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Lizzie Foster

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Everything posted by Lizzie Foster

  1. Sometimes the stuff bought on sale doesn't get the grace period. But they won't know if you didn't buy directly from them.
  2. I just got the bundle - and I bought it for the Groove3 pass. If you got an upgrade code, I would try it. Potentially, you still have to pay for the upgrade to 5, but you never know. I don't know if Presonus has grace periods.
  3. Can't hurt to try. I'm guessing you paid full price on it rather than the cheap discount version I got.
  4. For all those who missed Taupe at the last sale. ?
  5. Well, there is a new hardware thing, but they didn't talk about it that I saw. I think the live stuff might be a game-changer for some people. Just not for me. It seems directed towards the Ableton crowd other than the Notion integration, which is nice. Not really a game changer though.
  6. Avid has something like that also. I will probably go for traditional. And probably wait for a sale. Missed the first bit, but didn't see anything that said "BUY ME NOW!"
  7. Guess it is good for those just starting out?
  8. The only DAW that lets you record, mix, & master? Maybe I'm missing something?
  9. It depends on what you want to do. I use the chord track a lot. There are a lot of midi things like expression maps and chord structures, a lot of which is more useful if you do orchestration. It also can handle a large number of tracks. I mean, I heard of someone who had a template with close to 1,000 tracks. I don't really used CbB, but I've used Sonar for years. I understand the current version is an upgrade from Platinum without the added content? It does most things fine as long as you don't try to do huge track counts. You get a lot of additional content with Cubase. And, Cubase is a bit of a pain coming from another DAW. Setting it up is complicated at times. Everything is VST, even the audio. You have to enable tracks before it will accept midi - as in if you just open the editor and draw in midi, it won't play. Recording it in does enable it, otherwise you have to highlight the whole track - or what I do is set the flags at top to farther apart than my planned piece - in order to hear the midi. Those are the main things that bother me coming from Sonar. I think you can get a trial to see if you like it. Otherwise, I found Studio One to be a much easier to use DAW coming from Sonar and ProTools.
  10. LOL! I hear this every update. Not sure it is possible. Cubase is built on old technology. They would probably restart from the ground up if they really wanted to fix everything - or so I've heard from a number of people. Same for ProTools. That's why everyone was hoping Studio One would work out better, since it was like a redo of Cubase (started by old Cubase programmers.) And? 10 has been pretty stable for me.
  11. How do you save new presets without over writing the old ones?
  12. I bought it. It is really cool and there are enough great presets to make it worthwhile.
  13. I knew about some of them. Not sure they haven't added more though...
  14. Maybe he took a v-v-v-vacation????? ? ? ? ? ? Doesn't he know there are no vacations when it comes to sales????? I do hope he is not ill with all this stuff going on around us. ?
  15. Well, another year of Groove3 for $20 .... sure!
  16. Well, you can always get the 2 Lindells and never download them. It's not like you lose out on anything doing that. Trying to decide whether to get a couple free $10 things, or pay $9 for something a little more interesting that I may never use.
  17. I think the only disappointing thing about it is they only have 3 mic positions but they recorded something like 20 mics. That would be kind of cool to have access to more mics I'm not sure how many mic positions Kontakt can support. I know it was an issue for Embertone's Walker.
  18. One time use though. Once you choose, that is it. Unless you have 2 accounts. Because you made one once before to take advantage of some great deal. Not naming names or anything..... ?
  19. I kind of get software piracy in countries where a normal wage is something like $10/day. You can't spend your monthly salary on a piece of software. But why would you buy it? If you are going to get a cracked version, go find a free one. I see them around when I do google searches for the real thing. It would really suck to save up to pay for this and find you bought malware. At least with the free version, you get what you paid for.....
  20. One time use, Thinking about BX Hybrid for $9. Famous people use it so it must be good, right? Seriously, though, I should just get a couple of guitar amps.
  21. Well, shoot! I paid $10 for one of the Lindell plugins yesterday. It could have been free! I don't really need any more PA stuff. I have most of the ones I'm semi interested in. But, I guess I could check it out. You know, in case I missed something my GAS decides is necessary to my continued happiness.
  22. I love the Session Keys pianos. Only negative is you can't output the midi. There's too much other info that messes it up.
  23. The whole kit and caboodle. I actually have come up with a lot of song ideas while sitting in the turn lane listening to the blinker sound.
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