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Brian Walton

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Everything posted by Brian Walton

  1. I have 5 machines I do creative work on. Consider getting a password manager (LastPass and KeePass both have free options), you remember one password to the database and that is it, the rest are encrypted inside of it. All ilok does is require yet another password, and either an additional application that provides zero value or a dongle that takes up a perfectly good USB port and costs an absurd amount of money..
  2. I did the same, but not looking forward to the ilok non-sense.
  3. Yeah, it isn't that they are complete duds but in no way would I consider that a deal on any of them. I'd be pretty hard pressed to find a plugin in the $240 bundle I can't find a free (or very cheap) alternative for as a Bandlab user. I use a number of Waves plugins, but only one of them is in any of those bundles (including the top tier $720 bundle!) I mean realistically buying the Omni-Channel on Sale for $30 and then getting some free-bees (and a $5 copy of Computer Music) for the reverb and delay, and limiter type of needs covers basically everything you can get in the lower tier bundle... I recall seeing this one posted in some form elsewhere, but seems to get lost. A magical de-esser for free: https://www.airwindows.com/deess-vst/
  4. All those verified buyers reviews giving 5 stars. I really wonder. I'd take a discounted Scheps Omni-Channel at a one time fee of $30 over 6 plugins in the $120/year bundle. Most of thsoe I wouldn't even use for free (and I can say that since I have a One Knob pumper and renessance reverb, super tap in that bundle that never made it on a single project.
  5. Might be the only thing you have ever posted that doesn't deserve to be in the deals section. ?
  6. It is in Elements, Standard and Advanced. As for top notch software cleaning, at this point Izoptope is probably considered the standard by which all others are judged.
  7. I'd see if you can download a trial of Elements. Use voice de-noise and set to manual, playback that "beginning" part to sample the noise. Stop and then play it again adjusting the threshold and reduction. Put the profile on music instead of voice/dialog. The more expensive versions are better suited to full frequency. However, if you were impressed by Nero's abilities. I'd image even "elements" should be an upgrade. (if your recording has pops and clicks - not just spectral consistent noise - the assistant function might help apply all of the options in one shot easily).
  8. The only real feature addition from what I've experienced is the addition of the "assistant" function. However, this only appears in the Standalone application instead of the plugin which I find annoying (considering the other Elements applications have the assistant within the plugin).
  9. This is a good deal for users that can't run DaVinci Resolve. For those that can, Resolve is free and has a more robust feature set. The color grading tools and rendering times also make Vegas 15 look like amateur hour.
  10. GIMP isn't good enough. However, Affinity Photo at $50 and you own it certianly is for pixel based photo editing like Photoshop. One also needs a good RAW converter i.e. Like Lightroom (Affinity Photo's isn't top tier). Capture One is better than LIghtroom, but also isn't a cheap alternative. DaVinci Resolve is the real deal.
  11. I tend to chime in on this subject. If you have a computer that will run it (it is selective about hardware and sytems capabilites). I'd agure it is among the best on the market. A tier above Vegas in my experience. That being said, Vegas will run on older Windows machines that Resolve won't even open on .
  12. I do not use this Waves Plugin, but I use Boz's Sasquach on Rock + Jazz (real kits) to modify the kick in various ways. Have a great mic and high end drum kits, that doesn't always get you where you want in a final mix.
  13. To be clear for non Platinum owners, CbB is missing quite a few "in house" plugins too. Rapture Pro, Multi Band Comp, Non-Linear EQ, Adaptive Limiter. But if you own Platinum all that transfers and is usable in CbB.
  14. I'm not convinced the updates do anything at all. None of my v9s to v10s actually seemed to have any difference other than the number they associate with it in your account. Unless you get stuck with non-working plugins on your system (which they won't offer customer support to help with unless you have WUP) then I do not see the point. As for the idea that you get added plugins in a particular bundle....also don't see the point since I have yet to see an addition you couldn't end up buying for way less than WUP.
  15. In this day and age where top tier daws and VSTi can be obtained legally for free, I can't imagine putting the same intrensic value on them as a quality physical instrument. DAWs and VSTi could be unleased for free such as Bandlab has done. The same offer is impractical for even the wealthiest individual to do with quality physical instruments.
  16. Depends on what you compare it to. Is it a piece of junk? Of course not. Is it on the level of what you can get from Heritage or even Eastman? Well, you could have gotten something better. I've used Gibsons for well over 20 years (ranging from models from the 1930 - acoustics and 1950s electrics). They have made some fine instruments over the years but they are not the best in the market at the price point. Therefore I'd agree with the assessment that they are not worth buying...since you can get someting comperable for less or better for the same amount.
  17. Thanks for this! I use Acoustica, but never setup the Tool Scook created to integrate the two programs.
  18. No magic formula but if you have trouble hearing and don't have someone else to mix... I'd buy iZotope neutro. Elements and run the assistant function. It should help get rid of some offensive stuff automatically.
  19. Lots of factors there. If you play acoustic with a .50 mm pick, I would sugget experimenting with other picks. JazzTone 208s are a cheap alternative that sound good, but they wear down much faster. https://www.jimdunlop.com/search.do?query=JD-Jazztones&msg=custom The BluChip is expensive (the raw material is crazy expensive, they are not charging that becuase they think they are better than other companies, they do so to make any profit). It does have some unique properties, they matieral glides off the strings yet feels grippy to the touch, never found another material like it. It also wears far more slowly than normal material. It is perfectly cut with CNC machines, the bevel you won't find on cheap picks. I don't think it is worth it for every guitar player. But I truly expect it to last the rest of my life and it makes tens of thousands of dollars worth of guitars sound better than a $1 pick does and has a consistancy to it, since it doesn't wear, so it can "slighly" improve playing as well as you get used to the exact same thing every time you pick it up and use it. A pick can have a dramatic impact on tone, beginner and advanced player alike. Of course the $75 is not just about the tone itself, other things get in that ballpark for less.
  20. https://shop.bluechippick.net/tad100-1r/ For my personal playing got it about 8-9 years ago, still looks brand new, and I don't lose guitar picks. I will say tonally I prefer the $50 TAD80. But I like the 2.5mm feel. (many tone seakers pay very high prices for Real Tortoise Shell on the "black market," this is a reasonable alternative that is legal and lasts longer)
  21. It happens to be the opinon of an educated consumer. Feel free to disagree with the opinion itself. I know plenty of people agree that $30 is the new standard for basic plugin effects thanks to the current market.
  22. A direct quote from you, so not arbitrary. Melodyne and Izotope (above the $30 sale price versions) are effectivly a suite of plugins not a single effect. Both have versions in the $30-60 range on sale. I have not used the Vertigo VSC-3 comp. But have not used a comp that is significanly better than other $30 on sale offerings. I agree with the poster above that FabFilter and UAD makes excellent stuff. Personally I think other less cost offering get results of a similar quality....and I use Evidence Audio cables and have a $75 guitar pick.
  23. Since he checks the forum: My 200 projects number is a Cakewalk By Bandlab number. If you want to get into the "life I've worked with Cakewalk" figure that is in the thousands of projects. Started using Sonar in the late 1990s. As for the fabfilter losing presets, a quick google search suggests some other DAWs have seen somewhat similar reports or problems with the plugins: (they make great plugins) https://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=182827 https://www.fabfilter.com/forum/3338/pro-q-3-bug-in-ableton-live-plugin-is-reset-when-copying-pasting-an-instance?replies=3 https://www.fabfilter.com/forum/2352/pro-q2-v202-loses-autogain-settings-from-previous-saves?replies=1 https://www.logicprohelp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=114904 https://www.native-instruments.com/forum/threads/fabfilter-proq-doesnt-save-settings-when-saving-maschine-project.183594/ He really thinks Fabfilter is bigger or more of a market leader than Cakewalk has been over the years? Software works for me and I'm thankful for it. I haven't belittled his problems as I'd be frustrated also. Though Cakewalk isn't the only variable here and there are plenty of users that have never seen these problems. As for the comments about the space bar stoppage issue being a show stopper. If it happens rarely then no, not a show stopper just a frustration. Had plenty of times when something would go wrong in an analog studio messing up a take here or there. Yes it was annoying, but albums were stil made. Real musicains suck it up and do it again. Funny coming from someone who specializes in the metal genre. He claims he has never had an issue with Waves plugins, yet he mentions Waves being one that had the reset settings issue. Hope it works out for him.
  24. What effect plugins are worth more than $100 to you, that a comperable product does not exist for the $30 sale price from the likes of Waves or Izotope? I agree with relativity, but I'm hard pressed to think of an effect plugin that justifies a $100+ price point in this day and age. The ones that are relate to packages such as Izotope or extremly advanced capabilites like Melodyne Studio. The point has nothing do with the buying plugins that cost less that you might not need or ever use. It is about comperable products at the $30 or less price point which would serve the same purpose. I'd like an example of something worth $100+ for a typical effect. This isn't they year 2000 any longer and the market has changed. I just can't think of any. Many of us own multiple machines and DRM can be a real pain.
  25. In this day and age, $100 for a single normal effect plug-in is way over priced. (Melodyne doesn't count). $50 is reasonable because of the lack of DRM and great sound. If it was locked to one authorization, $50 is $20 above $30, which is the benchmark these days.
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