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martsave martin s

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Everything posted by martsave martin s

  1. (i know it's not your issue) when i close my project "save on console-view" next time i open it up,it always revert back to track-view..
  2. i really like the new "in-line" edit filter !! thanks cakewalk
  3. im on Version 10.0.17763 Numéro 17763 all is fine here..
  4. CJ Jacobson i found the problem it was the 3pins ground thank you!! martin
  5. im deseparate please tell me if it could be the KRK monitors??? (all of others cheap speakers dont do this noise)
  6. the output of my sound card are RCA,i tried RCA-to 1\4 on the speaker and still the noise is there.. yes (i will try that) no just mixing i just plug them this morning.. i made a mistake i mean "i can ear my mouse movement"
  7. pls(apologise for my english)_ i just bought a pair KRK rokit-G5 g3 all is pluged (roland quade-capture)and the sound is amazing but i get a 'noise" on both speaker,(i can hear the movement of my mouse ,keybord..ect please help me i dont know if it is speakers(they are used but like new) thanks martin
  8. not for now but when the theme will be finish i will make available to dounload
  9. Canopus,msmcleod many thanks!! i got it
  10. thanks i know that setting on the fly..but i would like to get it "global"
  11. can you please poste an image of the setting? martin
  12. can anyone tell me where on the cakewalk-theme editor where i can change the background 'strip' color? thanks martin
  13. my request is to be able to make setting in cakewalk-theme-editor without the need to close\open cakewalk.. thanks martin
  14. look good im download it thanks
  15. i have combined the (tracks-view)from Mariano theme(Boston Flowers), and i make the console-view to my taste.. my theme name is easy on eyes theme douwnload (here is an update) image hebergeur photo du web (tracks view) (clik to zoom) thanks for looking cher martin
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