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Everything posted by pseudopop

  1. I'd say the answer depends on what is your definition of acceptable and what instruments you're using. I don't think any of the instruments are realistic when compared to actual VIs, but some of them sound quite nice, like the acoustic guitars. Strings and horns on the other hand are quite horrible. For a $29 software percussions are ok, I think. If you're demoing the songs to your band then any sound will probably do. If you're doing professional work and you need a demo for your client, GP's RSE won't be good enough.
  2. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/specials/komplete/cinesamples-offer-2022/
  3. Honestly, I'm not sure because I haven't used it at all, yet. I'm suspicious about it because the velocity change done via Audio Note Settings isn't visible anywhere, as far as I can tell. If you set the dynamic via the toolbar (p, mp, mf, f, etc.), you can see what it is when the cursor is on top of the note, or directly from the notation depending on your stylesheet settings. The problem is that GP doesn't think these as note dynamics but instrument dynamics, so when I have multiple instruments on the same track (drum kit) and I want to change the dynamic multiple times in the same measure for individual notes, it doesn't work the way I want it to. Currently my solution is to not set the dynamics in GP and handle it in the DAW instead, and use multiple drum tracks in certain cases. Yes, but only if you use RSE sounds (I use MIDI) and it doesn't fix the dynamic problems of individual hits. I still do. I find it much faster than clicking on the virtual fretboard/keyboard. Left hand on the arrow keys, right on the numpad. They sent me an upgrade offer in June. It was around €24. My favorite is the file browser they introduced in v7. CTRL+B to open it, then CTRL+F to filter the files and then arrow keys & enter to open the file you want or space bar for a quick listen. Much faster than clicking around the file open dialog.
  4. Yes, everything. Even the strings, synths and vocals. I've never given it much thought, but I'd say there are three main reasons for this: Compared to a DAW project, Guitar Pro is faster to open and it's faster to make changes into the composition and arrangement with it, so it makes sense to make the song as complete as possible with it. I find it's easier to collaborate with GP than with a DAW, because other people don't need the same VIs and the whole song is just a single file. Also, GP is a much smaller investment both financially and mentally. GP offers Realistic Sound Engine, but I use pure GM Synth sounds provided by Microsoft. This helps me from falling into the illusion that a melody is good when in reality it's just the prepared piano that sounds good. If something sounds good with GM sounds it's going to sound great when you use proper VIs. As a bonus, since the sounds are very "pure" even the slightest dissonance is clearly audible, which I find helps with composing. I want to point out that GP's weakness in my opinion is handling note dynamics. The problem is that when you set the dynamic it sets it for all the notes on the same beat. This is particularly problematic if you want to play the hi-hat with alternating dynamic, because it affects the kick drum and snare too. GP 8 introduces an alternative way to set the dynamics that fixes this, but I find it cumbersome, especially with drums where there may be a lot of changes in dynamics. I'm currently experimenting with using multiple tracks for the drums, so that I have hi-hat on one track, kick on another etc. I'm not sure yet if this helps or hinders in the long run, but at least it's easier to do fine tuning in the DAW. Do you know how to read and write music notation? I think that's the deciding factor. And there's always the tab notation, which you can use with every instrument (even the drums!) and which I personally find easier and faster to read and write. GP also has a MIDI input option, so you should be able to record your playing like with a DAW. I haven't used it much, so I can't say how well it works in practice.
  5. I use it alot. It's my main tool for composing. As the name implies it's better suited for guitar music (= "band music") than orchestral music, though. I've used it for years so I'm comfortable writing music with it, but it admittedly has its idiosyncrasies. I guess that depends on what kind of things you want to learn. It would probably be most useful for practicing playing in sync. You can change the tempo and loop the parts you want, which is nice for grinding difficult parts. You can also change the tuning of the instruments, so any obscure tunings are not a problem when you want to play along. But if you just want to learn how to play a song I'm not sure if it's that much better than a traditional tab book.
  6. Does this mean they are invisible in the daylight?
  7. I installed the demo and played with it. Not impressed. My biggest issues were: the output level is really low (on Reaper) increasing the Character setting (the amount of monstrousness?) increases sibilance significantly and also creates a sort of chorus effect where I can hear both the original and modified voice separately I couldn't make my voice sound like a proper death growl Not worth the money for me, unfortunately. I'll have to demo Zynaptiq Wormhole some day. YouTube demos sound much better than this.
  8. Crossgrade/upgrade option shows $39.60 for me on Eventide's website. I have Physion Mk I and SplitEQ. https://www.eventideaudio.com/upgrade?product=Physion+Mk+II
  9. $25 / €24.91 for the entire 45 item bundle. https://www.humblebundle.com/software/epic-music-producer-2022-software
  10. I bought a few plugins in June and July, but both times I managed to load my cart full of stuff so I could use my $50 voucher. Average price per plugin was $14.24 and $9.43. Also: Crispytuner was $17.76 in July, that's when I bought it (for $9.43).
  11. Normally $29, now free for a limited time. Requires newsletter subscription to download. https://samplesfrommars.com/products/909-loops
  12. In contrast, after watching some videos it seems very underwhelming to me, like it's designed to just produce a specific type of sound. Moreover, in almost every video I watched I thought the plugin made the sound worse, but that's musical styles & tastes for you, I guess.
  13. I, too, like the sound, but I have to admit I was disappointed by the loops. I listened to the demos but I didn't realize the loops would all be swinging as hard as they are. I was hoping that at least some of them would be in straight(ish) rhythm (is that the correct way to say it?). Also, after a quick listen they all seem to be quite fast, so not really suitable for laid back night club jazz. You know, something like this: (Best game soundtrack ever, IMO. Edit: Actually, Age of Conan by Knut Avenstroup Haugen takes the top place. This is second.)
  14. If it's now in closed alpha, then I guess that will be the open beta stage.
  15. I honestly can't say I have noticed anything like that when playing with the Lost Piano. I'm not a pianist and my keyboard is not the best there is, but I haven't noticed anything erratic about the touch either. It is possible that someone who is more sensitive is able to perceive something off there.
  16. Didn't see this posted, so it might be new to someone else besides me, too.
  17. Normally $149, now $49.99. https://www.pa-megastore.com/unfiltered-audio-needlepoint/ Edit: Old site: https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/unfiltered_audio_needlepoint.html They're really pushing that subscription model with this new site.
  18. https://prodsecrets.com/pages/free-s1-sample-pack You get the download link after subscribing to ProdSecrets newsletter.
  19. There's also the Lost Piano by Westwood Instruments. https://www.westwoodinstruments.com/instruments/lostpiano/ Some demos:
  20. There is also an intro deal for ML Drums Essentials: €29.99, normally €39.99. https://ml-sound-lab.com/pages/ml-drums
  21. Did someone say Nordic crime drama?
  22. @daveiv If you have some version of Komplete you may already own the FM8, so check that first.
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