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martsave martin s

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Everything posted by martsave martin s

  1. thanks for the clarication Base 57 martin
  2. im more on i want to be sure that the kick (clip mono) is output-mono(including FX plug)?? does that make sense? do you guys set the interleave button to mono?
  3. let say if we put a sonitus EQ(stereo plug) on a kick track(mono-clip), interleave-button set to stereo,does the EQ will process the track as stereo?
  4. (sorry to hijack this thread) if we put a sonitus EQ on a kick track interleave-button set to stereo,does the EQ will process the track as stereo?
  5. do we set the interleave-button to mono?
  6. we have to be aware to dont move left\right before drag a clip to another track martin
  7. hi there i use to remember on SONAR 5 holding the shift-key (drag 'copy') a clip ,will prevent the clip to move left or right is there a key for this in CBBL? thanks martin
  8. im using nero express https://www.commentcamarche.net/download/telecharger-34056254-nero-6
  9. hi there can i plug a USB 2 audio-card on a USB 3 plug? thx martin
  10. there is no more 2 cursor on track-view,but i still get a 'ghost' cursor time to time on console-view(on big project) wich dissapear when i press the rewind-button.. mine is intel HD- graphics 530,go to intel then download the latest drivers
  11. (forget about i find it) what is the note for a snare please? is it A5 ? thanks martin
  12. on device-manager on all USB hub un-check "allow the computer to close this device to save power" (something like this, cuz im using windows 10 in french... martin
  13. have you tried plugin manager you can import\export preset on a file..
  14. have you tried slip edit the clip to the start? just a idea..
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