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Lizzie Foster

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Everything posted by Lizzie Foster

  1. Don't they run in the UVI Workstation? I have 3 form a prior sale, but never use because I forget they are there.
  2. Here is the generic $5 coupon code. It has worked multiple times apd-e1047-s622-lrg
  3. Do I have this already? Eh, it's free. I can afford to "buy" it again.... ?
  4. Pick up the custom set at a place like JRR. You can't buy it from XLN if you own Addictive Drums. It includes AD2, plus your choice of 3 drum sets, 3 midi packs, and 3 extras. Worth it just for the drum kits and midi. There's an XL version with 6 kits and midi. Not on sale outside of XLN yet. Sometimes it takes a day or too.
  5. I'm almost wondering if it would have been better to start all over and use something like Melodyne to fix the piano and leave the rest alone? Edit: I think you can download a trial version.
  6. This is one of those things I have a problem with. The bargain hunter in me says "BUY", but the person who just doesn't like synths says, "yeah, sounds like every other synth I own and never use."
  7. I was just coming on to say the same thing. There are nice things about Silka, but I kind of like Insolidus better. And both over the others. But Silka does sound good. As a note, I am a soprano. I've had some classical training before I went pop/rock. I don't see any use for the sopranos for me. A lot of others love them.
  8. The 4 listed above. I don't have Requiem Pro (I do have Soundiron's Requiem Lite) and the New Studio Sopranos.
  9. I like the name. But I have an awful lot of these things and half the time end up using Waves Tune because it is easy.
  10. I do. They are. And? Slightly different. I have all 4. I have too much stuff. They all sound really good. Some are louder, some are softer, but you can similar sound by just changing the volume. Very playable though.
  11. I've heard of this being used to remove excess reverb. Might be more useful when trying to match orchestral libraries.
  12. This thing is so pretty. But I don't synths much. Not sure I'd ever use it.
  13. $87 at Time+Space with my loyalty points. Didn't realize I had so many! What a deal! ? ? Probably can use customer discounts at Best Service also.
  14. Ah well, missed it this time. I've bought it twice just for the Groove3 code. The rest is mostly useless. I gave away the Studio One codes to a couple of broke guys who used it to upgrade. The Sonnox one does work. I also believe the IK ones still work.
  15. I also like the Seahorse. But I think that is a bit more. Besides single hits, it has some nice arp-y loops? Not really loops as it will continue as long as the midi note is drawn. It is a wooden instrument like a frog guiro. They have some really great inexpensive percussion libraries. But be worth picking one up to save 20%.
  16. The Bottles are great! I've bought them at least twice!
  17. I was thinking of doing the competitive crossgrade just to keep my Cubase version.
  18. Avid offered free home use versions to people with a Studio version for 90 days. There were some qualifications, but it was supposed to allow studio personnel to work from home. Of course, not sure how it works without all the plugins that are on the studio computers.
  19. Someone pointed out on another board you can crossgrade from another DAW (most of us have at least 2) for $420 if you have an e-licenser or $447.99 if you don't. I don't know if they charge shipping on the e-licenser or where they are shipping from. You can get one for the same price at places like Sweetwater if it is a problem. With this crossgrade, you don't lose your Cubase license. Just a thought.....
  20. May have to look at this, though my current Launchkey 61 is less than a year old. My older 25 and 49 still work great and I don't use Ableton enough to justify an upgrade. I think my next one may be on of those NI 32 key ones. They look perfect for travel. My Launchkey 25 is missing the mod wheel. I would really like a mod wheel. Edit - the 25 key now has a mod wheel - nice!
  21. This is one of those cool plugins that I don't really have a use for yet, but might be nice to have. Especially if I ever finish the project of putting old records on mp3. After verifying they aren't available anymore. However, it isn't at a no-brainer price for me (as in under $30) So I will probably wait until it shows up for sale at a place I have discount points, like Time+Space
  22. Other issue is, if you do this, you lose your Cubase license. They you are stuck paying for Nuendo upgrades which are generally higher than Cubase ones.
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