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Tom Taylor

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Everything posted by Tom Taylor

  1. There's an excellent 6-part series of articles by Greg Simmons on the AudioTechnology website, on the subject of mixing with headphones. Highly recommended: https://www.audiotechnology.com/tutorials/mixing-with-headphones-1
  2. Charles, this may be helpful - it's from the Focusrite website support pages : https://support.focusrite.com/hc/en-gb/articles/8986949204498-I-m-getting-little-or-no-signal-from-my-microphone
  3. I agree with Larry. I think Steve's original post was rightly intended as a recommendation for what is, in my opinion, an excellent, really useful resource for Cakewalk users. I don't quite understand why others need to be troubled by his recommending one, two or even a dozen different DAWs. Like many on YouTube, he's making an honest living with these videos, but unlike much of the available YT stuff, his lessons are well structured, clear and informative...and above all, it's FREE to us. At the end of the day there's room for Mike, John and anyone else who wants to post lessons. If you don't like it, vote with your feet. (... or should that be your mouse...?)
  4. It's only a couple of years ago that we were all saying "Demix an existing stereo recording ? IMPOSSIBLE ! That will never happen!" Then AI systems came along... ... so perhaps this is one for future days... (..er...months?? )
  5. ... I came up with a file naming format a while back, in an attempt to sort several year's worth of confusing filenames. It works very well - for me at least - but it's difficult and time consuming to suddenly change over to a system like this. As someone once said, you either pay for having to do it now, or you pay later for not having done it ... Anyway, here's the format: Cakewalk File name format: Field 1: The Song / Project / Template name Field 2: The Date in yyyy-mm-dd format Field 3: Category, 3 char. signifying: DEM – Demo, idea, sketch, TRA - tracking, MIX – mixing, MAS – mastering, PRT – Project template, TRT – Track template Field 4: Version/Take number Field 5: File extension: Cakewalk file extension eg .cwp, cwt etc. Fields are separated by underscore characters EXAMPLES: 3rd take of ‘MySong’on July 28 2022 would be saved as: MySong_2022-07-28_TRA_03.cwp 5th Mix of ‘MySong’ recorded on Nov 12 2022: MySong_2022-11-12_MIX_05.cwp 1st Recording of ‘A7GtrRiff’ demo on October 19 2021: A7GtrRiff_2021_10_19_DEM_01.cwp 3rd version ‘StringQuart’ Project template made on March 4 2022: StringQuart_ 2022_03_04_PRT_03.cwt Any thoughts ? Cheers, Tom
  6. Hi Paul. Go to Views menu > Markers to display a list of all of the markers in your project To delete a marker, highlight it by clicking on its entry in the list, in the list then press the delete key on your keyboard. Double clicking an entry in the list allows you to edit the marker's name/time etc. Cheers
  7. I don't know of one, but Mike at Creative Sauce has an excellent tutorial on Articulation Maps, which actually uses Amplesound Acoustic Guitar as the example : https://youtu.be/owkYPMuhcQo This should get you most of the way there. Cheers, Tom
  8. There’s a very good free app called Smash which allows you to transfer very large files or data between devices. I‘ve used it to transfer groups of large files to my PC from both an iPad and an Android phone. I think you should be able to use it to transfer in the other direction, ie from a PC to an iPhone. Details at: https://en.fromsmash.com/ I hope this helps. Tom
  9. Pete, I've had the same problem, but if you carry on typing, complete your details and press Enter, it still logs you in.
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