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  1. I have used Cakewalk for so long that I knew they existed. But the exclusion list I totally forgot about. Thank you guys for the help!
  2. It took a while to figure out how to get it of the excluded list, but IT WORKED! This could be my goto place when there is a problem. It's not that I can't live without these plugs, but having them and not being able to use them drives me crazy. And I find the vocalstrip a quick tool to play around with. So I thank you very much for your help! cheers, Han
  3. I have started to re-opened a number of recordings from my old band, which i would like to mix again. In the old files there were some plug-ins that didn't exist anymore, but there were three that were still working; the vocalstrip, percussionstrip and the tube leveler. In the properties I could find their location, but I cannot bring up another instance of the plug-ins, neither can I in a new project. I tried to add the paths into the scan window in preferences, but it won't show up. Does anybody have an idea as to how to accomplish this? Thanx, Han
  4. Hello everyone. I am a cakewalk enthousiast since it came out for ms-dos. But this bug was new to me: When I try to line up 2 adjacent audiotracks by zooming in on the waveformdisplay to maximum and now press play, the playback continues normally, but nothing reacts anymore, until I shut it off in windows task manager. Maybe somebody recognizes this? Thanks, Han
  5. scook, you are a lifesaver. Spent a good hour trying to fix it in windows, then started up the old platinum version and their it worked normally. Only then decided to look it up online. Thanks!!
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