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Jon L. Jacobi

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Everything posted by Jon L. Jacobi

  1. I'm guessing you'll eventually get around to this, but coloring events by track, and automatically including events by the clip/track selections in the arranger seems to be in order. Same methodology as the Piano Roll. I don't use the event list often, but opened it because someone had mentioned it.
  2. I'll admit that I hate tiny icons. When in a hurry to get something done, trying to be precise with the mouse is the last thing I need. I generally just opt for the key commands or timeline to +/- but sometimes it would be nice to use the mouse. I personally like dragging the ends of the scroll bar handle to do this a la Melodyne (without the funky-looking handles please), but the little magnification slider is cool as well. I wish it were larger and the old larger/smaller icons were gone. I think visually it would be a lot cleaner as well. However, as there might be users who feel the opposite so an option for one or the other might be nice. If there is one, my bad, but I didn't spot it under customization in preferences.
  3. As annoying as Facebook can be about some things, it’s also allowed me to contact dozens of people from my past that I would never have otherwise have been able to contact.
  4. This might also provide enough room to integrate some of the MIDI processing stuck in dialogs at the moment.
  5. Personally, I would prefer that they work on things that can’t be done via VST. There are samplers galore on the market, so refining and simplifying the workflow and maximizing stability should be prioritized. I think this approach is already attracting attention.
  6. The ProChannel takes over the entire inspector on an audio track, so why not do the same with a MIDI track with all those MIDI FX. It would certainly make them easier to read and use.
  7. An option to disarm all other tracks when you arm the current track. This makes it quicker to pursue an idea because you don’t have to constantly check to see if other tracks might inadvertently be written to. Shift or Ctrl could used to arm multiple tracks when this option is selected. Just as an aside, I have overwritten tracks that weren’t in view because I had forgotten to disarm them. Generally because inspiration trumped careful methodology. Yes, a personal issue... ?
  8. Good habits, but I’m sometimes hasty when pursuing an idea. Especially when I have a guitar in my hands. Also, you can get to said idea quicker if you can simply create a track, arm it, and start recording. Not a huge deal, but I think a lot of people might like it.
  9. Not having to worry about disarming tracks is kind of the point. Logic lacks exclusive arming and by default will record if you press record, even if nothing is armed but it’s not optional. I can understand it, but don’t like it. I now remember having overwritten stuff back in the day with Cakewalk. Not a huge deal, but exclusive (with modifiers to select more) would certainly be a nice option, at least for me. On an up note, I’m quite impressed after being away for about 15 years. How does one go about a feature request?
  10. Thanks! I thought so. Just wanted to confirm. I suppose it actually saves a step.
  11. Okay, there are several editors, but I was really trying to confirm that there’s no create a blank clip then edit workflow as with most DAWs. Thanks.
  12. So in Cakewalk you don't create MIDI clips in the arranger, you use the piano roll to create them by editing? Or did I miss something? Is there any way to make arming exclusive to a single track? I.e., arming a track deselects arming on other tracks unless you use shift or ctrl. I have a definite tendency to leave things armed when I don't really want to. More than once I've scrolled back to a track to find it overwritten when I didn't want to overwrite it.
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