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Everything posted by Fleer

  1. Lustrous lustrous lustrous plates.
  2. And it’s one of my absolute favorites from Sample Logic. Ambience galore.
  3. Been wondering about this bundle for some time. Seems to be around for ten years or so, found some recent reviews from Sweetwater customers (https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/882i--bbe-882i-sonic-maximizer/reviews#:~:text=Sweetwater Reviews&text=Plain and simple%3A this product,enormous difference in the sound.). Any users?
  4. Another oldie but goodie, upgraded to version 2. One of their classics.
  5. Sweet indeed. Only had the Ignite version of VM, this one doubles the fun.
  6. That Rust bundle is fine.
  7. This one was in the original MODO, wasn’t it?
  8. Nice little baby. An emu of an emu of an emu.
  9. Fleer

    Chop Suey half price

    This one’s from 2021 but still going strong here. Interestingly, the samples are not layered, they are crossfaded, one after the other.
  10. Some pretty good ones in there, particularly the Nord Lead.
  11. I like this one, even though I also have Scaler. Quite inspiring.
  12. But … but … I gave an end date. And a list price … Anyway. Nice synth. Got the motherload.
  13. Some serious woopin’ going on there
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