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martsave martin s

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Everything posted by martsave martin s

  1. you can open a demo project(on start-screen) there you can experiment the basic options (add fx,solo track,..) you can also go to preference (hitting p on the keybord)and see what's all settings are there) just take your time to learn cakewalk..wich is really in fact easy tu use, both basic and advanced... martin
  2. dont miss it guys it's really a reverb plate-140 hardware base (free until 31 december)
  3. you can make a copy of your project (as a test)and try scenes to see if all working fine on loading a scene(with full plugins) martin
  4. yes thanks CJ,if i found one i will post it here i know that in guitar-rig 4 there is a module [sustain-module]but i think it's mono...will look on this
  5. i just tried it and man this reverb sound really good!!
  6. i found this on Arturia (free reverb plate-140) (you need to create a account)they give it until 31 december.. go here cheer martin Edited 26 minutes ago by martsave martin s
  7. i just tried it on a project..awesome!! martin
  8. ps(im not working for the company)im just sharing my found i found this on Arturia (free reverb plate-140) (you need to create a account)they give it until 31 december.. here cheer martin
  9. does anyone know of a "pure" sustain plug in?
  10. martsave martin s


    really good, i like your style
  11. make your track the way you want then right-click and [set as default height] then add your track..(it will be the size you setup)
  12. martsave martin s


    hi there Grebz i like your song it sound good !
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