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martsave martin s

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Everything posted by martsave martin s

  1. i use this one,once the image is upload,scroll a bit then find [embed-codes] just below this choose [BBCode] copy & paste the BBCode here go here
  2. sometime when i load a project with a FX-chain on the master,the plugin not load corectly..
  3. sorry i dont understand.. what do i drag?
  4. im completly newbee with the Step Sequencer, once i'v done a 4\bar what do i do with it? i mean is there a drag\drop option or something..??
  5. me too getting error,downloaded it and all is good..
  6. ok Lenses is set none screenset are not locked..(i dont use both..
  7. closing-save in console-view always revert back to track-view when opening a projet not a big problem but i would to know if im the only one? thanks martin
  8. do you know what setting cause this, im having "ghost" cursor time to time..?
  9. let say you have 4 or 5 fx-plugs you save fx-rack to fx-chain,then bingo you have them stored so that you can use it whatever you want...
  10. once your track is recorded you use the interleave button to stereo output or mono output.. per ex:the output track-stereo to a reverb FX,that's where the interleave button make a difference. if you set the interleave mono-the reverb will sound mono.. (i hope you understand what i mean my native is french..LOL
  11. no i mean when you select the input of your track it's supose to be input=left-audio card or right-audio card, or stereo=input... the interleave button is post-output..
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