done. No clue about this one though.
  22. While I'm not going to get it, I personally think it makes sense for them to create a bunch of the "standard" issue plugins in the BX_ format that match the UI they started around BX_Limiter. This gives it a more modern take - even if the end result is nothing new. It seems the primary approach is the subscription route - so these are just building up their own ecosystem - not as much intended to be hot sellers as individual purchases out of the gate.
  23. I'd expect no less for a 1 knob plugin, upon release. ?
  24. Thought it came with it by default.
  25. I'd rather have a real capture of it for less money https://www.sadites.com/product-page/ik-multimedia-tonex-c-tweed-ultimate-tone-models-boogie-cali-tweed-6v6-2-20 He also has a free clean preset on the site https://www.sadites.com/product-page/amplitube-5-cali-tweed-clean-free-preset
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