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Everything posted by Davydh

  1. How do you make those awesome GIFs? Is there a page that teaches you how step by step? Thanks!!
  2. They don't need the entire project. You could cut it down to the part that gaps/jumps the most. I.e. crop the project down to a ten second long section. Make sure it's still exhibiting the same behaviour.
  3. For some reason the website slightly dropped the price when I order it, so even better!! ?
  4. Just got it, thanks for letting me know!
  5. It's because I'm about to get a new music PC and I was worried about installing it on my current laptop and it not working on my new system when it's built. Thanks for the reply!
  6. Thanks for that. What's their authorisation scheme? Ilok? Can you authorize to USB or change from one machine to another. I can't find any info on that.
  7. Have you tried committing it then rendering?
  8. I wouldn't expect a preview to be seemless. It's a rough example before you commit to the project being rearranged.
  9. You get about 90% of your money back to permanently buy the plugins of your choice.
  10. So one of my favourite sound engineers ever is Joe Barresi (Soundgarden, Tool), and I was watching a video about his studio where it showed this piece of gear. Then I found out Boz makes a plugin of it. Then I found out Cakewalk made a prochannel module out of it!!! Before Gibson did what they did. Bandlab, please consider selling the prochannel modules again sometime... I'd rather get a native Cakewalk version than a separate external 3rd party version. Thank you for your consideration!
  11. The coolest and most useful feature added in recent history! Cakewalk originally wasn't primarily recording software (though it's great it can now do that too! I'd to see VCA faders one day though :p) but music creation software . This feature honours Cakewalk's original purpose. And while it's primarily for composers and song writers, producers can also chop up songs or pieces for television and film!
  12. I always create my midi within Cakewalk and trigger other virtual instruments, so all good! ?☺️
  13. Are you saying arranger doesn't work with midi? You have to render virtual instruments?
  14. I've composed quite a complicated song with lots of changes and different sections. I was wondering about chopping up certain sections and changing major parts. This arranger tool is going to be phenomenal to hearing different applications of the themes!!! Thank you so much!!!
  15. @Noel Borthwick I'm checking every day for the next release ?☺️. I'm curious what you've been hacking away at. It's all good. Patience I know. ☺️
  16. If you have a multi fader controller and put an SSL plugin on each track, can you assign each fader to each different instance of the SSL plugin? Thanks
  17. I bought it. I appreciate all the work Craig put into it and there's some good things in the article, all that said. I still would love to see actual VCA faders in Cakewalk. It's so much more simpler and more effective.
  18. Can you pay just for the article? What I want is to be able to automate the level of multiple channels before they hit any plugins that are placed on channels. Kind regards, David
  19. The solution to protecting against a Gibson situation is clone your harddrive. If something bad happened to the company, God forbid, you could reinstall your clone and do that every six months...
  20. I hope you're all safe and well!
  21. Grem, thanks. Is there a way to automate that?
  22. The only problem is while that will control the volume hitting the aux plugins, it won't control the volume hitting the plugins on the tracks themselves. How hard is it to assign a fader on a control surface in Cakewalk to control the track gain on multiple tracks? And then record automation for that fader. Thank you!
  23. Thank you to everyone who replied. Just for clarification the reason was to control how much level of all the various drum tracks hit the plugins. I guess I could route them all to an aux for group fading then post fader off to another aux with the plugins on them. I means I need two auxes though right? Thanks everyone!
  24. @Kevin Perry Let's say you have track gain for kick drum at -2db, snare -3db, overheads +2db etc. and you want to turn up or down all the gains without changing their relationship i.e. you turn down 2db and now kick is -4db, snare -5db, overheads 0db. How do you do that in Cakewalk with a single fader?
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